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  1. S

    Chicago IL - N-400 Timeline

    Finally after waiting for almost 4 months, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. We have received N445 notice for Oath today 9/3/2008 from USCIS, Lincoln, NE. Since May 8, we went for 2 infopass appointments to talk to immigration officer without much luck. First time we were told that...
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    Chicago IL - N-400 Timeline

    Hi friends, I am going for infopass # 2 on Monday to Chicago DO to check on our oath notice status. Any suggestions what questions to ask the IO, other than asking for an update on our case? Any specific questions to really understand where the issue is with our oath notice? here is the...
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    Chicago IL - N-400 Timeline

    sriIL, 1. yes me and my wife also requested same day Oath. 2. When I went to see IO with an infopass on 6/20/2008, the lady told me that my wife's oath is just awaiting scheduling and my case is in "reverification" process. She did not elaborate what reverification process meant, neither...
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    Chicago IL - N-400 Timeline

    Hi guys, Its me Samrat. It is really great to hear from so many people about receiving OL notices and in some case people have taken the Oath as well, even when they passed the i/w after me and my wife. Since May 8, we are waiting for our turn to see the OL notices and there is till no news...
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    Chicago IL - N-400 Timeline

    oh, if you are out of state, i am not sure what numbers you could dial in to really talk to a real person than just getting routed from one prompt to other. I googled for a number for Chicago DO, but could not find one, the only number I found was some 312 number that I could never connect. you...
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    Chicago IL - N-400 Timeline

    Hi patentattorney, Me and my wife passed the interview on may 8. I was told by IO that I should expect the OL in 2-4 weeks and my wife was told upto 2 weeks for OL. We are from India and I went to see the IO with an infopass 2 weeks ago to check on our OL status. The officer told me that my case...
  7. S

    Chicago IL - N-400 Timeline

    Guys, Crossed 7 weeks mark yesterday since our interview date (May 8) and still waiting for Oath notice. I think I would agree with chitown08 that IO is probably misguiding the applicants on when to expect the OL. I was told 2 to 4 weeks and my wife was told under 2 weeks. Samrat
  8. S

    Chicago IL - N-400 Timeline

    chitown08, here are me and my wife's case details N400 Received Date - October 25, 2007 Priortiy Date - October 25, 2007 Notice Date - November 28, 2007 Fingerprint Notification Fingerprint Notification Date - December 07, 2007 Fingerprint Date - January 2, 2008 Naturalization Initial...
  9. S

    Chicago IL - N-400 Timeline

    as i mentioned in my other posts, i went in chicago DO with an infopass appointment to find out the status on my oath notice. my question is, does my or my wife N400 records get flagged in anyway in the system that we both took an infopass to find out the status on our oath notice? or does the...
  10. S

    Chicago IL - N-400 Timeline

    hi shahhar5 when did your wife pass the interview? me and my wife have been waiting for almost 7 weeks now. went to see the IO with an infopass appointment, and was told that my case is in re-verification status. can you please post some details. thank you
  11. S

    CHICAGO: Oath Notice awaiting "Re-Verification"

    what is the experience of other chicago DO people that passed their interviews at the end of April or first 2 weeks of May 2008? would love to hear from other chicago DO people and where they are in this oath process. or is there is any other threads that tracks oath notice dates?
  12. S

    CHICAGO: Oath Notice awaiting "Re-Verification"

    hi chitown08 nope there is nothing weird about my case. i had a speeding ticket about 1 year ago and another almost 8-9 years ago. in the current residence for over 5 years, prior residences were also at the same address for over 5 years, same job, very few India trips that lasted at the most 5...
  13. S

    CHICAGO: Oath Notice awaiting "Re-Verification"

    Hello Everyone, It has been over 6 weeks that me and my wife passed the interview in Chicago office. Last week decided to get an infopass to talk to real immigration officer and check when we can expect the Oath notice. The immigration officer said that my case is going through...
  14. S

    Chicago IL - N-400 Timeline

    Hi Nandamuru, my friend 5 or 6 weeks between interview and travel dates sounds tooo close to me. I have been waiting for my oath notice for over 5 weeks now. you may want to think one more time about your travel plans. Again you never know, you may be able to get through your oath notice, oath...
  15. S

    Chicago IL - N-400 Timeline

    famy122, congratulations on becoming a citizen. i have taken a infopass to check on my oath notice status. where was your oath ceremony? chicago or joliet? and how long is the oath ceremony process? and can you take your kids with you to the court? thank you samrat
  16. S

    Chicago IL - N-400 Timeline

    still waiting hi Chitown, we are still waiting for the oath notice. i have taken up infopass for next week, lets see if that helps in anyway. thanks. samrat
  17. S

    still waiting for Oath Notice in Chicago

    infopass appt next week Thanks Bob. I have this infopass appointment for next week to check on the oath notice status. Will update the thread again at that point. samrat
  18. S

    during interview, the IO had a big file on me, what's in it?

    this is interesting and valuable information. i did not know that we could order such a CD and that too without any charges in these days. We will wait till our citizenship process completes and then request it.
  19. S

    still waiting for Oath Notice in Chicago

    anyone has received Oath notice in Chicago office recently? I am just trying to find out when was the interview date. I have been waiting for over 5 weeks now, so curious as to what other people in Chicago area are at, who passed the interview in the 1st week of May. thank you. samrat
  20. S

    what to take to oath?

    Hi Smee, congrats on your oath notice. when did you pass your i/w in Chicago ?? and when did you receive your Oath notice ? we (me and wife) passed our i/w in the 1st week of May and till now we are waiting for the oath notice. can you please reply. thank you.