485 RFE track -- Calling to those who got RFE

rvonguru - Wow what a timing! We updated v44 at the same time. I updated v45 with your data.
RFE Update

Please update the Sheet with my info..

RFE : Medical Exams for family
Date RFE Received : 2/27/04
RRFE eply date(s) : 3/1/04, 3/3/04
Officer # 33
RFE received.

Bajis and Stones are doing a great job, Thank You very much for your time and efforts.

Could you Please add my info the spreadsheet during next update?

ND/RD => 09/21/2003

RFE Received By Lawyer => 02/09/2004
RFE Response Sent => 02/16/2004
RFE Response Received => 02/26/2004

AD => ????

I don't know the officer number, I have a bad lawyer as most of us and he charges me $75 for every email query I sent him. So I don't want to waste $75 to know the office number.

Hopefully all of us will get approved before end of march.

Once again, Bajis and Stones thank you very much for this thread and reading this thread gave me peace of mind that there are others with me in the journey and I'm not alone.
Added jwang38111 and updated


By the way, even after we did the passport stamp on 3/2, my online status changed to "we received your reponse to the RFE on 3/2..."

Since my case was approved after they send out 2nd RFE but before I reponsed, my lawyer said we still need to send out the 2nd RFE reponse. Why did I know this was going to happen. So typical of TSC.

But screw it, I already had the passport stamped, and hopefully, next week, it will change to card ordered. My husband's message still says approved, since he didn't get any RFE.

Best wished to you all.
Folks :
The RFE that was issued for me went to my ex-lawyer even though we had filed the G-28 form with the new attorney.
Anyway, my ex-lawyer was kind enough to call me and let me know that she had received an RFE and that she was going to mail it to me. She also faxed me a copy today.
The RFE was issued by officer #255 and it asks for
Employment letter attesting to applicant's current employment.
Include corroborating evidence such as recent pay stubs, income tax returns with all W-2s.
I have updated the spreadsheet with this information.
My RFE is also from officer #69,

This is the details i was asked to send:

W2,1040 for last 3 years, last six paystubs,employment letter and two snaps of both my wife and I .

My company was prompt enough to send all the details back to my attorney today and hopfully they will send it across soon.

will keep you guys updated with the latest.