2004 case approved after talking to a military recruiter


New Member
Hi all,

I was granted asylum in September 2003 and filed for adjustment of status in October 2004.

Two months ago I was put in touch with a U.S. military recruiter who was eager to have me joined the Armed Forces. But to join I must have a green card and according to the INS processing schedule I had a long way to go. But with the REAL ID Act on the book the INS has the discretion to expedite a case if they want to. So the recruiter's superiors wrote a request to the INS and they approved my adjustment application earlier this week.

I am thrilled because as soon as I complete my induction into the armed forces I am eligible to apply to citizenship.

Is it really worth getting your Green Card early through Military and being shipped to Iraq? Just a thought.

patriot2005 said:
Hi all,

I was granted asylum in September 2003 and filed for adjustment of status in October 2004.

Two months ago I was put in touch with a U.S. military recruiter who was eager to have me joined the Armed Forces. But to join I must have a green card and according to the INS processing schedule I had a long way to go. But with the REAL ID Act on the book the INS has the discretion to expedite a case if they want to. So the recruiter's superiors wrote a request to the INS and they approved my adjustment application earlier this week.

I am thrilled because as soon as I complete my induction into the armed forces I am eligible to apply to citizenship.

Good for you man ....God bless you for joining :) I think this Great Country is well worth fighting for...
Please think about your own life and your family members more than think about becoming a US citizen. Hope you will come back from Iraq safely. Hope you will not kill any innocent human beings.
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As long as ......

samoel said:
Good for you man ....God bless you for joining :) I think this Great Country is well worth fighting for...

Let me finish your thoughts:

....as long as:

1. We will not be asking our men and women in uniform to risk what they are risking unless there is a clear and present danger posed by the enemy to our security, liberty and way of life;

2. We are not fighting the war merely to finish our Daddy's little adventures;

3. Our leaders will not lie, cheat and terrorize us to convince us to go to war;

4. The mission is well thought-out and our leaders (specially a certain maniacal Secretary of Defense) are not engaged in testosterone-charged "who has the biggest dick" games that has made us more vulnerable and unable to immediately respond to real dangers from Iran and North Korea;

5. The mission does not compromise our focus from capturing and punishing those who actually have done harm to us and are now running around in certain mountainous regions of Pakistan; and

6. The children of the rich and the privileged will also face the same risks that are faced by those who are serving now (predominantly poor, minority and immigrants). This is not just a mere class warfare rhetoric - if the children of the rich and the privileged (including children and grandchildren of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld) were required to serve, I guarantee you that we will only be engaged in engagements, as stated earlier, with "a clear and present danger posed by the enemy to our security, liberty and way of life."

By the way, using immigrants to supplement the drop in enlistments has been a tried and tired means - for your entertainment please watch "Gangs of New York," an excellent movie!

TortFeasor said:
Let me finish your thoughts:

....as long as:

1. We will not be asking our men and women in uniform to risk what they are risking unless there is a clear and present danger posed by the enemy to our security, liberty and way of life;

2. We are not fighting the war merely to finish our Daddy's little adventures;

3. Our leaders will not lie, cheat and terrorize us to convince us to go to war;

4. The mission is well thought-out and our leaders (specially a certain maniacal Secretary of Defense) are not engaged in testosterone-charged "who has the biggest dick" games that has made us more vulnerable and unable to immediately respond to real dangers from Iran and North Korea;

5. The mission does not compromise our focus from capturing and punishing those who actually have done harm to us and are now running around in certain mountainous regions of Pakistan; and

6. The children of the rich and the privileged will also face the same risks that are faced by those who are serving now (predominantly poor, minority and immigrants). This is not just a mere class warfare rhetoric - if the children of the rich and the privileged (including children and grandchildren of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld) were required to serve, I guarantee you that we will only be engaged in engagements, as stated earlier, with "a clear and present danger posed by the enemy to our security, liberty and way of life."

By the way, using immigrants to supplement the drop in enlistments has been a tried and tired means - for your entertainment please watch "Gangs of New York," an excellent movie!


