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  1. R

    Approvals in May, 07!

    Yes, you are right.
  2. R

    Approvals in May, 07!

    Akayal, Thanks, I believe you should have your approval before and of May. If your NC is clear TSC has been very efficient in most cases. green_card_77, I called TSC using POJ just to check about my expired FP when i was told that NC is clear. when i asked about it further she told me the...
  3. R

    Approvals in May, 07!

    Thank you assur, good_y, banta4gc. noshs, I did contact a senator once about a year back, but he just gave me the status information ..stuck in security check..cant do anything.. after that I did not contact took its usual course. I am glad its over.
  4. R

    Approvals in May, 07!

    Thanks, Yes, I did see LUD's for four consecutive days (2 days before FP, the day of FP and the next day). These were only LUD's I have seen in my case.
  5. R

    Approvals in May, 07!

    Approved Received approval emails today exactly two weeks after second FP. Case details are in signature. This forum has been so useful at all the stages of this journey. Good luck to everybody.
  6. R

    Mass TSC FP notices might be good news after all

    Have you done your FP already? did she say how long it would be after FP? Anyway, I fully concur with you about Name check. I did not contact anybody and still got it clear in about 16 months. Most of the people who contacted senators, FL etc also took over a year or more. So its hard to...
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    How to make use of a grant in EB1-A application?

    I agree that lot of things which are very important academically may not mean much from USCIS point of view. At the same time its difficult to say what exactly contributes and what does not while your application is being adjudicated. In my case i dont know what clicked, but i fulfilled six...
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    How to make use of a grant in EB1-A application?

    You can use your grant as a separate category.(it worked for me, PI on an NSF grant). everything doesnt have to fit in one of the 10 categories. All the evidences together should present a picture that you have achieved eminence.
  9. R

    Any Time line in adjudicating 485 applications?

    tiptodo, when did you do your FP? Thanks
  10. R

    Name check finally cleared!

    I did not see a LUD after i talked to TSC. But about a week after i received my FP notice, i saw an LUD on friday then there was another one today and i have not even had my FP yet. I am not really sure what is going on.
  11. R

    Received a letter from FBI regarding Name Check

    Akayal: Yes, POJ method still works and I am not sure how long does it take USCIS to update their files. As i said i did not contact senator or anybody, i found out about my NC clearance only when i called TSC to ask about FPs since my first FP had already expired.
  12. R

    Received a letter from FBI regarding Name Check

    TXLCRIR, I am surprised why you were told your FP has not expired. In fact they should have expired on Feb 17th. You should probably contact TSC and request for scheduling FP. I am going for my second FP tomorrow. I had to call them to schedule this one. Raj
  13. R

    Name check finally cleared!

    Congratulations!! My case is pretty much similar to yours. the only difference being that i did not contact anybody for name check even though i was stuck in it for a while. anyway i would suggest you to call TSC and ask them to schedule you for FP. I had to do that and then they send me FP notice.
  14. R

    485 Approved - Name Check stuck candidate

    congratulations: could you please share some info about your FPs when did you do you last FP. Was it after NC was cleared? and how long after FP you got the approval. Thanks a lot
  15. R

    I-485 Approved?

    Thanks for your reply Splendini. FPs expire every 15 months irrespective of Service center or ASC. The only possibility I can think of in your case is that they pre-adjucated the I485 and were just waiting for name check to be complete. But as correctly said..anything is possible..its USCIS
  16. R

    I-485 Approved?

    Congratulations splendini ! Could you please tell me about your FP. I believe your first FP would have expired since your I485 was in Sep 05. Did you do a second FP and when did you do it. I am a little curious since my I485 dates are similar to yours. Thanks a lot.
  17. R

    Received a letter from FBI regarding Name Check

    Your FP has already expired. I did FP on Dec 7th, 2005 and it expired last month (expires every 15 month). My NC cleared on March 30 and now I am waiting for FP scheduling notice.
  18. R

    EAD denial-Possibly incomplete security check

    I believe namecheck has nothing to do with issuance of EAD. There are large number of I-485 (over 80,000) pending due to namecheck, but we have not come across a significant number of EAD denials.
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    EAD denial-Possibly incomplete security check

    Anybody on this forum with pending namecheck has been denied EAD? Please respond. Thanks
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    Biometrics for EAD

    Just a very basic question on EAD. If we file online EAD application, we get a notice for biometric and digital photo appointment. But in case of paper application do we call them and schedule biometric at ASC. Also. do we pay additional $70 for biometrics. If i have already done biometric for...