Wrong Validity Date on I-94


Registered Users (C)
At the POE, Inspector A made a mistake by giving me a wrong valid date. Instead of giving me the duration based on my H1B, she gave me the duration for a B1, which is three months. I checked the date and pointed out that she issued me the wrong date. Her partner, Inspector B, then corrected the error and wrote the correct duration on my passport (the page above the VISA STAMP) BUT NOT on the I-94.

I had spoken to Inspector C at a different airport (I had to catch another flight from the POE), he said Inspector B who corrected the error should have re-issued me a new I-94. But then he said the date change should be reflected in their system and assured me that everything is going to be okay.

My question is:
By not correcting the date on I-94, would that pose a problem (overstaying) in the future? What can I do at this point?

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

At the POE, Inspector A made a mistake by giving me a wrong valid date. Instead of giving me the duration based on my H1B, she gave me the duration for a B1, which is three months. I checked the date and pointed out that she issued me the wrong date. Her partner, Inspector B, then corrected the error and wrote the correct duration on my passport (the page above the VISA STAMP) BUT NOT on the I-94.

I had spoken to Inspector C at a different airport (I had to catch another flight from the POE), he said Inspector B who corrected the error should have re-issued me a new I-94. But then he said the date change should be reflected in their system and assured me that everything is going to be okay.

My question is:
By not correcting the date on I-94, would that pose a problem (overstaying) in the future?
---------may be
What can I do at this point?
--------------if you are near to Canada or Mexico border go out and enter again and get new I-94 based on H1 visa stamp

Any advice is greatly appreciated.


--talk to your lawyer for more info
--talk to your lawyer for more info


Check this out

(Read " CorrectingI-94 errors" section.

I faced some problem with I-94 myself (but not like yours).The officer ( he was mad at the person ahead of me, and I guess, I got the heat) at Atlanta airport, screwed me bad by allocating me wrong I-94 number. I had to go through lot of trouble to get it corrected. I found out that my I-94 number was wrong when my company applied for extension. Fortunately, IBM lawyers were smart and got that fixed for me.

Do not take it light anything on I 94..

Simplest way is go to yur local district office, give your passport and I 94 (PP will be returned), your I 94 will be sent back to POE where it was originally issued and get it corrected. May take 30 - 90 Days. I have done once in Chicago POE for different reason.

At the POE, Inspector A made a mistake by giving me a wrong valid date. Instead of giving me the duration based on my H1B, she gave me the duration for a B1, which is three months. I checked the date and pointed out that she issued me the wrong date. Her partner, Inspector B, then corrected the error and wrote the correct duration on my passport (the page above the VISA STAMP) BUT NOT on the I-94.

I had spoken to Inspector C at a different airport (I had to catch another flight from the POE), he said Inspector B who corrected the error should have re-issued me a new I-94. But then he said the date change should be reflected in their system and assured me that everything is going to be okay.

My question is:
By not correcting the date on I-94, would that pose a problem (overstaying) in the future? What can I do at this point?

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Hello all:

Thanks for all the advice. I went to the CBP at the airport and the officer changed the error on my I-94. Make sure to call and make an appointment beforehand as they don't allow walk-ins.

Hello all:

Thanks for all the advice. I went to the CBP at the airport and the officer changed the error on my I-94. Make sure to call and make an appointment beforehand as they don't allow walk-ins.


Did you go to the same POE (airport where you entred) where officer did mistake on I-94 ? Or got the I-94 corrected from other Airport/POE?