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American dream in the face of credit crunch!

Survival mode

Even food is becoming unaffordable, today I saw someone shamelessly stop their car to pick up a road kill rabbit :eek:. Last year dead deer would rot by the roadside, not any more.
If you are young unemployed and from a developing country go a head and come you have nothing to lose atleast for now, if you come from one of the G8 nations and you're employed think thrice before you make the decision.
100% true -if you are from Europe comming here would be a mistake of possibly catastrofic proportions -you might lose money but the time you gonna waste here is the biggest loss on you part -especialy if you have any kind of job in your country think 10x more if you relly need this ''experinace ''-for all practical purpose this country has nothing to offer to you for considerable time -4-5 years minimum and even then who knows whats gonna be like ,on the other hand if you come from Africa Asia ,or central America you might find that the life is better on account that you can actualy buy food and have running water and covered sewers on you leasure(no offence please)
one job to find depends on your Skills, ability ,qualification and experience. if you have those factors then you will have good offers with a very good salary from the 1st day in USA.
Like la1 said, it all depends on qualification, experience etc. E.g. in IT Business there are tons of open and well paid jobs.
JOb losses@345000!

Unemployment rate at 9.4%- highest in 26 years

This statistics is scary for amaerica wannabe's like myself

but guess what nothing good comes easy-draw up what you plan to achieve in US, partner with God and the result would be amazeing

Teaste and see that the lord is Goosd

My one cent!

Jobs will come and jobs will go what about being an employer too!
If you have an established career in your home country with a reasonable living standard especially if you are in the EU I do not recommend coming here unless you have a stable employer offering you a permanent position for at least a year or more.

You should wait until you have such position waiting for you and somebody helping you to settle down.

Coming here and trying to find a position without very specific skills (doctor, engineer with years of experience) can be especially hard these days. My friend was out of job for 9 months in Texas with years of experience in E&P industry.
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Is there a lot of prejudice against DV winners or discrimination against Green Card holders? (regarding job interviews and such)
It is not legal to ask for visa status, race and age.

However, skilled workers from Europe are favord from U.S. companies.
It is not legal to ask for visa status, race and age.

However, skilled workers from Europe are favord from U.S. companies.

It is legal to ask for immigration status/visa status. But it is not legal to ask for race, country of origin, etc.

All employers in the U.S will ask your immigration status/visa status when you fill in job application or going in for an interview. They can't discriminate you from job just because you're a Green Card Holder because a Green Card entitled you to work and live permanently in the U.S, just like a U.S Citizen.

But if you hold an non-immigrant visa like the F1 and J1 visa, they could discriminate you indirectly in a job interview on bases that they will not provide sponsorship or they will only take priorities to people who have a permit to work in the U.S.
discrimination against GC holders are on the rise no mistake about that -you should check various blogs on the internet-also unemplyment rare is for shure much higher then "official" estimate of 9.2% -counting people who fell out of system or not looking for job anymore + people who are underployed (working less then 30 hours per week) it comes to 17% (this is also conservative estimate ) - which is way up then any other"developed" country has or had in the recent past; some economist are "toying" with figure of 20%-21% by the end of the year or begining of the next year
discrimination against GC holders are on the rise no mistake about that -you should check various blogs on the internet-also unemplyment rare is for shure much higher then "official" estimate of 9.2% -counting people who fell out of system or not looking for job anymore + people who are underployed (working less then 30 hours per week) it comes to 17% (this is also conservative estimate ) - which is way up then any other"developed" country has or had in the recent past; some economist are "toying" with figure of 20%-21% by the end of the year or begining of the next year

Which blogs? I never heard anything about discrimination against GC holder. Are you sure about this?
counting people who fell out of system or not looking for job anymore
How can people not looking for employment contribute to the unemployment rate? Sounds like nonsense.

some economist are "toying" with figure of 20%-21%
Again, it doesn't make any sense to estimate such percentage for a country as huge and diverse as US. In certain neighborhoods you'll have 200% people without a job, but claiming that every fifth American cannot find a job is plain wrong. In my town in the middle of nowhere everybody who wants a job has it.
bmx88, your stories are annoying, I can't hear them any longer. It's nobodys else fault that you were not able to survive in the U.S. :mad:
100% true -if you are from Europe comming here would be a mistake of possibly catastrofic proportions -you might lose money but the time you gonna waste here is the biggest loss on you part -especialy if you have any kind of job in your country think 10x more if you relly need this ''experinace ''-for all practical purpose this country has nothing to offer to you for considerable time -4-5 years minimum and even then who knows whats gonna be like ,on the other hand if you come from Africa Asia ,or central America you might find that the life is better on account that you can actualy buy food and have running water and covered sewers on you leasure(no offence please)