I was waiting for the "Cindy ditch crowd" to joining the board and trash Bush the war the troops and yes bring up the class warfare rhetoric (boy they love that old shit) but now is about joining the army ..like somebody is forcing people to join... last time I checked it was volunteer army but the truth doesn't matter nowadays like it's not shameful to undermine our efforts against terrorist in Iraq Afghanistan and the rest of the world as long as you can make cheap political points especially after loosing a bunch of elections ... Keep one thing in mind those Muslim sickos won't stop to ask if you were for or against the war before slicing off heads or blowing up the train you go to work....and then "Gangs of New York" will look like "You've got mail" but will be too late
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Noman74 said:
Is it really worth getting your Green Card early through Military and being shipped to Iraq? Just a thought.


Once again, it's an ignorant and stereotypical to believe that everyone that joins the military winds up in iraq or afghanistan. Not everyone is army infantry or Marine corp.
samoel said:
I was waiting for the "Cindy ditch crowd" to joining the board and trash Bush the war the troops and yes bring up the class warfare rhetoric (boy they love that old shit) but now is about joining the army ..like somebody is forcing people to join... last time I checked it was volunteer army but the truth doesn't matter nowadays like it's not shameful to undermine our efforts against terrorist in Iraq Afghanistan and the rest of the world as long as you can make cheap political points especially after loosing a bunch of elections ... Keep one thing in mind those Muslim sickos won't stop to ask if you were for or against the war before slicing off heads or blowing up the train you go to work....and then "Gangs of New York" will look like "You've got mail" but will be too late

Not every Muslim is a sicko. I resent these comments you make. Please try to use some restraint when trying to make your point. Valid points are often rendered useless by bigot comments.
patriot2005 said:
Hi all,

I was granted asylum in September 2003 and filed for adjustment of status in October 2004.

Two months ago I was put in touch with a U.S. military recruiter who was eager to have me joined the Armed Forces. But to join I must have a green card and according to the INS processing schedule I had a long way to go. But with the REAL ID Act on the book the INS has the discretion to expedite a case if they want to. So the recruiter's superiors wrote a request to the INS and they approved my adjustment application earlier this week.

I am thrilled because as soon as I complete my induction into the armed forces I am eligible to apply to citizenship.

Good job and good luck.

Samoel, you bring nothing but shame to this board. Make the selection of right words and rethink before you express your inner filth!!!

LolaLi said:
Not every Muslim is a sicko. ......bigot comments.

I don't now what you talking about first I did not say "every muslim" I said "those muslim sickos" everybody I think knows for what type of muslims I'm talking about ...Second I'm a muslim my self I don't practice but my whole family does and there are no words to describe my hate for these cruel and sadistic killers also I'm ashamed that muslims in general are doing so little to get their peaceful religion back and denounce the extremist
It's mind bugling and insulting to me how some in these boards can trash and say anything I mean anything about US government... military.. "religious right" republicans and it's all fair game protected by freedom of speech but god forbid you call a bunch of "sickos" by their religion name under which they kill and slaughter oh no it's bigoted and hateful..

.. NoMan I think your name and comments in the board say it all about you I'm not going to even bother with you.
samoel said:
I don't now what you talking about first I did not say "every muslim" I said "those muslim sickos" everybody I think knows for what type of muslims I'm talking about ...Second I'm a muslim my self I don't practice but my whole family does and there are no words to describe my hate for these cruel and sadistic killers also I'm ashamed that muslims in general are doing so little to get their peaceful religion back and denounce the extremist
It's mind bugling and insulting to me how some in these boards can trash and say anything I mean anything about US government... military.. "religious right" republicans and it's all fair game protected by freedom of speech but god forbid you call a bunch of "sickos" by their religion name under which they kill and slaughter oh no it's bigoted and hateful..

.. NoMan I think your name and comments in the board say it all about you I'm not going to even bother with you.

