CHICAGO: Oath Notice awaiting "Re-Verification"


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Hello Everyone,
It has been over 6 weeks that me and my wife passed the interview in Chicago office. Last week decided to get an infopass to talk to real immigration officer and check when we can expect the Oath notice.

The immigration officer said that my case is going through "Re-verification" process and my wife's case is just awaiting the Oath to be scheduled (thats probably due to the fact that we asked same dates for the Oath ceremony). The immigration officer did not give any time lines as expected on when the re-verification process results come through or when we can expect the Oath notice.

so have to wait some more months, I guess.

Is Re-verification a routine process on all cases or am I a random catch.
Is Re-verification a routine process on all cases or am I a random catch.

There have been reports from others of the same. I don't know if it's random or if it depends on DO since some people are approved intermediately (and in some cases have same day oath).
I hear you.... gosh... I don't like being in a limbo like that neither.... In another forum (visajourney), there is a Chicago filer (bertrand) who passed his Interview on May and was told by the OI that his/her OL should arrive in 2-3 weeks, but until today OL hasnot arrived yet. Another filer was bolaian that he waited for quite a long time too.
It reminds me famy122's case (in this portal). He/she passed the Interview in early May and has to wait until 6/13 to received his/her Oath Letter....

Wonder what's going on in Chicago DO... is it truly there is gazillion people waiting for OL and Oath Ceremony that the bottleneck has been jammed ...

samrat_999, is your case pretty squeaky clean or do you have some twist (i.e. minor speeding ticket or long trips or different names)? Did the IO explained what re-verification means ? Is it your name/ spelling of your last name, or your DOB or Soc Sec# or else ?

There have been reports from others of the same. I don't know if it's random or if it depends on DO since some people are approved intermediately (and in some cases have same day oath).

Bobsmyth if you can shed some light,
What does it mean by re-verification? Never heard that term before used by someone who has passed the Interview.

Bobsmyth if you can shed some light,
What does it mean by re-verification? Never heard that term before used by someone who has passed the Interview.


Re-verification meaning case needs to be signed off by supervisor. I don't know what triggers this or if it's standard practice in certain DOs only.
any updates on OL (Oath Letter) for your wife yet?
If you don't mind please post your update or your wife's update on the N400-Chicago thread later on after you or your wife receive the Oath Letter and Oath Date schedule...
Looks like Chicago is getting very SLOWWWW since today chicgc2002 posted that he/she passed the Interview but was told by the IO to wait for OL in 2 months......

Thank you-in-advanced
hi chitown08
nope there is nothing weird about my case. i had a speeding ticket about 1 year ago and another almost 8-9 years ago. in the current residence for over 5 years, prior residences were also at the same address for over 5 years, same job, very few India trips that lasted at the most 5 weeks at a time, so nothing that comes to my mind.........

only thing that might be an issue is, the officer who interviewed and signed off my approval during interview was i believe a new to the process and there was another officer in the room watching/guiding her in the interview process. not sure if this triggers a re-verification or something else.

as for my wife, if we would have asked for separate oath notices, I am suspecting that she would have recd. it by now. the officer last week told us, that her case status is - oath waiting to be scheduled.

anyway, i am going to try to just ignore this process and hope one fine day i will get a surprise in the mailbox and get my oath notice.

but for sure chicago office has terribly slowed down on oath notices for some reason.
rush hour

if you r complete 6 weeks , if you comp 6 weeks go for infopass and talk to supervisior not a empolye then tell i go for india or what ever tell them i my country my mother or father or any one other else so sick if its possible you can give me any of the next oath date i thanks full to you and i think some of my friends take same day oath or next to be schedule , my oath done last friday 130 people all country and i recived same day passport and i ready to go for vacation.
good luck______________
what is the experience of other chicago DO people that passed their interviews at the end of April or first 2 weeks of May 2008?

would love to hear from other chicago DO people and where they are in this oath process. or is there is any other threads that tracks oath notice dates?