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  1. M

    Thank you Saab, GoldenGate, MulaMutha and all others -Vishnu

    i hope you learnt from your past mistakes. do not repeat them.  
  2. M

    FP notice received - Gone early, asked to come on scheduled date.

    guys, oakland does not allow early fp, go to san jose instead  
  3. M

    How low can you go on salary while changing jobs on EAD?

    another point that I would like to mention. AC21 has no limitation on where you can work geographically as long as the job is the same /similar. If your new job is in another state then it is expected that there will be a salary difference. A position that will be paid 70k in florida can pull...
  4. M

    MY Case was approved!!!

    Congrats. your approval was not delayed by much inspite of RFE. Looks like your case got delayed by about 6 weeks because of the RFE. There was a time when an RFE could delay your case by as much as 3 months. It is good you still got approval while april rd\'s are still being processed.
  5. M

    Clearing confusion => Vishnu Mahadev and Vishnu Mahad`ev are two different people.

    rsrgc and pump are correct. vishnu, you have lost all credibility Do not continue this childish, brainless crap anymore. If you are atleast half of what you claim to be, how come you are so immature. usually as people get older they recognize their negative qualities and overcome them. You have...
  6. M

    Message From Ciba: Please leave Vishnu Mahadev alone

    vishnu is such a pathetic creature. a leopard does not lose its spots... yet another, this time moronic, attempt to corner attention. Now he is not even making an attempt at masking his cheap tricks. why are you so insecure vishnu? Do you not have friends and family that you seek attention on...
  7. M

    Looking at

    I disagree with you vidshnu. your reasons are very naive... 1)Money has nothing to do with it. That view is so very naive. It has everything to do with that person\'s nature. will an inherently dishonest person become instantly honest if they hit the jackpot. They will take their dishonest...
  8. M

    Looking at

    I think ND posted a bogus approval I saw a ferw more such cases in the last month that may have been questionable. i visit this forum on a daily basis and even though i have not posted before i read everything. some information is not reliable. ND should clarify.
  9. M

    Vishnu!Some Days

    vishnu, why did you reactivate this pathetic thread? it is absolutely useless... this was dead for a month before you activated it again today. there is a reason this thread was dead - IT HAS NO INFO WHATSOEVER FOR THIS BOARD. please refrain from posting eulogies to yourself. thank you.
  10. M

    Guys, ignore posts from handles that have special chars in them

    If things like circumflex, the 2 dots on top of the letter or a little quote on top of the letter are part of the handle name you can safely ignore the complete post from that handle. These are people who have nothing else to do but post rubbish on this board. If you see a rude/rubbish post...
  11. M

    Please Donate to the "Help Vishnu Mahadev See a Doctor Fund"

    Pump is correct. But still, here\'s my $10.  