After the Aug Bull....Is still Ameriaca the Best

Pheno_Menon said:
indian_gc_ocean, you are right. The hiring process is pretty detail and extensive but this was a Canadian hire and I do not know where the breach in the wall was. It proved to be a costly mistake for us.

GreenCardVirus, faking is the general term and applies to anything that is not true.

Let's say you have really done 1,2,3,4 at clients ABC, DEF and GHI.
#1 -> Absolutely honest - 1,2 at ABC, 1,3 at DEF and 1,2,4 at GHI
#2 -> Resume padding - 1,2,3 at ABC, 1,2,3,4 at DEF and 1,2,3,4,5,6 at GHI where 5,6 are in some way related to 1,2,3,4
#3 -> Resume fudging - #1 or #2, plus 3,4,5 at JKL, 4,5,6 at MNO
#4 -> Resume doctoring - making you a whole different animal when previous skills lose value and new skills need to be included.

Is the list complete, I am not sure...

I've always been in #2 never in #1. My ex consultant type employer made me take an interviews of resume type #3 and in couple of instances even #4, but they never ever worked out for me.

Have you ever seen resumes of fresh graduates in US (or India, BS or MS). They always have experience. I think only 0.1% people fall in #1.
GreenCardVirus said:
I've always been in #2 never in #1. My ex consultant type employer made me take an interviews of resume type #3 and in couple of instances even #4, but they never ever worked out for me.

Have you ever seen resumes of fresh graduates in US (or India, BS or MS). They always have experience. I think only 0.1% people fall in #1.

Yes, as indicated in my previous post, type #2 is very common and an accepted fact when reviewing resumes. Furthermore, those can be verified during interviews and compromises made by the hiring team as needed.

I haven't seen any fresh grad resumes from India generally because they learn on a couple of maintenance projects with their first employer and no chance of seeing their resumes. However they tend to go #3, once they start looking for opportunities in the US and then fudging is limited by the individual's ambitions. Most get exposed though during interviews.

#1 types are definitely more than what you think, maybe 5-10%, because someone with several years of IT and 5-10 years in their domain don't have to jeopardize their careers by faking on their resumes.
Pheno_Menon said:
#1 types are definitely more than what you think, maybe 5-10%, because someone with several years of IT and 5-10 years in their domain don't have to jeopardize their careers by faking on their resumes.

Ha Ha, the catch is that more experience you have, the lesser detailed your resume gets in terms of specific job duties at specific client. 4 years back, my resume used to be 5 sheets, now it is 2 (well, for future new job).
GreenCardVirus said:
Ha Ha, the catch is that more experience you have, the lesser detailed your resume gets in terms of specific job duties at specific client. 4 years back, my resume used to be 5 sheets, now it is 2 (well, for future new job).

you got it...there's your moment of ZEN... :)
slightly different

I would say

#1. Absolute honest
#2. Petty Theft. Knowingly writes on resume the stuff she/he has "seen" but not "done" e.g. adding true details of other team's projects on own resume.
#3. Grand Theft. Faking/plagiarizing projects, clients, dates from other people's resumes.
#4. Murder/Death/Kill. Total change in profile due to obsolescence or due to desire of change etc

Pheno_Menon said:
indian_gc_ocean, you are right. The hiring process is pretty detail and extensive but this was a Canadian hire and I do not know where the breach in the wall was. It proved to be a costly mistake for us.

GreenCardVirus, faking is the general term and applies to anything that is not true.

Let's say you have really done 1,2,3,4 at clients ABC, DEF and GHI.
#1 -> Absolutely honest - 1,2 at ABC, 1,3 at DEF and 1,2,4 at GHI
#2 -> Resume padding - 1,2,3 at ABC, 1,2,3,4 at DEF and 1,2,3,4,5,6 at GHI where 5,6 are in some way related to 1,2,3,4
#3 -> Resume fudging - #1 or #2, plus 3,4,5 at JKL, 4,5,6 at MNO
#4 -> Resume doctoring - making you a whole different animal when previous skills lose value and new skills need to be included.

Is the list complete, I am not sure...
The question of [im]moral high ground.

