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2012 Visa bulletin predictions

Keep in mind that when the next bulletin comes out (probably some time this week) and we get advance notice for November, not one single 2012 DV case will have been processed or even began the process. I think we won't have a real picture of what to expect for 2012 until November bulletin next month. I suspect this year will be a little different from past years for a couple reasons: #1 only electronic notifications...meaning scam companies over seas will not be able to notify as many people of their interviews and people who simply forgot about their entry etc. won't make it to their interviews.... #2 the whole debacle of the selection this year which means people were notified in July instead of May and will have less time to prepare.

With all this in mind I believe we will see the numbers move differently this year starting with the November bulletin...
With all this in mind I believe we will see the numbers move differently this year starting with the November bulletin...

I agree. We won't have a clear picture till we see bulletins for at least three months, and November one will have the numbers for december too.
I would agree with above. I think we need to wait until November bulletin release and by then we should be able to see if numbers follow last year pattern.
I think that 2012 will see movements similar to 2007 and 2008, meaning that all European case numbers may become current only in August and or September, 2012.

Why do you think Europe numbers will be similar to 2007-2008? I agree we need to wait to see what happens, but somehow I think numbers will be similar to last year.
^ i agree with above i think the numbers will be similar to 2011 based on -> very similar break down of selectees between the 6 regions; similar economic conditions (might be worse this year).. i think everyone will be current in september but i do think there will be some variability caused by the changes that DOS made to processing and the selection screw up
I was reading other DV lottery forums and there are lots of people with EU numbers above 30XXXX. IS it because there are more applicants this year? If, so does it mean that people with high case numbers have less chances than last year?

The number of applicants should have nothing to do with what the chances are of a winner getting a visa. This year they selected an almost identical number of winners from EU as last year so as long as the quota is the same as last year for EU then the chances should be equal. but then the chances also depend on outside factors that affect the amount of winners who decide to pursue a visa and who are approved for a visa ie. economy, politics etc etc....

As to next bulletin, it should be out Monday. it hasn't been posted later than the 11th of the month in the past couple years.