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  1. M

    H1 Visa Transfer

    Have anyone get H1 approval from VSC whose ND is around Nov 25? Have anyone gotten a new H1 from VSC whose ND is around Nov 25? Please give some information. Thanks.
  2. M

    track H1 approval from Novermber

    Have anyone gotten a new H1 from VSC whose ND is Nov around Nov 25? Please give some information. Thanks.
  3. M

    For Eb1, is it required to send orignal reference letters, or copies are fine? Will INS ask for ori

    you can not send the copies of letters unless.......... You must send the original letters, unless you have sent the original letters to INS for other case while you still need use the same letters, but you must explain what time and why you have sent the original to INS etc.
  4. M

    Papers: send full paper or only abstracts

    No Title It is better to send the original letters and completed papers written in English. good luck
  5. M

    Can I use the duplicated EB1 letters for the EB2 case?

    Can you mention some other better title for EB1 or EB2? Thank you yitizhu, Can you mention some other better title for EB1 or EB2? My field is chemistry.
  6. M

    Can I use the duplicated EB1 letters for the EB2 case?

    some special suggestion .... Thank you yitizhu for your advice. I think it is no problem they put the "senior research scientist" into their recommendation letters, but do they need to offer other regular policy document to confirm it? In addition, can you give some special...
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    Can I use the duplicated EB1 letters for the EB2 case?

    yitizhu Thank you very much for all your help. But I\'d like to know what kind of title is suitable for me or other some person. such as Senior chemist, senior inorganic researcher, or inorganic scientist, research associate, or Group leader ....are OK? My former Professor title in China is...
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    Can I use the duplicated EB1 letters for the EB2 case?

    How to get Volunteer as a reviewer of any journal? Thank you very much all your help. I have 8 publication in English and those papers are cited by other authors over 20 times published in English, too. In addition, could you tell me how to get Volunteer as a reviewer of any journal? A...
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    Can I use the duplicated EB1 letters for the EB2 case?

    Could you please review my creditable or give some suggestion? Hi, I really appreciate your advice, your advice by eb1tsc is greatly helpful to me. In this poster, I\'d like to know my case. Can some one help review my creditable or give some suggestion? My questions are: (1)which...
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    Can I use the duplicated EB1 letters for the EB2 case?

    I am changing the visa from J-1 to H-1 and will get new visa quite soon, could you tell me when I can start GC petition? What can I do now? If I begin to prepare the recommendation letters now, how long the signed letters will be expired if I keep them in hand? Can I use the duplicated EB1...
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    Can I do EB1-OR by myself?

    to Kentucky Hi, Kentucky, I have two question to ask you: If my empolyer is the petitioner, does he need a lawyer? My means is that he is not only a petitioner but also is a representativer, is it Ok? Another question is that EB2-NIW can also be applied by my employer although it is Ok for...