For all those people who were morally outraged by my posts, I have a gesture for you; which unfortunately could not be conveyed through the medium of internet. But rest assured, this complex, artistic hand gesture involves a very elegant usage of my middle of finger:rolleyes:. Where was your morality when somebody called an entire set of people a bunch of morons based upon their ethnicity? Where was your sense of civility when the same 'someone' posted the following..
eddie_d said:
I have known more Indian H1Bs than you could count, worked with them and supervised many of them them throughout many years at many companies in many industries. IN GENERAL they have all shared common traits in that they are below average with respect to their abilities to come up with creative thoughts, given a set of tasks will perform them well but need to be guided at every step along the way, almost all of them lie on their resumes, most are unhappy, mad at the world like you always bitching about something. But they are also cheap as s**t and so are tolerated by their employers. That is the fact of life for H1Bs

I have been frequenting this board for a long time, and if you do a search on my userid, you would find that I’m not a prolific poster. I generally come here to read about current status of the immigration process, read some posts and then get back to work. You see, I have mouths to feed, things to finish and I never could find enough time to scribble few lines.
But when somebody stereotyped a whole set of people based upon their ethnicity ( which fortunately or unfortunately includes me) and call them bunch of morons, liars and stuff, I felt the need to reciprocate. And reciprocate I did, not in kind, mind you. If you read my posts, you would find that, I never used any words that could even marginally be categorized as bad and never posted any ‘vulgar’ personal remarks[well yea, that donkey stuff was slightly bad, I apologize. But I never liked fan boys anyway!]. All I did was, taking somebody’s argument and then showing all the discrepancies in that. All I did was to zoom in on areas in an argument which were orthogonal and then show it. Being in marketing, that’s what I do for a living. I make people aware of what they need to see and what they do not need to see. Were my posts peppered with curse words? Nope. Were they sarcastic and offensive to some people? You bet they were!. That was the sole intent!. It’s a very simple fact, mate. You treat me with respect and I will treat you with utmost respect. You treat me like dirt and I will treat you like dirt, savvy?

Now, Today’s lesson,

Enjoy life, find humor in that. Life is not just about H1Bs, green-cards, work etcetera. Life is about living every moment of it. Life is about laughing. Sit down, take a deep breath and look around you. You would be surprised to find how wonderful it is..

sounds like you are justifying from the backfoot. Further, sounds like you are like the underdog - never really make any posts except for info and then suddenly take up the cause of the downtrodden. Applause to you. Please read your own post (akin to "look at the man in the mirror").
Pheno_Menon said:
Finally, eddie is welcome to post anytime as long as he is non abusive, balanced and provide some great insights with a different perspective and this is my personal opinion. Request the forum to post their stand on this...

Well now, you see abusive is in the eye of the beholder. Many a poster on this board find me abusive if I dare say anything that questions a) the usefulness of h1b, b) the supremacy of Inidans in IT or c) the need for additional immigration in general. In other words very thin skinned folks here get easily "abused".

It would be nice if these apsiring Americans would adopt some of the customs of their new country, ie the ability to have a civil debate without resorting to name calling. You disagree with me, fine. Do you really need to call me names and swear at me? And yet, I am the one that is abusive?
eddie_d said:
Well now, you see abusive is in the eye of the beholder. Many a poster on this board find me abusive if I dare say anything that questions a) the usefulness of h1b, b) the supremacy of Inidans in IT or c) the need for additional immigration in general. In other words very thin skinned folks here get easily "abused".

It would be nice if these apsiring Americans would adopt some of the customs of their new country, ie the ability to have a civil debate without resorting to name calling. You disagree with me, fine. Do you really need to call me names and swear at me? And yet, I am the one that is abusive?

well lets argue the points that you posted.
a) the usefulness of h1b
now you are in H-1b so may be you should questions your usefulness here. you want to question H-1b itself, why you drag indians into this mix? you could say many h-bs are not good, why America needs H-1? you need not single out Indians.

b) the supremacy of Inidans in IT
Now if you think that "Inidans" are supreme in IT, is that our problem? None of us are saying Indians are supreme here in IT. Most of us here agree that indians are in large numbers in IT area and generally they do a good job.
you on the other hand try to denigrate the whole community. by calling indians below average and lacking creativity. that is not abusive certainly, that is high praise....what exactly is the definition of abuse in Canada?

c) the need for additional immigration in general. In other words very thin skinned folks here get easily "abused".

so basically you call us whatever you want, racially motivated remarks, all of us should sit here with thumbs up our as***, if we respond back, we are thin skinned, if that is the case, so be it. we are not going to tolerate insults.

