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About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

Is your standard of living in the U.S. is higher than the previous country?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 13 44.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • I do not know.

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • For me it is not important.

    Votes: 5 17.2%

  • Total voters
what about them, mon ami?

if you leave such number of people in that kind of situation you have BIG PROBLEM - i think I read somewhere that 80 million people in the USA live below poverty line or around it ,now THATS A LOT OF PEOPLE LEFT OUT ;;;what kind of the country is that ? if those numbers are true..? that kind of the country can't go forward for sure it has to be some repercussions for that in the future ,don't you think ?? or you don't care (as most American don't I think)
if you leave such number of people in that kind of situation you have BIG PROBLEM - i think I read somewhere that 80 million people in the USA live below poverty line or around it ,now THATS A LOT OF PEOPLE LEFT OUT ;;;what kind of the country is that ? if those numbers are true..? that kind of the country can't go forward for sure it has to be some repercussions for that in the future ,don't you think ?? or you don't care (as most American don't I think)

it's 39 million currently. keep in mind that this doesn't mean that they are homeless or have nothing to eat. it means that, for example, a family of three is making less then $22 000 a year. now, if you would work for minimum wage, full time, you'd be earning between $16 000 and $18 000. if two people, lets say husband and wife, are working on minimum wage they should be getting more than $30 000 a year. that's not so bad. it would be tough work but it's a good income for unskilled labor.

by the way, what would the repercussions be? for example?
it's 39 million currently. keep in mind that this doesn't mean that they are homeless or have nothing to eat. it means that, for example, a family of three is making less then $22 000 a year. now, if you would work for minimum wage, full time, you'd be earning between $16 000 and $18 000. if two people, lets say husband and wife, are working on minimum wage they should be getting more than $30 000 a year. that's not so bad. it would be tough work but it's a good income for unskilled labor.

by the way, what would the repercussions be? for example?

more crime and social problems for a start and maybe even wide spread urban violence etc

I think you referring only to 39 million people WHO ARE BELOW POVERTY LINE but there is another 40+ million people who are making barely little more then OFFICIAL POVERTY LINE (in some cases only couple hundred dollars more .... also its not calculated the way you calculated - POVERTY LINE IS ESTABLISHED AT 18 000 PER PERSON /FAMILY UNIT - so NO there is no other spouse income in this statistic (you calculated 30 000 DOLLARS considering TWO employed members of the family unit but ITS IN FACT ONE EMPLOYED FAMILY MEMBER -ONLY !!USED FOR THIS STATISTICS so the number of 39 million people are people who are trying to survive SOLO OR AS A FAMILY UNIT ON 18 000 DOLLARS A YEAR ) ,
Now you have to agree that 18 000 for a family unit of 2 is rather BAD

USA IS THE ONLY COUNTRY WITH SUCH WIDESPREAD GAP BETWEEN RICH AND POOR and diminishing working class and middle class under such heavy constraints of DEBT - average AMERICAN IS 8 X MORE BURDENED WITH DEBT THEN SAY citizen of FINLAND (I noticed someone from Finland on this forum so I made search on the net about the economy of this country)- AVERAGE AMERICA OWES ABOUT 30 000 DOLLARS WHEREAS AVERAGE FIN ABOUT 4000 DOLLARS
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more crime and social problems for a start and maybe even wide spread urban violence etc

I think you referring only to 39 million people WHO ARE BELOW POVERTY LINE but there is another 40+ million people who are making barely little more then OFFICIAL POVERTY LINE (in some cases only couple hundred dollars more .... also its not calculated the way you calculated - POVERTY LINE IS ESTABLISHED AT 18 000 PER PERSON /FAMILY UNIT - so NO there is no other spouse income in this statistic (you calculated 30 000 DOLLARS considering TWO employed members of the family unit but ITS IN FACT ONE EMPLOYED FAMILY MEMBER -ONLY !!USED FOR THIS STATISTICS so the number of 39 million people are people who are trying to survive SOLO OR AS A FAMILY UNIT ON 18 000 DOLLARS A YEAR ) ,
Now you have to agree that 18 000 for a family unit of 2 is rather BAD

