Can I use the duplicated EB1 letters for the EB2 case?


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I am changing the visa from J-1 to H-1 and will get new visa quite soon, could you tell me when I can start GC petition? What can I do now?

If I begin to prepare the recommendation letters now, how long the signed letters will be expired if I keep them in hand?

Can I use the duplicated EB1 recommendation letters for the EB2 case? (some words like "extraordinary ability in EB1 case letters. Or can I submit the two case in the same envelop but use the same recommendation letters?

Any advice will be GREATLY appreciated.
You can send two cases in one envelope

Two cases can share the same set of letters, but each case must be standalone. That is, you should have two copies of letters. As far as I know, NIW and EB1 letters should be written slightly differently. Both categories should stress that you are outstanding and an alien of extraordinary or exceptional ability. But NIW letters should also stress how your work benefits the US. For EB1, you should have several letters from overseas (Europe, Canada, ...), but these are not necessary for NIW. High-rank government official\'s letter weighs much more on NIW case, but may not be useful on your EB1 case.

Here is what I did. Draft two slightly different letters for each support author. By this way, I got two sets of letters at the same time. The best EB1 letters should be from someone you do not know personally. I got a very good letter from a professor who reviewed my paper. I also got a letter from a government official I have never met and talked to. I had a little contribution in the area he is in charge. Do not be shy, well-educated people here are mostly polite and helpful. They may be willing to help you if you do not lie.

Good luck to you all.
Could you please review my creditable or give some suggestion?

Hi, I really appreciate your advice, your advice by eb1tsc is greatly helpful to me.

In this poster, I\'d like to know my case. Can some one help review my creditable or give some suggestion?

My questions are: (1)which category is the best for me? why?
                  (2)What time is better for me to apply the GC?
                     before or after I join to the co.? one month
                    or two month or immediately after join the co.?

1, over 20 published journal papers
2, Five conference papers
3, About 30 citations
4, some reprints required
5, no evidence on reviewing papers
6, Ph.D in chemistry from a university in China
7, Associate Professor rank in China
8, Some small awards
9, Two years postdoctoral experience in US
10, Four professional memberships
11, over 10 years research experience
12,A new offer from a company in the same field (now I am changing
   the visa)
13,10 strong reference letters

If someone want to share your good case or suggestion with me personally, please accept my appreciation and send to

Thank you very much for all your help in advance. Liu
You do not have strong EB-1 case

You may try EB2 via LC or NIW. I do not know if your work fits in any NIW category.

EB1-OR requirements are clearly listed on I-140. You do not have any awards, not a reviewer of any journal (or any panel member, conference session chair, ...), have no advanced membership in any professional society. Hurry up! Volunteer as a reviewer of any journal, or as a session chair in any conference if you want to try EB1-OR or EB1-EA.

I reviewed only one paper, published only 3 papers in journals (never been the first author), two lousy awards from my home country (CHINA!). I waited more than 3 months to get an advanced membership.

It will take you at least two months to collect all evidence and support letters. I do not think support letters will expire. I submitted one letter which was more than one year old.

If you want to do EB1 or NIW, act now. You can and should improve your credential. These are not only useful for your GC application, but also you will benefit from it through your life.
I agree with eb1tsc, you have a weak case for EB1 or NIW

How many papers did you publish in English?
advanced membership means

the membership requires some qualifications; needs application and reviewed by a panel, and/or voted into the society, not just pay and get it.
How to get Volunteer as a reviewer of any journal?

Thank you very much all your help. I have 8 publication in English and those papers are cited by other authors over 20 times published in English, too.

In addition, could you tell me how to get Volunteer as a reviewer of any journal?

A more question is how to improve my creditable point based on last poster\'s resume and then I have chance to get GC by EB1 or EB2.

Thank you very much and also hope this discuss will benefit other people in the same or similar situation. Liu

You should focuse on your English papers; work on your citations, you have so many citations, that is good judgement by others. If you can get a membership reviewed by a panel, or voted into society, that is even better. At the same time, try to improve your title here. You have a good chance to be successful. The best go NIW.
Advanced membership and reviewer

To be a reviewer, send an email to the editor of the journal in which you have expertise. Tell the editor, you want to volunteer some of your free time to HELP him/journal to review some papers. Tell the editor where and when you get your PHD and what is your area of expertise.

In one of my societies, we have student members, associate members and active members. There are a long list of requirements for active membership. Your society may not have this kind of stuff. Then you should try to be a member of some committee and section such research committee, international committee, or web/internet committee, or student committee, whatever you can find. Remember that society presidents and board members are serious positions you have to run for. But under them there are lots of volunteer positions which are good enough to help you qualify for EB1.

Good luck to you all.
How to become a volunteer reviewer of any journal


This is the first time I heard volunteer reviewer of a journal. It\'s very interesting. The question is how to become a volunteer revewer of any journal? Just write to a banch of journal editor saying that?

eb1tsc, thank you for your inputs!!! Did you send original reference letters, or just copies? Will I

Does anybody here have any idea about the date for my case to get approved?

PD: August 15, ND August 21, 2001, EB2 NIW,
filed to TSC.
I got my approval in 5 months from TSC

EB1-OR, ND 7/12/2001, AD, 12/5/2001. I did it by myself without RFE.

Thank you very much for all your help. But I\'d like to know what kind of title is suitable for me or other some person.
such as Senior chemist, senior inorganic researcher, or inorganic scientist, research associate, or Group leader ....are OK? My former Professor title in China is still useful?
In company or University, we always do the research. But if I know what kind of title, probably I can ask president or manager who will give a "title".
scientist title is OK, research associate is a little low for immigration purpose

Or add senior in front. You can get a letter from your advicer in China, it does not hurt, but probably not much help either.
Can you mention some other better title for EB1 or EB2?

Thank you yitizhu, Can you mention some other better title for EB1 or EB2? My field is chemistry.