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  1. Teyliana

    DV 2016 OC Selectees

    Hey guys sorry to be a bother but since I'm having issues with where to have my green card sent again I wanted to check once I do my activation trip can I get back into the US using my visa a second time or do I need to have my greencard?
  2. Teyliana

    DV 2016 OC Selectees

    So I keep confusing myself, I'm planning out my activation trip right now for early next month and I'm trying to remember if I've paid all my fees or not, I keep thinking there was something I need to pay online after my interview and visa fee. Is there? I've been busy with other things and...
  3. Teyliana

    DV 2016 OC Selectees

    YAY! Congrats Violetion on getting the internship! That's such great news
  4. Teyliana

    DV 2016 OC Selectees

    Hey all so I just wanted to report in, I had my interview yesterday at the Sydney Consulate and I am all approved and have 5 months to plan everything out. I've been trying not to think about it too much until I knew one way or another what was happening. But now that it's all confirmed it's...
  5. Teyliana

    DV 2016 OC Selectees

    Well very happy to report I've been rescheduled for the 23rd of Feb thank goodness, it took quiet a few emails and phones calls but it's all sorted now! Just need to organise the last few things and get all my paperwork finished.
  6. Teyliana

    DV 2016 OC Selectees

    Ugh yeah I know, I really though it was all going to work out but I'll be out of the country during the appointment but I got in touch the second my 2NL came in, so fingers crossed it will all work out.
  7. Teyliana

    DV 2016 OC Selectees

    Oo me too! and I'm scheduled for the 9th of Feb as well except I'll be out of the country on that date so I need to try and change it..
  8. Teyliana

    Why people from developed countries immigrate to USA?

    I love Australia, it will always be my home and while yes there are issues, like others have already said there will be issues no matter where you go it's just a matter of perspective. My reason for wanting to more to America is similar to others here, it's something I've always dreamed about...
  9. Teyliana

    DS260 Form Help!

    Thanks so much @EmilyW that's what I figured but just wanted a second opinion. :p
  10. Teyliana

    DS260 Form Help!

    So I have another question, I've pretty much finished filling out my DS260 but when I got to 'Do you have documentation to establish that you have received vaccinations in accordance with U.S. law?' I'm currently not up to date, not by a long shot (pun not intended) so should my response me no...
  11. Teyliana

    DV 2016 OC Selectees

    Good idea @violetion nice to keep track of each other while this is going on :)
  12. Teyliana

    DV 2016 Winners Meet Here

    That's fair enough Britsimon and I totally understand what you're saying! I have every intention of taking my time. It's just for the right now I just wanted to get an idea of what I was in for. This is the first time in my life where I've had a big decision looming on the horizon, there will be...
  13. Teyliana

    DV 2016 Winners Meet Here

    I know there is no rush but I'm just in the beginning process of going through the DS260 form and I have gotten to the 'permanent residence' bit and where to have your Greencard sent. I honestly have no idea what to put for it because right now I don't even know where my POE will even be in I...
  14. Teyliana

    DV 2016 OC Selectees

    You were right with me! I'm Sydney, Australia here :)
  15. Teyliana

    DV 2016 OC Selectees

    pfft.. I pretty much did the same thing, just reading it over and over doesn't help that I was half asleep when I checked the results this morning! :p
  16. Teyliana

    DV 2016 Winners Meet Here

    That is really great to hear! Thanks @violetion and yeah I'm thinking New York would be a good place to start! but at this point I was just thinking about when I get to filling in the DS260 and the US address to have Greencard sent? and I understand that it can be changes but as of now I would...
  17. Teyliana

    DV 2016 Winners Meet Here

    Just curious, for those who applied or got selected (or past selected) that currently aren't in the US, if you make it all the way through do you have friends over there to help you out when you get started or are you going it alone? At this point I'm single with little to no contact with...
  18. Teyliana

    DV 2016 OC Selectees

    Just woke up and check my results again... And I just can't beleive it I'm selected! :D I'm so excited and thanks so much to everyone that's helped during this but especially @Britsimon Also I got a decent CN number so very happy. 2016OC000006XX
  19. Teyliana

    DV 2016 Oceania winners - Retired Thread

    Absolutely! Well they have said on their twitter page ( they are looking into the errors, and to watch Facebook for an update. So at this point I don't think they'll update Facebook until they have an idea of whats going on.
  20. Teyliana

    Kcc found the problem, and trying to fix it

    It's not on their feed so to say, it's in there replies as they were replying directly to the people who had complained of issues. They are saying to keep an eye on their facebook page for updates. Hope that helps...