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  1. D

    A quick query

    Thanks INSfiles I thought as much too. Just wanted to be double sure. Hey Sam99, everyone has a signature. I don't have one and guess my ID conveys it all. :D Have a good one.
  2. D

    A quick query

    A friend of an acquaintance got fired from his workplace for a bit of malpractice on the job. He came about two years ago through an immigrant GC. Will he be able to claim unemployment dole? Any suggestions? Would really appreciate it if JoeF care to add his two bits. Thanks.
  3. D

    My Last Post

    Have not been coming here for a long time but I guess this board has enough idiots as it is without adding anymore to it. India today, whatever you typed was incoherent. Where's JoeF? He is the utmost in all replies regarding any issue.
  4. D

    Are they really limiting B1 visas to one month?Any ideas?

    and your source of info would be from? Please enlighten us. Would appreciate it. Thanks.
  5. D

    IGATE Capital --> IGATE Corporation ---) Company Name Changed

    RELAX SUVARNA Like SamG mentioned, IGATE has the best legal setup and you can be rest assured that your papers are in perfect hands. Amended 140 is a part of the process and don\'t sweat about it. Good Luck.
  6. D

    June Case Approved - 03/22

    CONGRATS!!!! Have Fun and Take Care. Don\'t forget to vote in the poll "Approvals of June" and add your details
  7. D

    RD 7/23 Approved today on 3/22

    CONGRATS!!!! Have Fun and Take Care. Add your details and vote in the poll "Approvals of July"
  8. D

    how many iGate employees are waiting for approval?

    Anyone got approved? Just wondering as to why this thread went dead. Please update with your info if approved.
  9. D

    how many iGate employees are waiting for approval?

    Uno mas VSC/EB3, PD 06/99, RD 08/27/01, ND 10/17/01, AP recd, FP 01/15/2002, AD awaited. EAC 02-014-5****
  10. D

    Need advice

    Don\'t think so Better consult a GOOD attorney. Good Luck.
  11. D

    How to sort out the INS mess ... Undeserving people are getting GCs when deserving candidates are st

    You have no right to talk about any individual or any company for that matter just because you have the right of freespeech. As far as INS is concerned, you are another number. You have got to wait for your turn. Like the message of DON\'T CARE who addressed the issue, I don\'t see you as...
  12. D

    how to stay in US with I-485 filing status after H4 expires

    RELAX We were in the similiar situation. Don\'t worry. Once the I-485 is filed, you are in status. All you have to do is sit back and just wait for the EAD card to arrive. Good Luck.
  13. D

    YES --- YES --- YES --- GC APPROVED finally in 5 YEARS

    CONGRATS!!!! Have fun and Take care. Please vote in the poll "Approvals of June"
  14. D

    Where is the Best?

    PITTSBURGH SUCKS BIG TIME I am a one time Pittsburgh resident and believe me, you don\'t want to go there. Hate the STEELERS (losers), dislike PENGUINS and cannot stand anything about that dinghy old city where speed limits are often 30 MPH in most places because of the ups and downs. No...
  15. D

    Company is not planning to exetend H1 because applied for EAD -Jim Mills and other gurus please advi

    Just Relax U are okay in that scenario. Take it from someone who went thru the same situation (August to November 2001) especially during the tense period of last year. Once the I-485 is filed before the H1/I-94 expires, you are okay. Just ensure that you get to keep a copy of your I-485...