2002 Jan/Feb/Mar RD/ND - The optimists Part II

stillwaiting2(it's urgent)

Hi, stillwaiting2,

Did your 2nd FP notice say" please disregard this notice if you have been fingerprinted within 90 days"? Thanks! Looking forward to your reply

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Funny you should ask this.

No our second notice did not say that. Which was surprising (and confusing to us, as well). Where as the first one did say that. [Go figure!]

I asked several question on this forum reg. the same, and not all were answered.


one of the things you might consider doing is calling the FBI to check whether or not they sent your FP results to the INS.

the number to call is: 304-625-5590 (i haven't ever called FBI myself; i got this number from these forums). they will ask you for your Alien Number (A#) to pull up your information.

i don't know if this will be terribly useful, but could be a place to start.
Pork Chop

Thanks for your concern!

I called FBI and was told that my FP was already sent to INS. But IIO of NSC told me that if it didn't say "please disregard this notice if your FP have been taken within 90 days" on my 2nd notice, I couldn't disregard this notice. That's why I asked stillwaiting2 the last question. I'm totally confused now. I'll go to support center tomorrow to figure it out!

Thanks a lot

God bless me!

I hope the 11 month time frame continues for a few more months.

Aap ke muh mein ghee shakkar!!!

I am a Jan RD/ND so I am really hoping to get a great Christmas Gift (my I-485 approval).

you're welcome!

if it's any consolation, this scenario would confuse anyone. in case this does not get resolved one way or the other, i guess it would be a good idea to err on the side of caution, and consider going ahead with a second FP process. that's what your lawyer is recommending, and that seems to be the message from NSC as well.

the test results do not take long at all to get back from FBI to INS... it is at the INS that the delay happens. hopefully, they should be able to find at least *one* of your test results and link it to your file.

i must emphasize that this only my take... please go with your lawyer's advice.

good luck!
Looking at the rate of approvals

in rupnet.com,it looks like my case (ND Oct 16th 2001),will not even be assigned to an officer this year,as I think the rest of the year will be spent by NSC processing Aug/Sep NDs
What do u think guys..not trying to put a damper on anyone's spirits,but NSC doesnt seem to be picking up at all
I don't know why they are the ones who are messed up ,as VSC has a lot of filers too.
Anyhow,Sep 11 will prob get the guys at NSC all riled up again,and they prob will take extra sadistic pleasure in delaying cases of people who actually contribute to the economy (EB based) ,and are good law-abiding citizens..
sorry guys...I have been so frustrated lately....

OK..gotta go to Vegas - and cheer myself up

If anyone notices, the numbers on Rupnet for the "Filers" is increasing in tandem with (or often more than) the number of approvals.

Which indicates that the entries generated are more often, than not, done by those who are getting approved recently. Those who have created an entry earlier and have been approved lately, have forgotten to update the entry to approve.

I wonder how many such cases (who have an entry in Rupnet, have been approved and have not updated their Rupnet records) would be there. I wish there is a way to find that out!

Otherwise, what is the reason that the Filers grow virtually in tandem with the approvals/RFEs?

So, I guess we have to just trust the system. Until approved, we shall be ...


1 Any luck with the Support center? [What is it anyway? where d'u go for Support Center?]

2. Which state/city r u from?


3. happened to talk to an IIO reg. my FP today!

- She told me my case is pending and that she does not have any information about FP.
- I asked her that since AVM did not reflect anything and I know others being told about thier status on FP, I wondered what happened to mine.
- SHe said, if INS wants anything, they would intimate me.
- I told her I haven't received anything in that regard after FP done.
- She said then things would be fine.

4. What could one conclude from this.

5. Anyone knows as to why some people get to know about their FP status and other don't?


Prok Chop

1. Have u ever called IIO?

2. How often / How many times?

3. What and how were the responses.

4. I guess ur case has been approved (if I recall it correct). Please confirm?


I had my fingerprints taken again in NYC. They allowed me to do it but they can't garentee the result(delay or abandon). I asked my lawyer to take care of anything else. When did you have your fingerprints taken?

Good luck!

We got our FP done on June 3, 2002 (notice dated May 2, 2002 and received Apr. 29, 2002 - can u believe that?), in St. Louis.


no, i've not called an IIO yet. i figured it is early yet in my case to not warrant calling an IIO. i am thinking that perhaps i should call and ask about our FP results, as the AVM has not updated yet, while our FP was done on May 23.

and, no, our case is not approved yet. my RD/ND is 02/14/02 and 02/25/02, so i guess it is still some time before the files are even touched.

"...my case is approved..." has a nice ring to it! i hope we are all able to say that soon!
I called IIO to see if they have approved

record of FP and he said they had. So I never bothered to ask
dumb question like, "why AVM is not updated yet?" We all
know that AVM is 90 percent of the time not correct.

I had FP taken on 06/04. I checked AVM last night, still the same..
Hope you have good news soon
Hello optimists

Nothing new to report. I am visiting this site after more than month. FP was done June 04 2002. AVM still NOT updated. I dont know what to say other than "keep the faith"..
Ericalee & H1togc

1. Which city/state u guys r from?

2. Was the FP manual / automatic (by machine) for u guys?


I hope we all get our GCs sooner.
Same here, AVM not updating

ND 3/21/02
FP done on 4/30/02
AVM still saying "Notice for FP was sent on ...."
My attorney talked to IIO and was told that my FP has been received and cleared. So just keep waiting...