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About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

Is your standard of living in the U.S. is higher than the previous country?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 13 44.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • I do not know.

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • For me it is not important.

    Votes: 5 17.2%

  • Total voters
hheheeh you wish ..".no way and no how " ....unless you learn to s..t pure gold or oil ...keep me posted ... this is not gonna end well ... but I would hate to say ...I TOLD YOU SO in few years time ...

Listen honey, I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. However, I will be more than happy to let you know how happy and content my life in the US is a few years down the road.
I understand what BMX88 is saying although I do not approve the way he is saying it
I too feel uneasy more and more here ...
this after all is the country where you can give birth to lots of children and then RECEIVE DEATH TREATS for that
This is the country where you can donate your organs and then loose you job of being sued by the recipient...
this is the country where you can have a heart attack or a stroke or fall on the street and NOBODY WOULD HELP YOU .....
this is the country where you can be victimized (raped ) in the broad daylight and NOBODY WILL HELP YOU OR CALL THE POLICE
This is the country where you can be robbed in your home and even tortured and your first door neighbor would just ignore the screams of your wife ...
this is the country where you can be sued IF YOU HELP SOMEONE - victim of car crash for example
this is the country where you can arrested for anything and put trough system and dragged like that for years before you see your date in court -innocent or guilty
This is the country where about 50 000 people in prisons are ACTUALLY INNOCENT etc.
This is the country where when you approach someone to ask for something AND THEY more often then not take ONE STEP BACK THINKING YOU GONNA ROB THEM..
the list could go on like that for ever ....
is it really that bad PRAHA, you are scaring the new immigrants like me, really is it too muc bad there in USA? I mean I don't think it worst than 3rd world country like mine, is I am right??!!
I understand what BMX88 is saying although I do not approve the way he is saying it
I too feel uneasy more and more here ...
this after all is the country where you can give birth to lots of children and then RECEIVE DEATH TREATS for that
This is the country where you can donate your organs and then loose you job of being sued by the recipient...
this is the country where you can have a heart attack or a stroke or fall on the street and NOBODY WOULD HELP YOU .....
this is the country where you can be victimized (raped ) in the broad daylight and NOBODY WILL HELP YOU OR CALL THE POLICE
This is the country where you can be robbed in your home and even tortured and your first door neighbor would just ignore the screams of your wife ...
this is the country where you can be sued IF YOU HELP SOMEONE - victim of car crash for example
this is the country where you can arrested for anything and put trough system and dragged like that for years before you see your date in court -innocent or guilty
This is the country where about 50 000 people in prisons are ACTUALLY INNOCENT etc.
This is the country where when you approach someone to ask for something AND THEY more often then not take ONE STEP BACK THINKING YOU GONNA ROB THEM..
the list could go on like that for ever ....

you poor thing. you're so damaged. :hug:
is it really that bad PRAHA, you are scaring the new immigrants like me, really is it too muc bad there in USA? I mean I don't think it worst than 3rd world country like mine, is I am right??!!

I don't try to scare anyone but those are the facts of life here in the USA - read news papers or watch tv or just live here and sooner or later you will see something like that ...
in my second month here in the building I used to live husband stabbed his wife (NY) but she was stabbed outside the apartment in the lobby with at least 4-5 people watching !!nobody did anything .. she was trying to run away from him ..and almost made it ..later I spoke with my room mate (America guy from Detroit) and ask him why nobody did anything ??? he was just laughing on that saying I'm "too European"...well its a fact of life

