Rude and ignorant IIO\'s


Registered Users (C)
Shouldn\'t ISN.ORG take up this matter with INS regarding the IIOs who are rude, uncourteous and unwilling to provide any sort of straight forward answer?
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I support that. But who is going to identify the rude IIOs and testify ?! That is a big question. We can ask for more informed IIOs but asking for IIOs that are nice is a tough one keeping in mind that INS is a govt organization which cares the least about customer satisfaction.
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I agree, but atleast this issue can be raised with the commissioner of INS and even if we are able to generate a memo from him/her instructing IIOs to adhere to certain guidelines would be great.
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That sounds good. Also people can write a ananymous complaints and mail it to the head of INS individually. It may not address that particular IIO that spoke to you. But in general, any head of the organization will mention it to his/her subordinates and thereby increasing the awareness of IIOs not to be rude to callers. IIOs will then know if they continue to be rude, people will start filing more targeted complaints (atleast let us hope so).
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485/Waiter and Kiran you have a genuine complaint but for this to work and get the effectiveness that you desire, one needs to organise this in a collective way with mass signatures or get some political leader involved, by sending a mere complaint you are not going to generate anything, perhpas a satfisfaction to yourself that you have complained...
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I think it is also important for IIO to have one unified standard
to answer caller\'s question. Because from this site I saw some IIO
gave more detail information than others. Of couse the caller wants to get as detail information as passible, but how detail does INS are willing to give. INS office can post caller\'s guide so that the caller
knows what you can expect.
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Looking at the situation from an IIO\'s viewpoint, they are probably fed up with the same old questions especially the real stupid ones from my bretheren in Paki land.