Clearing confusion => Vishnu Mahadev and Vishnu Mahad`ev are two different people.

Vishnu Mahadev

Registered Users (C)
Since last few days, I noticed that somebody is posting aggressive ( may be justified) posts in the name of Vishnu Mahad`ev
I did not announce it openly as why should I worry. But I see some heat on the Forum in my name now for the postings I never made.
Hence, I am clearing out the confusion.I have learnt long time back that even when you say truth, many people don\'t like it.
Let everybody have their own way of finding the truth.I am a peaceful man and wouldn\'t want to create hatred on this nice forum
Somebody is unnecessarily screwing up Vishnu Mahadev

Vishnu Mahadev has posted a lot of useful messages and maintained some really useful threads.
His postings have made people come back to the forum when times were bad during November/December 2001.

Now, Someone is creating confusion for no reason by being harshly truthful and blunt in his name.

We support Vishnu Mahadv.
Keep up the good work Vishnu Mahadev.
We already know it, don\'t worry Vishnu Mahadev

Tomorrow somebody may log in as PC`ee and post aggressive ( may be honest) messages
This is the fun part of the forum.
It gives the taste of real life around.

Now is the time for you to think, why people may post wrong approvals as well.

Fun is the name of the game my friend.
Vishnu, stop your miserable tactics. You yourself created...

the other similar id for your own despicable reasons. I have noticed that from the time somebody accused vishnu of doing this that quick2001, inssuperwaiter, csc_gc_waiter etc, only post to praise vishnu to the skies. vishnu had posted a lame, hare brained excuse to explain that quick2001 works next to his cube and uses vishnu\'s computer during lunch. vishnu claims to make $100,000(he has referred to that figure many times in his past posts, as well as IIT). Fine, so his next cube co-worker may be junior to him and only makes say, $70,000. So, quick2001\'s employer pays him that salary and does not buy a computer for him? Ok, so he has a computer. They don\'t give him/her internet access??? The janitor where I work has his own computer and internet access!! stop being ridiculous vishnu. you need a lot more brains to pull of a stunt like that and make it believable.
I never posted on this board before because i do not have sufficient knowledge like ciba, pcee etc. vishnu irritated me too much by his bullying tactics and bad language and total lack of respect for others. He is a self-aggrandizing, pompous, immature, devious, lying, conniving ass. Sorry i stooped to vishnu\'s level. i am seething with anger at this new attempt to continue to poison the atmosphere on this board.
search for the posts of the other handles i mentioned above and you will find out what i found out. they have never posted anything meaningful. they only posts to lick vishnu\'s boots and reinforce all his quixotic ideas and be yes men. i could not help but come to the conclusion that they are all various versions of vishnu himself.
vishnu-shape up or ship out. i hope you get your approval fast and get the hell out of this board.
Guys! Cool Down!!

Try to focus on the good work these people are putting together. No one should have any doubt in their mind that whoever "Good Vishnu" is, he is doing a marvelous job of keeping track of approvals/statuses. Someone needs to slip into his shoes before criticizing. We all know that we are not going to be hanging on this board after our issues are resolved. Why not be like a co-passenger without bothering each other?
Never judge a man until you\'ve walked a mile in his shoes ..

That way, when you do judge him, you\'ll be at least a mile away ..

And you\'ll have his shoes !!
fun to watch you guys, don\'t know the truth!

This recalls me petty family politics back in India..
Guys have your arguments more and more,
We wish to kill time as well.
Good luck,
jamesbond007 => Sometimes the power lies in not throwing it away

I can write 1000 lines in reply to your baseless arguments.
I can also make speculations of your duel identities and what not.
At the end, it serves no purpose. ( except for wasting space on Mr. Rajeev Khanna\'s hard drive)

I am bold, funny and outspoken but not at the cost of friendship, truth, constructive purposes.
This matter is over with me.
(There are 500 people working in my building who are waiting for their AOS approval,
they all know me and my screen name, if you want they can all post the messages in support of me,
better save your energy for useful work.)

Vishnu was the one who speculated flood from 9th January 2002

jamesbond007, you are acting like Dr. No and any other villan.
By this time, we all know who you really are.

We all know Vishnu. He is the one who has completed 3 continuous product releases intime successfully wit least possible bugs.
Please don\'t mess up with him.
We all love him, like him and he is a fun guy at the same time sensible.

You are jealous of him because his Bombastic Rhetoric of flood came true and every week we are seeing 30 plus approvals for last 4 weeks.

