485 RFE track -- Calling to those who got RFE

help with rfe

my lawyer has received rfe asking for prrof of maintaining legal status from entry to tome of filing AOS.i lost my OPT card and do not have a copy of it. ihave just the i20 which says the period in which I was in opt.is this sufficient or what can i do?
V485K, thanks!

It was not really my password, but thanks for removing it.
I think ever since I started this track, we haven't seen many approval for the new rfes mainly because those rfes are issued recently, and most of them had not been replied yet. Also, I am trying to gather the information for those that don't come to this board often.

But for those who does come here
Keep up the good work everyone!
sdvid, ask your lawyer

I always think it's a waste of money that you hired a lawyer and not ask them legal questions. They know this staff better than we do.

Updated file, added austingcwaiter and MaybeSoon
Got RFE today

1. Submit a letter of employment attesting to applicant's current employment.
2. Submit conclusive evidence that will prove that the orgnization has the ability to support the applicant in addition to the number of individuals currently receiving compensation and other operating expenses.

RD & ND: 11/2001
FP rcvd: 2/3/2003
RFE: 2/13/2004

I have been with this small company since 1997. I think "small" triggered #2 above and #1 maybe. Will talk to lawyer next week.
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I am joining RFE club. I did not want to but...GOD wants me to wait longer.

Help me if you can :-

1. How long does it take for RFE to arrive from the date status changed ?

2. Do they only post or fax at also to lawyer ?

3. Can I call them and ask what is it about (before receing the RFE) ? Did someone do that - to find out what they are looking ?

Please reply
Officer 450 has a heart afterall

RFE received Feb 9
AD Feb 20

I-485 Info
RD June 01
ND July 01
FP Dec 02
RFE Jan 22

All of you will be next in line!!!

Pls update spreadsheet.
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I gave my lawyer the documents for the 2nd RFE on Saturday, not knowing that the online status had changed to approved on 2/20 for both my husband and me.

I don't know what happened, feels like either officer 450 realized it's not neccessary for the 2nd RFE, or someone told him. But lawyer said we still need to sent the response to 2nd RFE. But once I got the approve notice, I can go to stamp my passport.


For rest of you, hang in there, your turn will come. Gook luck to you all.
Congrats Stones!!!

Hi Stones,

Congratulations!!! many thanks for starting this thread and I think it is really beneficial to every one of us.

Rfe Resonse Format / Sample


Is there any specific format or form that needs to be filled to reply to RFE ?

Can someone post a sample RFE response letter ?

Will appreciate.
It's great to see approvals after RFE again. Congrats to all of you who got approved recently. I hope I can get mine sometime this week. Good luck everybody.

RFE received by TSC on 2/5/04. No word since then.