its that kind of society ... there is no sense of unity or friendship here its pretty much is everyone for
himself and if you run into any kind of problems you are on your own ( usual saying is " nobody gives a f..k " about you ) ....unless you have a lots of money ...this is my experience from NY,CHICAGO and LA maybe there is some other place with more humanity and compassion on display (here in the US ) but I can't say I know about it ....about you saying that you will help me if you see me in some sort of trouble you might do that but the more you live here less inclined you will be to do such thing ...I'm sure about that
PRAHA everything in life is relative. I cannot dispute your perception of the US but I can say it's not that way everywhere . I have visited the US (NY mostly) more than 15 times and I have NEVER seen any sort of violence (except for 9/11). I'm sure bad things happen as they do everywhere in the world but again it's relative. I've been to 3 big cities and never saw burglar bars on people's doors and windows, I 've travelled alone in strange places without being afraid (things I WOULD NOT do here where I live) and I cannot agree with your assessment. I'm sorry that you had to experience that side of NY and I want to suggest that you maybe need to relocate to somewhere relatively more civilized than where you are now. And that's the good thing about the US, you can choose to move.
LOL I been to IRAQ 7 times when I was working for construction company AND I NEVER SEEN ANY VIOLENCE ....but more then 200 000 people died in that country DURING THE TIME I WAS THERE ..I think ONLY relative thing here is your comment which is totally out of touch with reality ...come and live here for awhile and then put some posts up.
LOL I been to IRAQ 7 times when I was working for construction company AND I NEVER SEEN ANY VIOLENCE ....but more then 200 000 people died in that country DURING THE TIME I WAS THERE ..I think ONLY relative thing here is your comment which is totally out of touch with reality ...come and live here for awhile and then put some posts up.

i've lived in the US for a year and i found most of the people as friendly as anywhere else. and more polite than anywhere else. you can't deny that a lot depends on the neighborhood you're living in. in any large city there are terrible neighborhoods and good ones. i mean, how old are you? you must know this by now.
PRAHA, you have a greencard, you can live ANYWHERE in the US, why then choose to stay in a rat hole then complain about the US being such a bad place? It's nobody's fault that the choices you have made have exposed you to such uncivilized people. You my friend are the one who is totally out of touch with reality. Suck it up or do something about it. Leave people to decide for themselves what the US has to offer them.
I have nothing further to add.
PRAHA, you have a greencard, you can live ANYWHERE in the US, why then choose to stay in a rat hole then complain about the US being such a bad place? It's nobody's fault that the choices you have made have exposed you to such uncivilized people. You my friend are the one who is totally out of touch with reality. Suck it up or do something about it. Leave people to decide for themselves what the US has to offer them.
I have nothing further to add.

yeah ...why don't you move to ALASKA.. ???
"sonibago " you should be president ...LOL
cheap amber ... why you lying ??
LOL I been to IRAQ 7 times when I was working for construction company AND I NEVER SEEN ANY VIOLENCE ....but more then 200 000 people died in that country DURING THE TIME I WAS THERE ..I think ONLY relative thing here is your comment which is totally out of touch with reality ...come and live here for awhile and then put some posts up.

by the way, P, if you're a construction worker, of course the recession is hard for you. your sector was hit the most. it's always tougher for the working class. this shouldn't come as a surprise for you.
PRAHA, you have a greencard, you can live ANYWHERE in the US, why then choose to stay in a rat hole then complain about the US being such a bad place? It's nobody's fault that the choices you have made have exposed you to such uncivilized people. You my friend are the one who is totally out of touch with reality. Suck it up or do something about it. Leave people to decide for themselves what the US has to offer them.
I have nothing further to add.

