Look who's talking...eddie_d, the next American Saint!!!
eddie_d said:
Well now, you see abusive is in the eye of the beholder. Many a poster on this board find me abusive if I dare say anything that questions a) the usefulness of h1b, b) the supremacy of Inidans in IT or c) the need for additional immigration in general. In other words very thin skinned folks here get easily "abused".
It would be nice if these apsiring Americans would adopt some of the customs of their new country, ie the ability to have a civil debate without resorting to name calling. You disagree with me, fine. Do you really need to call me names and swear at me? And yet, I am the one that is abusive?
eddie do you have to keep exposing more and more of yourself and your attitude towards Indian nationals. Did we call ourselves supreme in IT, wonder what makes you feel so inferior!!! If you have an issue with being tolerant, take some yoga classes. But again you might have a problem with that because it is an Indian solution...
Below is a classic unabridged collection of some of your posts in this same thread. All these highlighted 'praise words' were first strikes from you and what a parody that you preach to us to adopt a civil debate. Your excellence in provocation at work again. I sincerely hope you are not suffering from MPD, because you seem to play both evil and holy so well. In one stroke you abuse and in the next you throw a praise.
BTW, I only used these same name-calling and abuses to make you enjoy the taste of your own medicine. Oh boy, does it hurt? You bet it does...
How come you did not choose to reply to my previous statement on the same note that you chose to respond now, 'We all welcome perspective variety but it has to be from a balanced individual. Like many others, I could clearly see through eddie_d from the nature of his posts and that's why I decided to switch from a silent viewer to active participant.'
The skunk and loser was just an extra few to force a response from you (kind of reverse provocation, if you will). I can fix that if you are ready for my next challenge... c'mon time to show that you are a man...
Originally Posted by eddie_d (24th July 2006, 06:58 PM )
Everyone has a friend who did this or that. I'm talking about "in general". There are always exeption to the rule. I have worked for a few big tech companies and 90% of the Indian workers I met were mid-level average employees who were replacable at a drop of a hat.
If all Indians H1Bs were in the position you claim, then they would have employers begging for them in this supposed environment of shortages. Yet I read here over and over how most people are stuck in a job they hate. How do you explain the contradiction?
I am not trolling you
moron, just because I don't agree with you. Are you so insecure that you're not willing to entertain a different point of view? Jeez.
Originally Posted by eddie_d (24th July 2006, 11:15 PM )
Are you 12 years old? Jesus I have not seen such
childish behvior in a long time.
I have known more Indian H1Bs than you could count, worked with them and supervised many of them them throughout many years at many companies in many industries.
IN GENERAL they have all shared common traits in that they are
below average with respect to their abilities to come up with creative thoughts, given a set of tasks will perform them well but need to be guided at every step along the way,
almost all of them lie on their resumes, most are unhappy, mad at the world like you always bitching about something. But they are also
cheap as s**t and so are tolerated by their employers. That is the fact of life for H1Bs.
If you work at some magical company where this isn't the case, good for you. You're the expetion that proves the rule.
Originally Posted by eddie_d (26th July 2006, 07:23 PM )
Nice to see at least one voice of reason here who is willing to hear a point of view that is different.
The last incident I mentioned took place a liitle over a year ago but I encoutered this going well back.
And maybe I didn't make this clear enough, but not every Indian programmer I worked with was like that. There were two guys who worked with me that were superb and I still play golf with one of them whenever we're in the same city.
My overall personal experience with H1B and other such visas from Indian programmers has been quite dismal. This is not an indictment on Indians or India. It's an indictment on a system that allows many (not all) unqualified people to come here under the pretense of being knowledgable, experienced workers who in fact can barely turn on a computer in many instances.
And with regard to pay, man alive were some of them cheap, like $45,000 a year cheap compared to $100K for Americans (or at least GCs/citizens that didn't need any sponsorship). And of course the guy at the top who looked at that figured what the hell, as long as we get 75% of the work from h1b guy compared to the American guy, we're still coming out on top.
Finally, this is/was not at one company where you could say I was unlucky to encounter what I did and it was an anomaly. For 6 of the last 8 years I have worked in consulting. My experiences were at client sites; at Forune 500 clients, at .com start up clients and everything in between, northeast, south, California, Texas....everywhere and every industry. I sincerely doubt that every one of those places was an anomaly. If it was I was the unluckiest SOB to ever walk the planet.
Originally Posted by eddie_d (27th July 2006, 02:18 PM )
Guilty as charged, I made some typos, sorry that I don't take time to spell check every word I type . If that is the best counter-argument you can make to my argument, you're more pathetic than I thought. If you'd take a few second to actually read my posts, you'd see that I said multiple times not every one of you is mediocre. But why would I expect you to understand such a simple concept. It's hard to think clearly when you're so so angy all th time.
Techy is the only reasonable person here which is exactly the reason a thread called "should we tloerate people like techy" started...the
rest of you clowns have your heads so deep in the sand you won't tolerate dissent from even one of your own.