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  1. H

    Man this site is deserted. Any good things to Cheer about Approvals, FP\'s .. ??

    Thanks Mohammad, Thanks for the remembrance. I dont visit now that often but surely miss you all and Ciba. Just trying to make a better life and a better use of the GC that I got in August. Good Luck to all of you
  2. H

    People facing layoffs in current Economic situation - Drafted for You.

    No Title Some of the sites that I visit from time to time to check out the latest news are: 1] 2] 3] 4] 5] 6] We must all remain united to fight this mess that we immigrants go through...
  3. H

    People facing layoffs in current Economic situation - Drafted for You.

    I have seen many questions that have been repeated on this board. Seems lot of people are in the similar situation, like unsecured job situation and want to get out of this mess as soon as possible. I therefore took the liberty of drafting this for everybody including those who is new on the...
  4. H

    I-485 APPROVED July26th WAC-01-116-XXXXX

    Well Congrats, All I can think is that I should check the AVM everyday and then suddenly stop doing that one fine day.
  5. H

    Spoke with an IIO. Is my case close to approval??

    I think you are in trouble unless they have a electronic copy  
  6. H

    Just spke with CSC IIO about FP

    This was interesting-What do you say Debo, seems like a new version  
  7. H

    Talked to IIO

    Does FP being in Syatem 2 means it is close to approval....  
  8. H

    Debo, I called FBI today

    Finally got the details I called CSC again and this time she asked me for my A#. Then she checked the FP and told me that everything looks Ok and they have got it some days ago. Thanks Debo for letting me know the catch here. How does the process work now...
  9. H

    Debo, I called FBI today

    Yes, she checked using the WAC only, didnt ask for A number. I think I will try again today , the nu  
  10. H

    Debo, I called FBI today

    Debo, I called FBI again today and confirmed again that FP was sent in 24 hrs to CSC, INS. Now they dont have that in the system, what to do? FBI person refused ,when I asked them to please conform from CSC whether they have received it. He inturn asked me to call them. Dont know what to...
  11. H

    Re: Just Talked to IIO

    Wrong Info- FP\'s are sent in a batch electronically with-in 24 hrs...  
  12. H

    The INS is Technology Wise Backwards

    No Title I am not sorry for them. I am sorry for you and me..
  13. H

    FP check

    Shirley, Then when did you get your interview notice in mail  
  14. H

    FP check

    No Title Shirley, I dont understand one thing, if you took FP on July 3, then how come you got a interview call so early, July 20th. Are you a 485 candidate...thanks
  15. H

    I485 Approved on AVM

    No Title COngratulations