"It would be nice if these apsiring Americans would adopt some of the customs of their new country, ie the ability to have a civil debate without resorting to name calling."

what is that supposed to mean? you think only Americans are capable of having a debate without name calling? everywhere in the world people are capable of having a debate without name calling, this customs is nothing special to America. don't make such stereotypical statements without much thought and expect people not to respond.
maybe you should practice what you preach.
eddie_d i have said i disagree with your experience there is a big hole in your can so many dumb people be on H1??..........and how come many of us have not met those people......

because my guess is that 20% maybe below average......another 30% average....but 50% of them above average when it comes to technology and analytical skills...

michael_holding......eddie was saying that he met lot of indians who were on H1b in IT.......who were below average.......and it happened only because H1B in IT is almost 70% indians.....and thats why indians got abused.....because they are the majority.....
so you have to keep this in mind that he did not get a chance to meet other nationals on H1B visa in IT.

it would be great if we just let this thread die....apparently we do not have the same information.......and hence we will disagree.........and since this debate is so emotional it will lead to ugly scenes because some of us just lose the cool at the drop of the hat....
techy, i understand your justification for eddie, so by that logic, if i meet two canadians in my office and they are bad, does that mean can i assume 50% of canadians are bad???
is that logical. If i argue this point then i am accused of saying "indians are superior" or we are all superstars.
I think there is a middle ground between claiming 50% are morons and everyone is a superstar.
first of all putting percentages to a population without proper study is illogical. even scientifically gathered studies comes with lot of Ifs and Buts.
let us not get into this % business.

see people should not post inflammatory sentences and not expect replies, if you want to post something say it in a nicer way, not stereotyping, don't blame others for losing their cool, when infact the topic was started with incendiary remarks....
Look who's talking...eddie_d, the next American Saint!!!

eddie_d said:
Well now, you see abusive is in the eye of the beholder. Many a poster on this board find me abusive if I dare say anything that questions a) the usefulness of h1b, b) the supremacy of Inidans in IT or c) the need for additional immigration in general. In other words very thin skinned folks here get easily "abused".

It would be nice if these apsiring Americans would adopt some of the customs of their new country, ie the ability to have a civil debate without resorting to name calling. You disagree with me, fine. Do you really need to call me names and swear at me? And yet, I am the one that is abusive?

eddie do you have to keep exposing more and more of yourself and your attitude towards Indian nationals. Did we call ourselves supreme in IT, wonder what makes you feel so inferior!!! If you have an issue with being tolerant, take some yoga classes. But again you might have a problem with that because it is an Indian solution...

Below is a classic unabridged collection of some of your posts in this same thread. All these highlighted 'praise words' were first strikes from you and what a parody that you preach to us to adopt a civil debate. Your excellence in provocation at work again. I sincerely hope you are not suffering from MPD, because you seem to play both evil and holy so well. In one stroke you abuse and in the next you throw a praise.

BTW, I only used these same name-calling and abuses to make you enjoy the taste of your own medicine. Oh boy, does it hurt? You bet it does...

How come you did not choose to reply to my previous statement on the same note that you chose to respond now, 'We all welcome perspective variety but it has to be from a balanced individual. Like many others, I could clearly see through eddie_d from the nature of his posts and that's why I decided to switch from a silent viewer to active participant.'

The skunk and loser was just an extra few to force a response from you (kind of reverse provocation, if you will). I can fix that if you are ready for my next challenge... c'mon time to show that you are a man... ;)

Originally Posted by eddie_d (24th July 2006, 06:58 PM )
Everyone has a friend who did this or that. I'm talking about "in general". There are always exeption to the rule. I have worked for a few big tech companies and 90% of the Indian workers I met were mid-level average employees who were replacable at a drop of a hat.

If all Indians H1Bs were in the position you claim, then they would have employers begging for them in this supposed environment of shortages. Yet I read here over and over how most people are stuck in a job they hate. How do you explain the contradiction?

I am not trolling you moron, just because I don't agree with you. Are you so insecure that you're not willing to entertain a different point of view? Jeez.
Originally Posted by eddie_d (24th July 2006, 11:15 PM )
Are you 12 years old? Jesus I have not seen such childish behvior in a long time.

I have known more Indian H1Bs than you could count, worked with them and supervised many of them them throughout many years at many companies in many industries. IN GENERAL they have all shared common traits in that they are below average with respect to their abilities to come up with creative thoughts, given a set of tasks will perform them well but need to be guided at every step along the way, almost all of them lie on their resumes, most are unhappy, mad at the world like you always bitching about something. But they are also cheap as s**t and so are tolerated by their employers. That is the fact of life for H1Bs.

If you work at some magical company where this isn't the case, good for you. You're the expetion that proves the rule.
Originally Posted by eddie_d (26th July 2006, 07:23 PM )

Nice to see at least one voice of reason here who is willing to hear a point of view that is different.

The last incident I mentioned took place a liitle over a year ago but I encoutered this going well back.

And maybe I didn't make this clear enough, but not every Indian programmer I worked with was like that. There were two guys who worked with me that were superb and I still play golf with one of them whenever we're in the same city.

My overall personal experience with H1B and other such visas from Indian programmers has been quite dismal. This is not an indictment on Indians or India. It's an indictment on a system that allows many (not all) unqualified people to come here under the pretense of being knowledgable, experienced workers who in fact can barely turn on a computer in many instances.

