My Last Post


Registered Users (C)
Hi Guys,

This is going to be my last post on this forum. I have tried to stick to immigration topics, but wavered a few times and tried to reply back to the non-immigration topics.

But now I have decided that I am not going to post any further on this forum. Even when my approval comes (whenever it comes :) :)), I promise not to post it here.

Thanks for being patient and reading this.


P.S.:- FYI, I am not a loser, I hate 'all this hatred' and I mean it. I will not get back to any person who criticizes this post or praises it.
Please do not care about such things. You just stick to topic. We are here to share the information ablout our GC. Becouse of such things Govt is seeking Finger prints.

Just Ignore Him. I hope you will keep writing My dear friend.
By the by I am Pakistani
I too am begining to think like 180DaysGuy

Got my GC approved some time ago and am happy.
The reason that I was coming back to this forum was with the idea to help the newbies (I have been a regular visitor for the past 2 years). Now all that one sees is trashy posts.
So guess it is going to be ADIOS time for me too.
May the New Year 2003 see GC approvals for all of you awaiting AOS.

Let me borrow this one liner from 180DaysGuy and insist :
that I am not a loser, I hate 'all this hatred' and I mean it. I will not get back to any person who criticizes this post or praises it.
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Don't try to get sympathy by saying that you would quit coming here. No one needs no one and we all need each other. If you believe in something then do it. You don't have to tell to the world that you are about to jump from the sky.

SO Please go down under the hill no, one will miss you as you didn't have much to offer in anyway other than being very selfish.

Helping who ?
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Why are you hating the forum it self..

I understand that many people posting non immigration topics.If you guys don't like it, pls. don't read or don't take it heart. But I feel, you should post any information you think useful to future immigrants.After all that is the main purpose of this forum. Why do you hate the forum it self??
Guys/Gals, don't take the arguments/slander to u'r heart. It is a very lively discussion abt somethings that need to be improved upon.

I am sure u also have some idea's abt improving things in life. Just because somebody posts an off-topic thread, it doesn't mean everybody has to start leaving the message boards.

I have seen lot of people who come here, ask a few questions and go back to their daily routine. It is fine but u need to understand that there are people in line who need u'r advice and a helping hand.

I am sure u think that there isn't anything that u GC'rs have to learn from the off topic discussions or by participating in 485 discussion but note u too will learn something.

If this doesn't convince u, how abt, if I tell u that it will increase u'r typing speed, by participate in the 485 forums :)-
Have not been coming here for a long time

but I guess this board has enough idiots as it is without adding anymore to it.
India today, whatever you typed was incoherent.
Where's JoeF?
He is the utmost in all replies regarding any issue.