Long live Vishnu, long live PCee, CIBA, PUMP, JONY LEVER, Dee Rod, rsrgc who are doing great work on this board.
A clear example of jealousy against Vishnu

Since Vishnu is maintaining a useful thread and everybody is reading it, there is a jealousy against Vishnu
Any small IQ person can make out that nobody will take the similar looking name like Mahadev and Mahad`ev if one has to
hide the identity. Where as , it is easy to take a similar name and do mud slinging
jamesbond007 seems to be a guy who is making no sesne
Keep quiet and let the good work continue.
From here make your choice:

Good Threads:
PCee\'s superthread

Recent Approvals -February 2002
 "Recent Approvals - February 2002" 2/4/02 4:35pm

FEB 4 to FEB 10 - Approval Summary Only
 "FEB 4 to FEB 10 - Approval Summary Only" 2/7/02 1:13pm

Mud Sligging competition thread
Veerapandi kattabomman "CNN\'s Bias" 2/7/02 10:38am
very funny analysis

quick2001 started posting on Jan 8 2002 - always in support of vishnu mahadev - never posting any details about himself - always appreciating or justifying or approving Vishnu Mahadev and regularly posting messages just minutes after vishnu mahadev

inssuperwaiter - same analysis as quick2001 started on Jan 8 2001 and same technique

silent_waiter started on feb 8 2002 and same techniques as above

gc_superguy started on feb 8 2002 and same techniques as above

Vishnu Mahadev has posted many rude/bullying comments but the new
Vishnu Mahadev(i dont know how to write the e with the grave sign - yes i learnt this in french) but i do not know how to do this on the computer so i shall call him new vishnu mahadev he has posted these messsages without being rude and offensive

This analysis has been done after searching the full website
I do not know if it is one and the same person or it is a bunch of his neighbors and friends at work but it is very funny bunch of spooks all in favor of vishnu\'s opinions
Another one of those Vishu antics

Both IDs are one and the same. Perhaps Vishnu has split personality, or may be he is schizophrenic. In any case, it is a very funny situations. Cyber flames, or not, these guys add some fun to the otherwise monotonous site. As long as the number of such threads is limited, it\'s okay. After all, people visit this site to get some meaningful information. And while they are waiting for their approvals, they need something to laugh about.

Message to Vishu and his spooks (or his collegues from work, or his chelas, or his side-kicks) - Stop these antics on the board immediately and let others focus on more meaningful issues related to I-485. I hope you don\'t come back with more antics in reply to this. You guys are just doing fine, but focus on the real issues and not who makes how much at work. Hope you get the message.

How come nobody has signed on as PC`ee and logged weird messages? Because PCee is a really nice person and he has contributed greatly to help others, especially since CIBA left the site.
response to vishnu mahadev\'s antics

b I have noticed regularly that vishnu has posted comic messages and

b funny messages. But recently he has posted many rude/offensive

b messages - If he has any constructive messages I am fine with that

b Normally I do not react to such bad behaviour but after carefull

b analysis I feel that I must respond to such behaviour and speak

b against it. Hope that Vishnu improves his behaviour.

b I suggest that all other people should not leave the board but

b visit regularly even after gc approval and help other new comers

b also suggest that if senior guys find such bad behaviour by anyone

b they should post messages speaking up and I think this will help

b maintain this board as a decent forum
I agree rsgc, let us all maintain calm

Let us maintain a positive atmosphere on the board to help one another. I have been a visitor on now for almost 3 years. I was naive and ignorant in the beginning and did not even understand basic acronyms like FP, AD, RD etc. I used this board to unravel several mysteries about the immigration process. I am exteremely grateful to Mr. Rajiv Khanna for providing a great source that does not cost a dime.

This board welcomes everyone to post questions. Sure, there will sometimes be questions that might be naive. But people are seriously trying to get views on common immigration related issues. This web site has been an important source of information. Even some immigration lawyers visit it frequently (example is Jim M). Nobody should discourage any one from asking immigration related questions. Once in a while we might see some totally un-related messages. But, we just learn to ignore them.

I respect your call rsgc, and urge all others to maintain calm and poise on this discussion board.
rsrgc and pump are correct. vishnu, you have lost all credibility

Do not continue this childish, brainless crap anymore. If you are atleast half of what you claim to be, how come you are so immature. usually as people get older they recognize their negative qualities and overcome them. You have a long way to go my pal. Diagnosis is the first step towards a cure. Try ways of boosting your self-esteem.
I agree with Pump that people can ask any question they need an answer to. If the question does not pertain to you and you do not want to help, just ignore it. there will always be newcomers who have exactly the same questions that were discussed and answered on this board maybe 2 months ago. There are enough people on this board that will recognize the newcomers\' need and answer the question.
So I hope people will continue to post their questions without apprehension of a rude rebuke.