USA IS THE ONLY COUNTRY WITH SUCH WIDESPREAD GAP BETWEEN RICH AND POOR and diminishing working class and middle class under such heavy constraints of DEBT - average AMERICAN IS 8 X MORE BURDENED WITH DEBT THEN SAY citizen of FINLAND (I noticed someone from Finland on this forum so I made search on the net about the economy of this country)- AVERAGE AMERICA OWES ABOUT 30 000 DOLLARS WHEREAS AVERAGE FIN ABOUT 4000 DOLLARS

i'm afraid your anti-American bias is blinding you.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Percent_poverty_world_map.png this link is quite self-explanatory. it shows that America is not "the only country with such widespread [sic] gap between rich and poor". it does have the biggest gap among the developed countries. that is true. here's a link illustrating that. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Gini_Coefficient_World_CIA_Report_2009.png but it's not the "only" country. small gap does not equal happiness for all. Scandinavian countries have the smallest one but that doesn't help their suicide rates and problems with alcoholism.

the gap is wide in US because some of the richest people live there. not because everyone is so pure. Denmark has almost the same percentage of population bellow the poverty line. probably we'll have the expect riots there as well.

concerning your counter-argument about income levels: i got lost in your wording. maybe you could rephrase what you wanted to say. meanwhile, i'll rephrase what i said.

when calculating the precentage of people bellow the poverty line, the household income is taken into consideration. i.e. if you live alone you are a household of one and you need to be earning less then $10 830 a year to be considered bellow the line. when there are two people, their household should be earning no less then $14 570. it doesn't matter if both are working or not. if this is your main point then i fully agree. it doesn't matter.

the assumption here is that people who live in one household are not a$$holes and share their money.

according to these calculations around 15% of Americans are living bellow the poverty line. yest there may be many more who live close to it. but then we can go into argument about how close is close. and maybe for someone $100 means much more than $200 for someone else. and so on. that's why the national poverty lines were created. to have clearcut borders.

look at this from a more poetic point of view: Scandinavian countries are lands of stability and USA is the land of opportunity. everyone should choose what's suits them best.
ooooooooo now you getting ahead of yourself ..."anti American bias"? blinded me .... well I was merely quoting some statistics ...so any kind of observation about your country gets you in danger to be labeled ANTI AMERICAN ...heheeheh
Denmark can not be compared with USA since they have whole array social programs to battle such problems( as poverty) because THEY KNOW that any kind of social problems COULD BE DESTROYING THEIR SOCIETY ON THE LONG RUN and they can not afford to toss people down the drain like the system you have in the USA ;also in percentage of unemployed and people living below poverty line Denmark is not even close to USA (I don't know where did you find that info???? but its kind of funny because its sooooo not true and anyone who ever been to Denmark can only laugh at that comparative )
so being poor in DENMARK and poor in THE USA is big DIFFERENCE (being poor in Denmark feels more like middle class ) ,from what you said and trying to compare those two countries I can ONLY DEDUCT THAT YOU NEVER BEEN TO DENMARK ,
Also your opinion about US as rich peoples country does not stands since I think you have system WHICH IS HEAVY IN FAVOR OF RICH PEOPLE HERE and that is one thing you have to change ;some of the richest people live in SWITZERLAND ( that country has more millionaires then USA in percentage but their income gap is far less then US is )etc.
US land of opportunity?? maybe it was 20-30 years ago . now its far from it .

to cut the discussion short I can say that you are one very ignorant person... you need to broad your horizons by traveling and meeting other people
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ooooooooo now you getting ahead of yourself ..."anti American bias"? blinded me .... well I was merely quoting some statistics ...so any kind of observation about your country gets you in danger to be labeled ANTI AMERICAN ...heheeheh
Denmark can not be compared with USA since they have whole array social programs to battle such problems( as poverty) because THEY KNOW that any kind of social problems COULD BE DESTROYING THEIR SOCIETY ON THE LONG RUN and they can not afford to toss people down the drain like the system you have in the USA ;also in percentage of unemployed and people living below poverty line Denmark is not even close to USA (I don't know where did you find that info???? but its kind of funny because its sooooo not true and anyone who ever been to Denmark can only laugh at that comparative )
so being poor in DENMARK and poor in THE USA is big DIFFERENCE (being poor in Denmark feels more like middle class ) ,from what you said and trying to compare those two countries I can ONLY DEDUCT THAT YOU NEVER BEEN TO DENMARK ,
Also your opinion about US as rich peoples country does not stands since I think you have system WHICH IS HEAVY IN FAVOR OF RICH PEOPLE HERE and that is one thing you have to change ;some of the richest people live in SWITZERLAND ( that country has more millionaires then USA in percentage but their income gap is far less then US is )etc.
US land of opportunity?? maybe it was 20-30 years ago . now its far from it .

