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  1. D

    Passport Stamped in Newark This Morning. It took only half an hour.

    No Title I am not sure. But you better go on Wednesday. It\'s very straightforward, all you need is 2 photos, passport, I-94 and ead. don\'t give unnecessary docs unless asked. also make sure your mailing address is update to date. i never updated my address even if i moved...
  2. D

    Passport Stamped in Newark This Morning. It took only half an hour.

    Got there around 8am, went up to the third floor. Gave original approval notice to the reception desk. 15 mins later, got passport stamped, no questions asked, very simple and smooth. the lady took our EADs, I-94. PD 98/02, RD 08/03/99 ND 08/19/99, AD 11/08/00.
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    Rude and ignorant IIO\'s

    No Title Only if you wish to donate to support ISN.
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    NIW\'s -- REF needed for I485 approval?

    No Title Not necessarily. Mine got approved on nov. 8 without RFE. China NIW.
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    Aug 99 ND with no RFE- Still waiting

    No Title Not True. My case ND 08/19/99 got approved with no RFE on 11/08/00.
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    Vsc 485 Pd 02/98 Rd 08/03/99 Nd 08/19/99 Ad 11/08/00

    No Title The message remained \'the case can not be found ...\' until about a month ago, when i spoke to a iio, she told me the problem would be corrected. And when i checked the phone message the same night, it updated to \'your 485 was received on ...\', which got updated to \'this case...
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  8. D

    Vsc 485 Pd 02/98 Rd 08/03/99 Nd 08/19/99 Ad 11/08/00

    per phone message. Chinese, EB2, NIW. No RFE, FP 07/26/00. It\'s over after a long, painful wait. I would like to thank all the participants on this board for providing constant, update to date meaningful information. Hang in there, your turn will be next.
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    Passport Stamped

    No Title Do you need to take pictures ? What about EAD, AP, etc. Thanks
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    Still Waiting with Hope

    No Title EAC 99-245-xxxxx Nothing Happens.
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    ND 8/99 case survey

    No Title EB2, RD 8/3, ND 8/19, Nothing yet.
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    Automated Phone message says....

    No Title Three things can happen 1) case has been approved 2) a letter sent requesting for additional evidence 3) a written decision, which is a denial.
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    Automated Phone message says....

    No Title It\'s a denial.
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    Automated Phone message says....

    No Title Sorry, I don\'t mean to laugh at you. But i think that what it is.
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    VSC hiring adjudication officers ...

    No Title Am I qualified for an IIO as my second job ? I am sure i can do a pretty good job through years of extensive immigration related experience.
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    Just talked to IIO

    No Title why would your case goto an IIO instead of examiner ? IIO answers phone calls I suppose.
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    I-140 amend

    No Title Otherwise, redo it!
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    RFE received- need some help-please reply

    No Title The letter could include something like this We intend to continue XXX\'s employment after his status has been adjusted to permanent residence. This will enable our company to fully utilize his technical expertise in the YYY industry. Also I got a question for you, Did you send...
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    Intent to Deny - 09/29/00

    No Title If you are able to check the archive about some earlier posts (a month back), which involved a case having company sponsored NIW and name change, and eventually the case got approved.
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    Intent to Deny - 09/29/00

    No Title If you were self petitioned, you shouldn\'t be affected by name change. The intend to deny could be due to some other things, like medical, FP, etc.