well now i Live in the "good " part of the town... I had to move out since my kids got beaten up in school almost every day ( because they were white ... yes that was the reason ..its been established by the school board after one of my kids had 2 fingers broken by other kids who were all black and hispanic ).. now I had financial problems since moving to "safe" part of the town is expensive here in the US ... but as I mentioned before through yours previous post (answer) I detect that MAJOR problem here in the USA ... your advise to me was along the lines .. "move out who gives a f...k " and that I think is the biggest problem here ... that ignorance and lack of sense ... OK I moved but what about the people who stayed behind ( I know your answer on that would be "who cares") but how long one society could go on like that ??? ...how long you can say that ..."who cares"! ...AND pretend that is someones else problem ....my opinion is not for long ...sooner or later its gonna break somewhere and then is gonna be hell to pay for all of us and this country
cheap amber I already said that your posts are bit strange but now they sound untrue ... by the way you write and think you are American and not an immigrant so please refrain of that "false positive" posts ....
well now i Live in the "good " part of the town... I had to move out since my kids got beaten up in school almost every day ( because they were white ... yes that was the reason ..its been established by the school board after one of my kids had 2 fingers broken by other kids who were all black and hispanic ).. now I had financial problems since moving to "safe" part of the town is expensive here in the US ... but as I mentioned before through yours previous post (answer) I detect that MAJOR problem here in the USA ... your advise to me was along the lines .. "move out who gives a f...k " and that I think is the biggest problem here ... that ignorance and lack of sense ... OK I moved but what about the people who stayed behind ( I know your answer on that would be "who cares") but how long one society could go on like that ??? ...how long you can say that ..."who cares"! ...AND pretend that is someones else problem ....my opinion is not for long ...sooner or later its gonna break somewhere and then is gonna be hell to pay for all of us and this country
cheap amber I already said that your posts are bit strange but now they sound untrue ... by the way you write and think you are American and not an immigrant so please refrain of that "false positive" posts ....

wow, man. you moved into the projects and were surprised at what you discovered there? that's an ultra fail. and you're the working class that is supposed to rise up in the global revolution? you and your comrades are doomed. unless they drop you off the team, that is.
PRAHA, I said I wouldn't say anymore but I'm really sorry to hear about your kids. They and they alone are the reason why you have to make the right decisions and remain positive. Your kids need to see you as a strong person who will do what it takes to secure their future. Good for you that you moved out of that area, now continue the progress.
PRAHA, I said I wouldn't say anymore but I'm really sorry to hear about your kids. They and they alone are the reason why you have to make the right decisions and remain positive. Your kids need to see you as a strong person who will do what it takes to secure their future. Good for you that you moved out of that area, now continue the progress.

amen to that. in principle.
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wow, man. you moved into the projects and were surprised at what you discovered there? that's an ultra fail. and you're the working class that is supposed to rise up in the global revolution? you and your comrades are doomed. unless they drop you off the team, that is.

I was not in the projects ... projects where about 3 blocks away - I went trough there once or twice ... they spat on me and throw some cans (thinking I'm a cop or something I guess since no white people go there unless to arrest someone ) I was at 112 street Est NY -my neighborhood was mostly latinos - lots of shootings was going on and only about 20 min from downtown Manhattan or just about dozen blocks from 100 th streets where studio flats used to cost 2200 dollars per month ;;;in every street between 100 th and 120 th they had some sort of cardboard shrine marking place where someone was shoot to death and that was only on my side of the street on the other side was the same and then block after block all the way to the WEST side ...about 3 dozens of those at least ...
working class is gone here in the USA ... jobs are out sourced to India ,Mexico etc you have service industry but its all new ball game with economic crisis ... now employers who got advantage ..and they are picky .not working class people ..how the hings would work out here in the USA it remains to be seen ... revolution ?...not really ... I think pretty soon new political option would be created ...TEA PARTY? or something else ... Latinos would seek more political power for sure ... they did not care till now but now since the money is gone oh yes they gonna be "banging" on the door fro more power ....simply when there is no money all the problems jump on you...simply ...

about my kids ?...I think they would not advance in this country as I thought they would .. so I will probably send them back to Europe to study (it will be better and more affordable anyway)
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PRAHA, I said I wouldn't say anymore but I'm really sorry to hear about your kids. They and they alone are the reason why you have to make the right decisions and remain positive. Your kids need to see you as a strong person who will do what it takes to secure their future. Good for you that you moved out of that area, now continue the progress.

but what about the people could not "get out " from bad part of any city in USA ???