to cut the discussion short I can say that you are one very ignorant person... you need to broad your horizons by traveling and meeting other people

it saddens me that you have also, like others here before you, gone down the path of ad hominem fallacy. you may think that i'm ignorant (though i don't see what i have said to make you think so, since i was the one with proper quotations and you were the one who has been to Denmark, i.e. anecdotal evidence) but that doesn't help your case. as i have just mentioned, i provided you with links that support my claims. the specific information about Denmark is from The World Factbook. it is available online for all to see.

what statistical data do you have in support of your claim that Switzerland has more millionaires per capita than US? or is that anecdotal as well? the Gini Coefficient of Switzerland is in the same range as that of Spain and France. higher than the American one, of course, but nothing remarkable.

you say that being poor in Denmark feels like middle class. though that as well may be coming from your private experience, that is bad news. i would argue that a country were being poor doesn't feel like middle class has a more prosperous future ahead of it. being poor should feel bad so that the talented poor raise their living standards. by providing the poor with money that needs no work in exchange enables them to remain poor indefinitely.

returning to the Gini Coefficient, Algeria has a better score than US, for example. but if you look at the HDI (human development index), the picture is reversed.

when someone demonstrates that you are wrong that doesn't make them ignorant. at best, that makes you misinformed.

i'm not an American, by the way. it seems that you were implying that. also, as a linguist, i sense a remarkable similarity between your texts and that of bmx88. either you are the same person, have been lovers for decades, or this is an outstanding coincidence. i would go with the first one since it's the most likely one : )
it saddens me that you have also, like others here before you, gone down the path of ad hominem fallacy. you may think that i'm ignorant (though i don't see what i have said to make you think so, since i was the one with proper quotations and you were the one who has been to Denmark, i.e. anecdotal evidence) but that doesn't help your case. as i have just mentioned, i provided you with links that support my claims. the specific information about Denmark is from The World Factbook. it is available online for all to see.

what statistical data do you have in support of your claim that Switzerland has more millionaires per capita than US? or is that anecdotal as well? the Gini Coefficient of Switzerland is in the same range as that of Spain and France. higher than the American one, of course, but nothing remarkable.

you say that being poor in Denmark feels like middle class. though that as well may be coming from your private experience, that is bad news. i would argue that a country were being poor doesn't feel like middle class has a more prosperous future ahead of it. being poor should feel bad so that the talented poor raise their living standards. by providing the poor with money that needs no work in exchange enables them to remain poor indefinitely.

returning to the Gini Coefficient, Algeria has a better score than US, for example. but if you look at the HDI (human development index), the picture is reversed.

when someone demonstrates that you are wrong that doesn't make them ignorant. at best, that makes you misinformed.

i'm not an American, by the way. it seems that you were implying that. also, as a linguist, i sense a remarkable similarity between your texts and that of bmx88. either you are the same person, have been lovers for decades, or this is an outstanding coincidence. i would go with the first one since it's the most likely one : )

Switzerland same as Spain and France ? where do you get that ? I worked in Switzerland for 3 years,and
that country is way richer then those two combined also salaries are higher then in the USA it can not be compared ,sorry but there you are wrong ;
Switzerland is one of the richest countries in the world ,it comes at the front for sure and per capita income is higher then in the USA and the difference is not few hundred dollars its probably tens of thousands ,but at any rate we talk about USA here not Europe so I think you missing the point by arguing about it ,you should stick with the subject you know ,knowing Denmark and Switzerland is not your strong point and it looks like Europe in general is unknown subject for you
it saddens me that you have also, like others here before you, gone down the path of ad hominem fallacy. You may think that i'm ignorant (though i don't see what i have said to make you think so, since i was the one with proper quotations and you were the one who has been to denmark, i.e. Anecdotal evidence) but that doesn't help your case. As i have just mentioned, i provided you with links that support my claims. The specific information about denmark is from the world factbook. It is available online for all to see.

