Vishnu!Some Days

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kya bol ra baap?????????????
(what are u saying?)
keep it up.
...sou baat ki ek baat..we are masters of our life not slaves...
Do you guys sleep

INS will not approve GC\'s during the night.
I am awake myself, and checking this site as well. So ...
vishnu, why did you reactivate this pathetic thread? it is absolutely useless...

this was dead for a month before you activated it again today. there is a reason this thread was dead - IT HAS NO INFO WHATSOEVER FOR THIS BOARD. please refrain from posting eulogies to yourself. thank you.
No Title

This person felt I am being rude by not replying to his posting and therefore he sent me a private message. The idea is NOT to offend anybody or posting eulogies to myself.
If you like and don\'t mind, I can post eulogies to yourself Mr. McCarthy. You sounds like a rubbish hard rubber.
Let me take pleasure reminding you that this forum is open for everybody and they are free to make postings.