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  1. V

    Have you received your Receipt for April 2008 Peitition?

    Confused Hi all, What does PP actually do? I assume that one has to be selected via the lottery first and then if he/she filed PP, the application will be expedited. Am I wrong? Please provide some answers. I filed through regular processing and I know that it got there on April 1st via...
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    When Do I Start To file for H1B for this year?

    Thanks GotPR. Would Premium Processing expedite in getting the receipt notice?
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    When Do I Start To file for H1B for this year?

    Presently I work at company A with a H1B1 visa. I recently accepted a position with Company B. I am scheduled to start with them on April 1st. Can I start with Company B on April 1st while they apply the H1B petition on the same day? If not, what are my options? My H1B1 that is going to...
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    When Do I Start To file for H1B for this year?

    Hi all, I am wondering when can I start to apply for H1B for this coming year? I know last year was April 1. Is this the same for this year? Or have I missed the date? Please help. Thanks, VS
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    Wrong Validity Date on I-94

    Hello all: Thanks for all the advice. I went to the CBP at the airport and the officer changed the error on my I-94. Make sure to call and make an appointment beforehand as they don't allow walk-ins. ViewSonic.
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    Wrong Validity Date on I-94

    At the POE, Inspector A made a mistake by giving me a wrong valid date. Instead of giving me the duration based on my H1B, she gave me the duration for a B1, which is three months. I checked the date and pointed out that she issued me the wrong date. Her partner, Inspector B, then corrected the...
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    Visa Stamp First Time

    Hello all: I will be for my 1st visa stamping next week and would like to know something. What documents must be original and what can be duplicate? I have my I797-A as original but the LCA (Certified form ETA 9035E) is a duplicate copy. The LCA was filed electronically and according to my...
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    Curious about DV Lottery...

    Hello everyone, Just out of curiosity...I know that a person CANNOT submit more than one application. What if someone wants to sabotage the application? What information does she need to do that? Thanks.
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    Question about the electronic picture

    J&G, I thought as saving as web method but the final image will be 72 dpi. I wasn't sure abt this as the specs is 150 dpi. Since you did it and was a winner. it should be okay then. Thanks to all.
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    Question about the electronic picture

    Ben, I did as the image as a JPEG in Photoshop. Specs are 300 x 300 pixels, resolution=150 dpi, and the file size is 112Kb. What did I do wrong? Please advice. Thanks.
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    Question about the electronic picture

    About the Picture Hi All: I have scanned my picture (150dpi) and am trying to bring the size of the file to 62.5 Kb using Adobe Photoshop. However, no matter what I do, the file size exceeds 100Kb. Q1. Does anyone have any idea how to reduce the photo to the required size? Q2. Also...
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    H1B Approved...Then What?

    GotPR? would you happen to know my question? Thanks.
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    H1B Approved...Then What?

    Hello all, just got a called from my attorney that my H1B has been approved. Now I am waiting paperwork from him. My question is - What will I be getting from him, in terms of paperwork? I changed my status from F1 to H1B and am in the US. Can anyone help me? Thanks and good luck to...
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    Expired Student Visa

    Hi, My student visa expired on March 2005 but was still on F1 status. I have since graduated and was on OPT from July 1 2005 to June 30 2006. I applied for H1B in May 2006 and yesterday it got approved (via email and I haven't received the paperwork yet.) Based on my understanding, I...
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    DV-2008 Lottery Starts Soon!

    Is it Worth it? Is it worth paying companies to apply the diversity draw for you? Pros and cons, anyone?
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    OPT to H-1B

    Not true. You won't go out of status while your H1B is pending. I saw a similar post answered by GotPR?. But to be sure, ask your attorney.
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    On Company PayRoll During Grace Period

    Hi GotPR?, OPT Period 7/14/05 to 7/14/06 - Worked for a company and on their payroll. OPT ended since and currently waiting for my H1B. However still on company payroll although not working for them. Thanks for your time.
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    On Company PayRoll During Grace Period

    GotPR? Thanks for your reply. Yes I know that it's illegal to work during the grace period. I am not working right now as I am waiting for H1B. However, I am still on my company's payroll. Is there a law that says I can't?
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    On Company PayRoll During Grace Period

    Hello all, Is there a law that says I can't be on my company's payroll while I am waiting for my H1B approval? I worked for them during my OPT, which just ended. Currently on an extended vacation break. :-) my three digit nos. **-200-*****. Best.