What statistical data do you have in support of your claim that switzerland has more millionaires per capita than us? Or is that anecdotal as well? The gini coefficient of switzerland is in the same range as that of spain and france. Higher than the american one, of course, but nothing remarkable.

You say that being poor in denmark feels like middle class. Though that as well may be coming from your private experience, that is bad news. I would argue that a country were being poor doesn't feel like middle class has a more prosperous future ahead of it. Being poor should feel bad so that the talented poor raise their living standards. By providing the poor with money that needs no work in exchange enables them to remain poor indefinitely.

Returning to the gini coefficient, algeria has a better score than us, for example. But if you look at the hdi (human development index), the picture is reversed.

When someone demonstrates that you are wrong that doesn't make them ignorant. At best, that makes you misinformed.

I'm not an american, by the way. It seems that you were implying that. Also, as a linguist, i sense a remarkable similarity between your texts and that of bmx88. Either you are the same person, have been lovers for decades, or this is an outstanding coincidence. I would go with the first one since it's the most likely one : )

no dude you are not linguist ,you are just an average idiot (don't you remember? ) and turning into paranoid one lol
Switzerland same as Spain and France ? where do you get that ? I worked in Switzerland for 3 years,and
that country is way richer then those two combined also salaries are higher then in the USA it can not be compared ,sorry but there you are wrong ;
Switzerland is one of the richest countries in the world ,it comes at the front for sure and per capita income is higher then in the USA and the difference is not few hundred dollars its probably tens of thousands ,but at any rate we talk about USA here not Europe so I think you missing the point by arguing about it ,you should stick with the subject you know ,knowing Denmark and Switzerland is not your strong point and it looks like Europe in general is unknown subject for you

P, i never said Switzerland was not rich or poorer than France or Spain. this is what i said: "the Gini Coefficient of Switzerland is in the same range as that of Spain and France". there is a link in one of my posts above to support that claim. here, i'll repost it just for you http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Gini_Coefficient_World_CIA_Report_2009.png please look at it before starting to make things up about what i said.

we are talking about US when we compare it to European states. this should be obvious for everyone without brain trauma.

it depends on how you measure what you call the "richest country in the world". (and what is "per capita income"? did you mean median income?). if you take GDP per capita, Switzerland is ahead of US http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft...67,474,443,754,917,698,544&s=NGDPDPC&grp=0&a=
if you take GDP based on PPP per capita, the picture is reversed http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft...,967,474,443,754,917,698,544&s=PPPPC&grp=0&a=

their HDI is almost the same http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Human_Development_Index

median household income in the worst state (household income-wise) was $37 790. The state was Mississippi. Maryland was the best at $70 454. here's the link http://factfinder.census.gov/servle...1YR_G00_&-_lang=en&-format=US-30&-CONTEXT=grt

the median household income for whole of US is $50 000. For Switzerland it's $60 000. for comparison (in this list) Canada is at $44K and UK at $39K. here's the link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_household_income

my best wished to you and your cheap electronic appliances from Czech Republic
Snap! Cheap Amber, you rock this forum, refreshing to have someone honest enough to speak their mind.

This forum is for people who have won the lottery and are keen to emigrate to the USA. Why anyone would want to come here to dissuade forum members makes no sense; regardless of what the doom-mongers say, I am pretty sure every single person who reads their posts is going to go ahead and move to the US anyway if it all works out, so it is a complete waste of time and yet here they are????

Everyone knows it is tough in the US, and the challenges are many, but we still want to live the American Dream. Those forum members who can't help, or offer support and guidance - get a life and go and rain on someone else's parade.
first of all I was on this forum since 2005 -used different ID back then ,my account was deleted as inactive (password is not working anymore??)
about perils ?what kind of perils you talk about ??
I pointed on some things which are FACTS about this country
but if you think about perils and already using that word without quotations that means YOU TOO ARE SENSING THE SAME UNEASE as majority of people in this country .
first of all I was on this forum since 2005 -used different ID back then ,my account was deleted as inactive (password is not working anymore??)
about perils ?what kind of perils you talk about ??
I pointed on some things which are FACTS about this country
but if you think about perils and already using that word without quotations that means YOU TOO ARE SENSING THE SAME UNEASE as majority of people in this country .

dude i said you should disappear from the forum like the way you did before now, we don't like you here.