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2012 Visa bulletin predictions

it does make me wonder though where they get their September and October numbers from as they don't have any indication yet as to how many visas will be processed in 2012.. i suspect it has to do with the ratio of how many winners are in a region to the visa quota they have for that region. since sept and oct numbers are lower than last year in EU and there are exactly the same amount of winners this makes me think the quota could be lower this year. unless they use their judgement in deciding the numbers by for example looking at last year and figuring out that they made the numbers a little too high early on and were having trouble processing all the cases.... if only we knew exactly how it works
radovic, i think you might be onto something, it would make sense if they also use the number of DS120 forms received as a gauge for the VB numbers... although you would think that this year they would have received less in general than last year because winners weren't notified until july.......

Yes. Sorry.
Looks like EU follows the trajectory of DV-2011...Not bad. On the other hand, AS has expired a huge kick. AF is doing well, too.
What is your number for OC?

For EU this is little faster then expected. So if continue with this speed I will be current in April/May 2012.
OC000006XX - I was extremely close! I should be OK next month. We just have to reassure ourselves that there are going to be plenty of visas and there are always enough for people who want them and qualify.
I just wonder if anybody knows the exact number of DV visas given each year. Statistics are nowhere to find.
Had they ever ran above the 50,000 threshold before Sep. 30?
travel.state.g ov/pdf/MultiYearTableVII.pdf[/url (system won't let me paste URL)

Look at the Totals at the bottom. There are 50,000 DV + 5,000 NACARA DV visas available every year. There always seem to be leftovers. Do you think this is the correct analysis? I really don't know. I suppose there's little point in even speculating.
It just doesn't make any sense to me. More than 100,000 people are selected. Surely, it can't be the case, that >45,000 of those lose interest/don't qualify. I wish I could stop thinking about the DV all the time