Papers: send full paper or only abstracts


Registered Users (C)

I am sending my EB1-EA and NIW stuff out in a few days. I was unsure about two things.

1, As of now, I have photcopied all the reference letters. Is that permissible or is better to have originals ?

2, I have enclosed the first page of all my papers- not the complete paper. Should I include the full paper ?

Thanks a lot for your advise,

No Title

It is better to send the original letters and completed papers written in English. good luck
I donot agree

I got my NIW approval, and I sent photcopies of letters and the first pages of my papers. Also I included Scifinder abstracts for my papers.
Good luck
original letters needed

I think original letters and the first page of publications should be sent. There is no point in keeping original letters with us. The photocopies can be used when you reply to RFE.
My two cents

INS accepts copy of letters. You do not have to send original letters. But I think original letters are better. As for publications, you should send complete papers if you have only several papers, say less than five. Otherwise, first page will be OK. I noticed a guy in this forum sent a package of over 1,000 pages and got EB1-EA|approval. My application package is over 300 pages and I got EB1-OR approval without RFE. My case was not very strong.
So I had to use volume of package to impress IIO. Good luck.