Yes it is hateful because of the way you approach it. It makes it worse that you ARE muslim actually. If you were to say - I disagree with what the extremists or terrorists are doing - that's one thing. But to just come out and say 'those muslim sickos'... Also, I never commented on your defending the republicans or Bush or whatever because that is your right. This is what America is all about.

I'm going to throw what you said to me back at you. If it shames you that most muslims don't do anything about it - why don't you? Start by being positive about the religon (even if you don't practice) and condemning those who abuse it (i.e. the terrorists). Show people that not ALL muslims are sickos.

I personally think change has to start with the person commenting about it. If you don't do anything to show how peaceful Islam is - then don't expect others to.

I don't have anything against you samoel. I don't think you mean anything bad by what you say, but how you say it does offend at times.

Well said Lola!!

Samoel, yeah don't bother. Nobody in this board seems interested in hearing your "religion bashing".
Heard about $$ for GC, not trading life for faster GC

patriot2005 said:
Hi all,

I was granted asylum in September 2003 and filed for adjustment of status in October 2004.

Two months ago I was put in touch with a U.S. military recruiter who was eager to have me joined the Armed Forces. But to join I must have a green card and according to the INS processing schedule I had a long way to go. But with the REAL ID Act on the book the INS has the discretion to expedite a case if they want to. So the recruiter's superiors wrote a request to the INS and they approved my adjustment application earlier this week.

I am thrilled because as soon as I complete my induction into the armed forces I am eligible to apply to citizenship.
LolaLi said:
Yes it is hateful because of the way you approach it. It makes it worse that you ARE muslim actually. If you were to say - I disagree with what the extremists or terrorists are doing - that's one thing. But to just come out and say 'those muslim sickos'... Also, I never commented on your defending the republicans or Bush or whatever because that is your right. This is what America is all about.

I'm going to throw what you said to me back at you. If it shames you that most muslims don't do anything about it - why don't you? Start by being positive about the religon (even if you don't practice) and condemning those who abuse it (i.e. the terrorists). Show people that not ALL muslims are sickos.

I personally think change has to start with the person commenting about it. If you don't do anything to show how peaceful Islam is - then don't expect others to.

I don't have anything against you samoel. I don't think you mean anything bad by what you say, but how you say it does offend at times.

...LolaLi you're freaking me out cuz you sound just like my ex :p No matter what I said she came back with the same argument over and over :mad: ....well kidding aside I hope is clear that I did not say ALL I said SOME
I wasn't trying to get even with you for any comment you made but just making a point overall about the double standard also it sounds good the point about making a change in the way religion is perceived but the problem is that if you don't believe in it there is no way you can make a change It's up to the people who believe in it to make a difference (so far they're making very little or nothing at all)
Anyway its all good between us and I'll stop hijacking this thread (leave that to anti-war "asylees" :rolleyes: )
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samoel said:
...LolaLi you're freaking me out cuz you sound just like my ex :p No matter what I said she came back with the same argument over and over :mad: ....well kidding aside I hope is clear that I did not say ALL I said SOME
I wasn't trying to get even with you for any comment you made but just making a point overall about the double standard also it sounds good the point about making a change in the way religion is perceived but the problem is that if you don't believe in it there is no way you can make a change It's up to the people who believe in it to make a difference (so far they're making very little or nothing at all)
Anyway its all good between us and I'll stop hijacking this thread (leave that to anti-war "asylees" :rolleyes: )

I dont think Samoel said anything bad...He didnt say ALL muslim when he mentioned them as "sickos"....I totally agree with samoel that some muslim fanatics(maybe the righ word to use) are using the religion to cause their agenda which is not right....For most americans, its mostly black and white..there is no grey area. So for them if one person of any race/religion does something bad, everyone of that race/religion is stereotyped...For instance Blacks..they are still being not treated right...

I have lots of muslim friends as I am from a muslim country but of different relgion..and those sensibile muslims do feel the same anger as Samoel and others do that why someone is using their religion like that..however they can't do anything... So what Samoel said was good...No matter whoever spreads the good word of the religion, some "sickos" will always win....because BAD in this country gets more media attention then GOOD.
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