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  1. G

    Plastic Cards - e-mail confusion..

    We were stamped on 03/04. I received a mail yesterday saying my wife's card was ordered. But there is no info on me and my son. Is there anybody in the same boat?????
  2. G

    Any pending approval for RFE Response received on 01/20

    Somebody mentioned that CIS has to decide on the cases withing 60 days from the date of receiving the response. Did the status changed to say that they received your response? Did you check with your Attorney?
  3. G

    BC Affidavit-Original or Copy

    A copy of affidavit has no meaning. You should submit Original. Keep a copy in your file. However, any legal opinions here, guys?
  4. G

    Is there INFOPASS for Norfolk office??

    I am getting message that "No Information appointments are available in your area". Does anybody know whether or not Norfolk has this Infopass appointmnets or not? Can I go withour an appointment for stamping??
  5. G

    can I get my stamp?

    I have no answer for your question, but I have one question to you. Did you try infopass or you want to gate crash CIS?
  6. G

    Attached file is a 485 RFE Traker

    Approved on 02/16. Here are our updates.
  7. G

    Any pending approval for RFE Response received on 01/20

    Expect it today or tomorrow. Krips99 is also on the same boat. Good luck to you all!!!!1
  8. G

    Approved.... and no feeling...

    gckajadoo, It was about my wife's birth certificate. They needed secondary evidence. We submitted affidavits from her parents. I took the affidavit format from these forums only. wish you Good luck.
  9. G

    Approved finally!!

    Congrats Dear!!! Our cases are also approved today after exactly 4 weeks from CIS receiving our response. Yesterday I asked my Attorney to contact CIS, but she refused to do so as she felt it is not time yet for me. Anyway, we are releived of a great pain. Congrats once again.
  10. G

    Approved.... and no feeling...

    Looking at the trend, KRIPS99 should get the approval in a day or two. And yes, I felt more happy when I got my Labor, I-140 and EAD approvals. Today's feeling is more of relief than happiness. Thank you all guys for your valuable information. We have made one hell of a family over here...
  11. G

    Any pending approval for RFE Response received on 01/20

    Approved finally, Guys, It took exactly 4 weeks for approval after CIS received our response. We are approved today. Good luck to you all.
  12. G

    Approved.... and no feeling...

    Friends, Our cases have been approved. As I mentioned earlier, after CIS received our response on 01/20, LUD changed to 21, 24 and 27; then a long pause and today it changed to 02/16 and status changed to "case approved". Interestingly, for my son, LUD never changed after 01/20. Ironically...
  13. G

    Approved finally!!

    Congrats!! My LUD's are also in the same pattern (just a day later) 01/20, 21, 24 and 27. Hope to get the approval soon!!!!!!!!!
  14. G

    Any pending approval for RFE Response received on 01/20

    Witer, did you check with your attorney to see if they can talk to somebody at CIS and find our what is happening to these cases? I am trying to do that but my attorney is "busy" as usual and still no reply from her, leave aside CIS.
  15. G

    Any pending approval for RFE Response received on 01/20

    Waiter, can you please post more of your details...
  16. G

    Any pending approval for RFE Response received on 01/20

    As to my original question, are there any pending approvals for RFE's received on 01/20/05???????? Mine is pending with last LUD stuck at 01/21/05???????????
  17. G

    Any pending approval for RFE Response received on 01/20

    Some cases are getting approved within 3 days after the response is received whereas we are hanging in there without any clue as to when our cases would be finally approved. Checking the e-mails every 10-15 minutes is really causing a lot of new problems in life. Damn it, it is even affecting...
  18. G

    Any pending approval for RFE Response received on 01/20

    Any approvals for this response date ???????????????????????????????????
  19. G


    Congratulations!!!!! Can you post when did CIS receive your RFE? Mine was received on 01/20 and no approval yet. Please post your RFE details too. Thanks and again, congrats!!!!!
  20. G

    Unlucky or what?

    They received my RFE on 01/20. Then LUD changed on 21, 24 and 27. That's it. No news after that. Praying God every moment and checking my e-mail every 30 minutes. Lets hope we get approvals today.