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  1. R

    Some Confusing 485 questions

    so minimum everyone who has applied for 485 will get EAD ..what if there is rfe we still get the EAD ? also how long does it take to get EAD after the receipt number ..please answer ..Thanks !!!
  2. R

    Please sign petition against Lou Dobbs/CNN

    I think we should fwd this link to all our friends so that it becomes a mass effort. it is good to stop this crap coming from this idiot dubba. many people may feel that this type of nonsense doesnt affect us ..but in fact it does..for eg when he repeatedly says that immigrants are bringing TB...
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    A Big Announcement Likely In Next 24 Hours That Will Resolve Issues

    according to Murthy, AILF is confident of winning the lawsuit. one good point about Murthy is that she doesnt publish anything on her website unless she is sure about it. I dont know why Rajiv Khanna is not confident of the same.
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    Current! Current! - All

    and can you tell how you got this info ??
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    Important - Please do not support the AILF Class Action Lawsuit

    no :-); you should not worry about the fiasco ..u have lots of other things to worry ..get involved with yr kids and enjoy
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    Lofgren Gives USCIS 3 Days To Answer Questions

    maybe we should send Thanks to the senator to let her know that her effort is being appreciated. we should contact more Indian newspapers and sites to potray the problems in getting green cards in USA the very least this will make clear the fact that USA is no longer a great place for...
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    Important - Please do not support the AILF Class Action Lawsuit

    well people who have EADs will agree with this view point ..but what about others who dont even have a EAD ..they have NOTHING to lose and hence people with late PD's will support AILA. for a change AILA and the lawyers have a chance to prove that they care about immigrants.
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    lou dobbs is a rascal

    everyone knows that he is an idiot for immigrants and a hero for americans. he is just awful and there should be a campaing to boycott CNN and the sponsors who sponsor his lousy show. and there should be effort to boycott cnn in india too ..only financial implications can make this idiots keep...
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    rally near USCIS

    neither rally nor flowers will have any effects. flowers will end in garbage and rally will get some chuckles.(unless rally is huge). what is needed is big effort but is not possible at all. for eg what if all people in limbo were to migrate to another country in huge numbers ..maybe that would...
  10. R

    rally near USCIS

    hi Banta, your postings are quite clear and you seem to be an experienced person. I am sure many other people feel the same ..just thought I will let you know the above so that you will continue to give your thoughts :-).
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    Fed up ... preparing to leave

    hey Jack, are you from atlanta ? I would say that you should stay back have a EAD and I am sure you will get approval soon. going back to your own country is a noble thing though and I am sure WI is a great place. I guess it all depends on what kind of life you want to lead...
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    Important - Please do not support the AILF Class Action Lawsuit

    I would say that we should support AILA/AILF. atleast they are doing something and have a chance. what is the harm in giving EAD to people who have waited for years and years. so much time and productivity is being wasted because of USCIS inefficieny ..I am sure people who are affected by this...
  13. R

    Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman: Prakash I. Khatri

    were you able to find his email address ? how to contact him ?
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    Need clarification.

    Pkon, in that case you may have to wait till dates become current again ..if your app was not recd before june 29. when is yr PD ..but hopefully you will become current in oct 2007. make sure you apply pressure on yr lawyer and ask him if yr app has been recd by uscis etc once u are current again
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    August Visa Bulletin

    Bijuria ..are you in India now ? since you are in F-4 can just go to sleep and check these bulletins once in 2-3 months. I know waiting is tough ..but dont waste time in this. instead try to learn new skills in India or learn driving etc ...for people in EB categories, things are different...
  16. R

    Flash: Visa Update for July..

    my H-1 expires in dec 2007..does this mean I have to apply for extension now ..I guess ..yes ..2007 is turning out to be a good year for lawyers :-). I guess the good part is that I didnt go ahead with my new car purchase and new house booking ...
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    July Bulletin - All current

    >I think out of the whole lot, people from India are the ones that has most to loose I dont see how anyone loses ?? EAD is better than H1 for various reasons ...spouse can work are free after 180 days etc more postings in the job office ...where everyone comes to know yr salary and...
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    July Bulletin - All current

    my lawyer said that you can do medicals for spouse in such situation without the shots etc will need to get shots after she delivers the baby. Thanks Guldukan had a similar situation ...can you tell more Gul ? also thanks for yr prev reply.
  19. R

    JULY VISA BULLETIN -Again predict the movement, it dont hurt.

    PBEC, Jack, Thanks for your replies. I appreciate the same. taking shots in not an option, hopefully my lawyer will have some other option too.