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    TSC vs Other center (shocking statistics)

    You are right! The boom time has long gone, now the captial hill is talking about restrict immigrations. See this: H.R. 5013 Bill to Restrict Immigration Introduced in the House AILA reports that "gentleman?" George Gekas, Congressman from Pennsylvania and chairman of an...
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    TSC vs Other center (shocking statistics)

    The Slow Center-TSC I think INS is ok, only TSC is THE probelm, all INS related problem are created by TSC. So maybe INS should stay, only TSC need go away.
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    Call for an action 2

    Strategy! Since we do have a huge number of people here, so I am thinking in addition to send to congress, we may also need to focus our "fire power" on a few "high profile" or members of immigration committee. This way our voice will be louder. In the letter, we may also...
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    For those who filed I-485 recently...

    I have checked a few of my friends and my coworkers who filed I-485 in past few weeks, we all have one thing in common, that is the "priority date" is empty in the I-485 receipt. Please post a message if you do have it in your receipt. I want to know if this is a new processing trend...
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    Tracker and Discussion

    Gking Do you think it will cause trouble if the "priority date" is emplty in the receipt? And anything I can do about it? Thank you.
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    Tracker and Discussion

    According to my laywer The applications were filed between Apr-24 and Apr-26, I am not sure the exactly date. I totally understood your feeling, and I am not sure if asking your laywer to contact INS will help or not.
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    Tracker and Discussion

    Question for GKing. Hi, GKing: I just got my receipt for I-485 today, I noticed that "priority date" field is empty. Is this going to cause any trouble? Thanks in advance.
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    INS is going to abolish??????

    I think this would further the delay Now all TSC employees have to look out for their own *ss and they get a valid excuse for all the problems they are facing. Hope I am wrong!
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    TSC I-140 board on Fec 19, 2002, come in, a lot new approvals

    My case still waiting: RD: Jun 29, 2001, ND: July 30, 2001, RIR EB2 I am gald to see the progress in past two day and hope best happen to rest of us soon.
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    TSC I-140 board on Fec 19, 2002, come in, a lot new approvals

    The news, the thought. From the One of the petitions that has proved the most troublesome at the TSC in the past couple of years is the I-140 petition. As we have reported on our website on previous occasions, there is a plan to incorporate the I-140...
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    TSC I-140 board on Fec 19, 2002, come in, a lot new approvals

    and... Also, in the current down turn, I really doubt that how many of us can manage to be the survivor and if we are able to enjoy TSC\'s mercy at all. Or we may simply have to pack the belongs to leave just before reaching the final point of the life long like torture and watch the fire...
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    New TSC dicussion - Nov. 26

    Re: IMMPORTANT NOTICE Hi, Hari: If you copy(ctrl+c) the whole table form the tracking site, and then past it (ctrl+v) to an excel file, you may be able to recover it all. If you want, I can try it and mail the table to you. Regards. Dex
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    New TSC dicussion - Nov. 26

    Waiting game And really, what else we can do to make a real difference except suffering. When looking at other service centers, you got know what is called unfair. And the current economic condition make the waiting game more uneasy in GREAT TEXAS SERVICE CENTER of united states. Sigh! DEX
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    TSC Tracker and Discussion - March 18, 2002

    "This case has been approved on March 21" Guys: I checked AVM yesterday @11PM, same old message, checked it again a moments ago, got the approval message. Pure, cowboy, Nanshi and others with July ND, please check your case, hope you all also got approval. My case(EB2) RD is June 30...
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    TSC Tracker and Discussion - March 18, 2002

    For Pure and other July ND guys. Have you checked the AVM recently? Mine still are same old sick message. And my lawyer can only ask me to be patient. I hope I-140 officers are not moved to help student visa program. Such a frustrate journey!
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    TSC Tracker and Discussion - March 18, 2002

    Talked to IIO, again! Talked to an officer today and I was told that my case I have been assigned to an officer last week, this is a huge break through. In TSC, every step is a milestone. Also, I know from this board that some case can go back to old stage again(yes, this is TSC, so nothing to...
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    TSC Tracker and Discussion - March 11, 2002

    For Iainjarvis Usually I will get through INS after keeping diag for half hour, after that, waiting another 40 min, if I am lucky not being kick out that day, I will be able talk to an IIO. For inquiry, your lawyer should know the number and the procedure. You can get your district...
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    TSC Tracker and Discussion - March 11, 2002

    you are not alone Many of us also waiting. The reason is that somehow TSC sigle out our cases and put it to a unknow conner. since they announced that they are processing Sep case, so they label ours as "in transition process", and it has been in this process at least a month. I was...
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    TSC Tracker and Discussion - March 11, 2002

    Thank you, Pure! This is best news I have heared recently. This make me feel much better, thank you for that. The IIO I called to ask me to call back next Monday, I will let you know the news then. Hope it is our turn, thanks again.
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    TSC Tracker and Discussion - March 11, 2002

    Congratulations, GKing! Best luck to your I-485! Hope we can catch up with you in days/weeks, not in months! Take care!