still waiting for Oath Notice in Chicago


Registered Users (C)
Here are our details and its almost 4 weeks since we (me and my wife) took the citizenship interview in Chicago at USCIS Chicago disctrict office.

Received Date - October 25, 2007
Priortiy Date - October 25, 2007
Notice Date - November 28, 2007

Fingerprint Notification
Fingerprint Notification Date - December 07, 2007
Fingerprint Date - January 2, 2008

Naturalization Initial Interview
Received Date - October 25, 2007
Priority Date - October 25, 2007
Notice Date - February 12, 2008
Interview Date - May 8, 2008

Both our interviewing officers were very pleasant and the interview went surprisingly very easy than expected, not a long wait also in the hallway to get our names called. The interviewing officers told both of us when we walked out of the room, to expect oath ceremony notice in 2 to 4 weeks. It will be 4 weeks tomorrow and still nothing in the mail.

Any ideas what might be causing the delay or what I should do other than wait and wait......

Anyways, I will update this thread as and when there is more development. I hope this information helps others in similar situation.

Good luck guys and Thank you to all the people that maintain/monitor this web site for so many years.
The wait depends on DO and number of applicants. A wait upto 3 months for an oath date is quite common in most places.
it looks like Chicago DO is slowing down for Oath Letter stage. Beside you I see more and more applicants from this year and last year claiming they haven't got OL yet even though the Interview has been passed and well over 4 weeks.
I wonder what's going on ... are they really fully-booked (the courts) ...
In Kansas City I had to wait nearly 4 months for the Oath letter after an "recommended for approval" interview. It seems the July 07 applicant bulge is now hitting the Oath scheduling.
thanks, looks like its more waiting

Thanks for the responses. Not sure whats going on in Chicago office, but have some other friends that got their oath notices within a month just earlier this year and as recently as March.

We will just have to wait.....
still no Oath notice

Hi Smee,
Did you take the interview from Chicago office? Great to hear that you have received the Oat notice. We (both me and my wife) still have not received the oath notice. We both interviewed on 8th May in Chicago. I called 800 number with my LIN number and my wife's LIN number, and I get a recorded message that there is no information about the case.

who can I contact to or what numbers can I call to find out the status of our oath notice. Can one of you please let me know.

Thank you.
when I go online to check the status, I get the following for my Application number (LIN number).

Validation Error(s)
You must correct the following error(s) before proceeding:

* Case Status Retrieval Failed
* The status for this Receipt Number is incomplete at this time in this automated system and can not be displayed. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns about your case status, please contact the National Customer Service Center.
same here pass one months ago no letter

i HAVE appointment for infopass nextweek if you complete 5weeks take also tommrow or next weeks appointment make sure printer ready b/c they give you right away appointment letter to print it out for atleast 10-12days i hope before we recived oath latter (I S A)
hi Famy122
what is infopass? how do I get one and print one? what does it do? can you please give me some more information about it. are you suggesting that we need to go back to Chicago office again to check on the status of our oath notice?

can you please clarify.

Thank you
same as

go for uscis
see in the website uscisportion of infopass
click it and click 1st botton make sure if you have computer and printer
if nothing go rightaway in chicago library and ask for this do someone is help you ok now infopass they tell you step by step veryeasy end come monday tuesday so on nward so go monday mostly end of the afternoon or mid afternoon time you select mostly 10.45 0r 2.45
take this appointment paper this is your pass for ask what they going on you latest update and dont tell them about this website or any others who recived a letter why everyone have different case me and your too i also waiting for my oath I S A COMINSOON IN MY AND YOUR ROUTE THIS WEEK
hi Famy122
Thank you. I got infopass printed for me and my wife. so lets see if we get our oat notices before this date, if not we will find out from the immigration officer.

when did you pass your interview in Chicago and what did they tell you about Oath notice. Its strange, we were told that it takes 2 to 4 weeks to receive the notice. But someone here said it can take upto 3 months also. Most of my friends in my circle in Chicago, got their Oath notices in under a month actually weeks.

Anyway, what do you mean by "waiting for my oath I S A COM.INSOON IN MY AND YOUR ROUTE THIS WEEK".

thank you
anyone has received Oath notice in Chicago office recently? I am just trying to find out when was the interview date. I have been waiting for over 5 weeks now, so curious as to what other people in Chicago area are at, who passed the interview in the 1st week of May.

thank you.
infopass appt next week

Thanks Bob. I have this infopass appointment for next week to check on the oath notice status. Will update the thread again at that point.