And with regard to pay, man alive were some of them cheap, like $45,000 a year cheap compared to $100K for Americans (or at least GCs/citizens that didn't need any sponsorship). And of course the guy at the top who looked at that figured what the hell, as long as we get 75% of the work from h1b guy compared to the American guy, we're still coming out on top.

Finally, this is/was not at one company where you could say I was unlucky to encounter what I did and it was an anomaly. For 6 of the last 8 years I have worked in consulting. My experiences were at client sites; at Forune 500 clients, at .com start up clients and everything in between, northeast, south, California, Texas....everywhere and every industry. I sincerely doubt that every one of those places was an anomaly. If it was I was the unluckiest SOB to ever walk the planet.
Originally Posted by eddie_d (27th July 2006, 02:18 PM )
Guilty as charged, I made some typos, sorry that I don't take time to spell check every word I type . If that is the best counter-argument you can make to my argument, you're more pathetic than I thought. If you'd take a few second to actually read my posts, you'd see that I said multiple times not every one of you is mediocre. But why would I expect you to understand such a simple concept. It's hard to think clearly when you're so so angy all th time.

Techy is the only reasonable person here which is exactly the reason a thread called "should we tloerate people like techy" started...the rest of you clowns have your heads so deep in the sand you won't tolerate dissent from even one of your own.
Grow up for fucks sake :eek: . eddie_d spoke of his personal experiences with Indian Hb1s. If you are not below average or lied on your resume why the hell do you give a flying fig? :confused:
wtf is your problem?? if you don't want to argue, stay away from this thread. that hard to do...or better tell us what nationality you are, i will post my personal experiences...too
envision said:
Grow up for fucks sake :eek: . eddie_d spoke of his personal experiences with Indian Hb1s. If you are not below average or lied on your resume why the hell do you give a flying fig? :confused:

envision, I give a flying fig because of his 'IN GENERAL' comments about a particular nationality and unfortunately for eddie and his fans I happen to be one. Now if you are not one of them, then maybe you can be a peace keeping rep from Mr. Kofi Annan's office, all we ask is that you be neutral...thank you...
envision i suggest you save those admonishments for your offsprings...if you want to participate, call a spade a spade, one person cannot post anything and pass it on as his "personal experiences" if the other person responds..then it's childish is it??

you know a sports radio guy in SFO lost his job or suspended (after the Giants manager complained) because he made some derogatory remarks like "brain dead carribean players"(referring to latino players with SFo giants). i guess the SFO giants manager should not have responded (by your logic) because he was not brain dead.
Chi white sox manager Ozzie guillen was ordered by baseball to take sensitivity training and suspended when he made comment about a newspaper reporter and gays.

Mr eddie while advising us about the truly American virtues of arguing without losing civility would do well to remind himself of another American virtue , that is not stereotyping...and not making ethnicity based remarks.
michael_holding said:
wtf is your problem?? if you don't want to argue, stay away from this thread. that hard to do...or better tell us what nationality you are, i will post my personal experiences...too

I don't have a problem, and this has nothing to do with arguing
:rolleyes: but do you realize how childish, immature and ridiculous the continuous tirades against eddie_d have become? In the meantime, I'm neither Indian or Canadian so carry on if you must :D
dude, i thought you would be brave enough to say where you are from.anyways i am not going to post some things like "you know who did".
yes i agree the tirade has become rather lengthy, but if someone is going to post some $*** like that then expect the same $***.

you know what i find interesting is this person, by his own admission, worked in various capacities in Fortune 500, .com startups , every where from coast to coast on various industries known to human kind would be little bit more cirumspect, more discreet, more suave in saying things...

honestly if someone has that kind of exposure, their mental makeup and attitude would certainly be a lot better, i have known people with that kind of exposure, they sure are enjoyable personalities.

what i don't understand is you proxying for "you know who"?
if you have your thoughts post it, we will all discuss it in a civilized way.
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envision said:
I don't have a problem, and this has nothing to do with arguing
:rolleyes: but do you realize how childish, immature and ridiculous the continuous tirades against eddie_d have become? In the meantime, I'm neither Indian or Canadian so carry on if you must :D seems like we do have a rep from Mr. Annan's office. Would you care to be fair, Honorable Representative from the Unknown Land. Tell me why you feel hurt for eddie and not me? Is it maybe because you lost your job to an Indian H1B, would you go against eddie if it had been Canadian H1B?

So much to convince you that we are here as civilized folks and behave as grown ups. Now that doesn't mean you can hurt our nationality by saying whatever and expect to be ignored. We all season our food with salt, don't we?