I have to agree with Taz here. I have been working in the US for the past 7.5 years on a visa and yes the economy is bad and yes a lot of people have lost their jobs.
However, these are not just GC or non-immigrants and it is not just the US who is taking a beating. The entire world is having problems as the global economy is tightly interwoven, so saying just the US needs 4 or 5 years to recover is unsubstantiated. The best economic brains having difficulty predicting how this global situation will develop and can be resolved. Makes me wonder what makes you so qualified...
A lot of my friends in Asia and Europe are just starting to feel the effects of the economic downturn and might be in for a similar experience that has been taken place in the US.
Many of my friends who lost their jobs in the past year in the US have found new ones and more and more jobs seem to be getting available here by the day. These jobs are mainly in the areas where higher education is required, so many people with blue collar jobs might need a bit more time to get back on their feet.

It all depends on your attitude and skill set: work hard and live modest!
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discrimination against GC holders are on the rise no mistake about that -you should check various blogs on the internet-also unemplyment rare is for shure much higher then "official" estimate of 9.2% -counting people who fell out of system or not looking for job anymore + people who are underployed (working less then 30 hours per week) it comes to 17% (this is also conservative estimate ) - which is way up then any other"developed" country has or had in the recent past; some economist are "toying" with figure of 20%-21% by the end of the year or begining of the next year

I have to agree with this -it happend to me and couple of my friends - one friend of mine even got a whole tirade by the guy (usual thing like "why did you come here etc." )hiring -but what can you do?? I dont realy have much experiance with US so far being here only for year but its strange mostly hostile experinace so far -I personaly have a feeling of being in very strange country where everything was running smoothly till certain point when the fuel (money) runs out and now everybody is just tearing what ever they can get their hands on it -
beign from Eastern Europe Istill remember so called "transition period" (1989-1999)in my country after the fall of communism when new rules of the game got introduced and some people took huge advantage of it and majority of population just lost the grip and fell totaly out of system-and also which I find strange is perception of some people talking about the system here in the US (and also here on this forum)which is pretty optimistic or should I say idealistic whereas its actualy totaly opposite -I personaly have a feeling of total insecurity regarding my job at the moment ,my savings in the bank -
my healt(what would happen if I get ill) etc . its littlebit unsetling -this is not just my feeling but almost all the people I know have the same (mixed)feelings ;also its strange to find such shallow place which lives by total stereotype-here it seems that only thing counting in your favour is 1.personal beauty -2.connections (family or friends) 3 ."your people" i.e. immigrants from your old country who are willing to"scratch you back" and only then talent ,knowledge etc.
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I have to agree with this -it happend to me and couple of my friends - one friend of mine even got a whole tirade by the guy (usual thing like "why did you come here etc." )hiring -but what can you do?? I dont realy have much experiance with US so far being here only for year but its strange mostly hostile experinace so far -I personaly have a feeling of being in very strange country where everything was running smoothly till certain point when the fuel (money) runs out and now everybody is just tearing what ever they can get their hands on it -
beign from Eastern Europe Istill remember so called "transition period" (1989-1999)in my country after the fall of communism when new rules of the game got introduced and some people took huge advantage of it and majority of population just lost the grip and fell totaly out of system-and also which I find strange is perception of some people talking about the system here in the US (and also here on this forum)which is pretty optimistic or should I say idealistic whereas its actualy totaly opposite -I personaly have a feeling of total insecurity regarding my job at the moment ,my savings in the bank -
my healt(what would happen if I get ill) etc . its littlebit unsetling -this is not just my feeling but almost all the people I know have the same (mixed)feelings ;also its strange to find such shallow place which lives by total stereotype-here it seems that only thing counting in your favour is 1.personal beauty -2.connections (family or friends) 3 ."your people" i.e. immigrants from your old country who are willing to"scratch you back" and only then talent ,knowledge etc.

Do you regret coming here?

It is true the more connections you have, the more things you easier can get done...if you know the right people:);)

On the other hand I have noticed that more people over here are willing to help out strangers in need and more people do volunteer work than in Europe and give money to charity....but that will be over soon if Obama keeps being the president....:rolleyes:
Unemployment rate at 9.4%- highest in 26 years

This statistics is scary for amaerica wannabe's like myself

but guess what nothing good comes easy-draw up what you plan to achieve in US, partner with God and the result would be amazeing

Teaste and see that the lord is Goosd

My one cent!

Jobs will come and jobs will go what about being an employer too!
Thanks buddy, this is just to say you nail it!,i wanna be employer of labour, really living the dream.:cool::cool::cool: