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2013 DV Australian winners

Had my medical in Sydney on the 5th of March! (Then flew to Queensland for holidays which is why I'm posting so late!)
Dr Rappaport was lovely and the process was quite simple! I have no medical issues so the appointment flew by. Walking around for the X-ray was the time consuming part of the appointment.
Would someone please remind me.. Do we get our medical results in the mail to take with us to the interview or are they forwarded to the consulate for us?

As long as my blood test results are ok, then all should be good for my interview in late April! It's all so surreal when it finally starts coming together!!!!!!
Just a quick question, does anyone have any information regarding applying for a drivers licence once in the States? Do you have to take a driving or theory exam, or is it easier than that if you hold a full Australian licence (not provisional licence)?

I've been googling, but not having much success getting an answer.

It depends on the state. You can drive on your overseas licence, but not once you are a resident.

You will need to do written and driving exam.
Thanks dafang!

I ended up posting in the DL section of this forum, and someone just responded with the right link. I was hoping that taking the actual driving test wasn't necessary, but looks like I'm not going to be that lucky! Will have to ensure I do that straight away when I get there, as I plan to be driving straight away too.

Less than two weeks now til my interview, I can't wait to have it already so I can know, and then get my flights and everything organised!
I ended up posting in the DL section of this forum, and someone just responded with the right link. I was hoping that taking the actual driving test wasn't necessary, but looks like I'm not going to be that lucky! Will have to ensure I do that straight away when I get there, as I plan to be driving straight away too.

Do you know by any chance if it matters what state in the US you do your driving test? I mean, say you get your licence in one state in the US, then move to another, do you have to redo the test or what?
Do you know by any chance if it matters what state in the US you do your driving test? I mean, say you get your licence in one state in the US, then move to another, do you have to redo the test or what?

It'd be best to go the States' DMV sites (or whatever they call themselves) and check that out. States will have their own rules but I'm sure most states waive the driving test if you're from another US state, but likely not if you're from another country. You'll probably still have to take vision and/or written tests.
Can anyone who has been through everything and got your ok, tell me how long it took before you got your passports and paperwork back?

They said 5 working days - Today is day 6 for me so just wondering how long to wait before i start to email them!

Hey Peta,

Did you get your passports yet? Ours were ready to pick up at the courier depot really quickly. We're still in Montreal but heading home later today. We'll pick up our passports tomorrow.
It'd be best to go the States' DMV sites (or whatever they call themselves) and check that out. States will have their own rules but I'm sure most states waive the driving test if you're from another US state, but likely not if you're from another country. You'll probably still have to take vision and/or written tests.

I'll have to go search around and see what I can find. My plan is to do the driving test in Arkansas where I'll first be to see family, but then I'll be moving to Nebraska, then to California. Driving test in Arkansas will be much easier too I'm sure :p As long as it will be simple enough to switch states once I've got an Arkansas one.
Mushy11 - Good luck! Glad to hear the medical went well, hope we see your positive interview outcome soon!

Bella - Can you post the drivers license link? I am also curious about this... we plan on trekking around for a few months 1st and not being able to drive might put a kink in my plans!

Vichel - Nope, emailed them today! Very lucky you can pick them up, Sydney post them back to you.. It was suppposed to be 5 days but im up to business day 8 now so just dropped them an email to see whats up...
Petamiss - the link I have is http://www.massrmv.com/rmv/license/9oos.htm

However that link is for licenses for Massachusetts, which is the state I am moving to. To get specific info, you'd need to check the state you're moving to's DMV/RMV.

You might want to ensure you get your license done immediately when you move over, as I don't remember specifically where I read it, but you cannot drive in the US on a foreign license if you have American residency - you must get a US license immediately.
This has probably been spoken about already... but has anyone looked into medical insurance there as a new resident? I thought I read something that said you couldn't get it as a new resident until a certain time after arriving, but also travel insurance wouldn't cover you as a resident either? Bit confused.

I'm beginning to stress a little over all the medical costs there. My sister there was in the hospital a few weeks ago with really bad food poisoning which they thought was her appendix... She just got the bill today... $18,192 for that one day... No clue how they're going to afford that. But it makes me stress for myself as well.. I mean, we all know the US healthcare system sucks.. but it can't be that everyone suffers that bad with the costs, do they?
The health insurance system seems to be a little messed up and very confusing.

It is usually linked to you employer, but that is changing. I am not fully aware yet what Obama's health reforms mean.

Have you ever seen the Michael Moore documentary Sicko? Great insight into how messed up the US system is. Essential viewing.

My Australian health fund has really good travel insurance that can cover me for 6 months for a fairly reasonable price. It should cover anything unexpected until I get proper insurance through work.

I don't know how my Australian insurance will know that I am actually a legal resident, so hopefully it is fine.

I am a little worried as the conditions of my visa are that I have to visit a doctor once in the USA due to the odd chest X-Ray of mine.
The health insurance system seems to be a little messed up and very confusing.

It is usually linked to you employer, but that is changing. I am not fully aware yet what Obama's health reforms mean.

Have you ever seen the Michael Moore documentary Sicko? Great insight into how messed up the US system is. Essential viewing.

My Australian health fund has really good travel insurance that can cover me for 6 months for a fairly reasonable price. It should cover anything unexpected until I get proper insurance through work.

I don't know how my Australian insurance will know that I am actually a legal resident, so hopefully it is fine.

I am a little worried as the conditions of my visa are that I have to visit a doctor once in the USA due to the odd chest X-Ray of mine.

Yeah I don't quite understand their health system. She's unemployed herself, and I don't think her husbands job offers any, or it's very limited.. They're not well off, at all.

No I haven't seen that documentary, I'll have to look into it. Hopefully your insurance will be fine - hopefully you won't have any need to try and claim on it anyways until you get set up there.. Could cause too many unwanted problems etc. Just live in a bubble for awhile, I think that's my plan.

Hopefully your doctor visit shouldn't cost TOO much.. Unless they want to do more tests and stuff when you visit..

Thanks, they all look interesting. Mum and I are having a read now.

Not sure if it changes for our situation though having a US Citizen - my step-dad. Except my mum & I would still be new immigrants technically.. I mean, I don't think he'd be able to get new immigrant insurance.. Even though he's been over here in Aus for 11+ years now haha.
Argh.. just received a letter from NSW Police.

'Your application is unable to be processed for the following reason/s:

- Your fingerprints have not been received in this office and am unable to finalize as further information is needed. Please contact this office on x during business hours
- NSW residents must now make application online at police.nsw.gov.au for Employment, Visa to travel overseas, Liquor license.. etc. Once the application has been submitted online you must attend the NSW police station nearest your place and pay the fee required. Take your receipt with your identification with you if you have previously paid for this check when you attend the station. (I did this? Lodged it online then took it in?)
- For a Working with Children 'self employment check' you are required to provide the purpose. A list of purpose types can be located on the following website kids.nsw.gov.au and complete the form where indicated, if further information is required. Take the completed P1017 application form to your nearest police station to be re-lodged. Take your receipt with your ID with you if you have previously paid for this check when you attend the station. (Working with children self employment check? What???)
- You have indicated your check is for a visa, you need to indicate the country you are travelling to. NSW residents must now make application online at police.nsw.gov.au. Once the application has been lodged online you must attend the NSW police station nearest your place of residence and pay the fee required. Take your receipt with your ID with you if you have prevoiusly paid for this check when you attedn the station. (So I should have just written it's for the US? :/)
- If you require this check for Australian Residency / citizenship, Guardianship or spouse visa, these checks must be lodged with the Australian Federal Police information can be found at afp.gov.au please contact this office on x for a refund if you have paid the fee. (I thought I just had to lodge it with NSW police like people on here have been saying? What am I doing wrong?!)

Anyone else encountered this issue? Stressful!
Interview is April 23rd.. hope to get this sorted ASAP! (And hopefully won't have to pay again!)
Argh, not fun mushy! I didn't see this issue at all, and haven't heard of it, so hope you get it sorted asap!

If it makes you feel any better, my fingerprint results came back in 7 working days - so hopefully, if you had to get them taken again, you will get the results back very quickly before your interview! Fingers are crossed for you!

Only a week til my embassy interview now. Can't believe how nervous I am feeling, don't think I will be getting much sleep the night before!
mushy11 - So strange...

Did they do the ink or livescan?
Did they select both name and print check?
Did it cost $175?

Would say - working with children isnt relevant - prob a generic letter

Mine did say USA visa in comments i think from memory

Can you go back to the station and ask them? - Show them any receipts and the letter and ask them to do it again to get it right?

Hope it works out ok.