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Question about the electronic picture


New Member
I wanna apply for the DV Lottey 2008 but i have a question about the picture.
I have a print picture that is 10.2 cm in width and 15.2 in height (while the requested dimensions are 5 cm * 5 cm). Is it ok to scan this one at the requested dpi (which is 150) and then i, later, adjust the image dimensions and the image resolution - according to the requested specifications - with an image editor or this 'll be considered a manipulation of the pic which may result in a denial ??? Plz help with yr advice.
No! this is not considered as a manipulation. The USDS will apply a sophisticated technology to discover manipulated photos. Manipulation is most commonly subtle (eg alterations to colouring, contrast, so forth).

Hopes u understand!!
About the Picture

Hi All:

I have scanned my picture (150dpi) and am trying to bring the size of the file to 62.5 Kb using Adobe Photoshop. However, no matter what I do, the file size exceeds 100Kb.

Q1. Does anyone have any idea how to reduce the photo to the required size?

Q2. Also can I adjust the contrast and brightness of my photo?

Q3. I know that I have to scan the photo at 150dpi. But can I save the final photo to 72 dpi? It seems that this is the best way to bring the size of the file down to under 62.5Kb.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

ViewSonic said:
Hi All:

I have scanned my picture (150dpi) and am trying to bring the size of the file to 62.5 Kb using Adobe Photoshop. However, no matter what I do, the file size exceeds 100Kb.

Q1. Does anyone have any idea how to reduce the photo to the required size?

Q2. Also can I adjust the contrast and brightness of my photo?

Q3. I know that I have to scan the photo at 150dpi. But can I save the final photo to 72 dpi? It seems that this is the best way to bring the size of the file down to under 62.5Kb.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


if you save your picture as JPEG the size of the file will be around 10Kb.


I did as the image as a JPEG in Photoshop. Specs are 300 x 300 pixels, resolution=150 dpi, and the file size is 112Kb.

What did I do wrong?

Please advice. Thanks.
ok my friend "ViewSonic" don't worry,the only thing u should do is:
open ur pic in ACDSee and although the format is JPEG,go to file then save it as JPEG again.
u know the codec of ACDSee is not as professional as PhotoShop, and u'll see the size is less than the original.
u can check the new size,dimentions and color bit depth at the taskbar(below the window of ACDSee).
keep posted of the result
I am not sure if they have changed the rules, but I did adjust my picture size using an image editor last year. And I had no problem during my process.

Editing the size of the picture, and maipulating with it are 2 different things. just make sure the the edition in size doesnt compromise the quality of the picture itself.
ViewSonic said:

I did as the image as a JPEG in Photoshop. Specs are 300 x 300 pixels, resolution=150 dpi, and the file size is 112Kb.

What did I do wrong?

Please advice. Thanks.
I don't have Photoshop at this moment, so I am using Dell Photo Editor.
When you save the picture, you need to choose the quality. The higher the quality the larger the file size will be.
To make the file smaller I change the quality of the picture.
about picture size

[when you use Photoshope follow the description as "file-save as web"-then reduce quality and automatically it will reduce the size and you can do what you want. when you reduce quality the picture will not lose it general spaciality but size. i did it for DV2007 and i am winner hehe..

I thought as saving as web method but the final image will be 72 dpi. I wasn't sure abt this as the specs is 150 dpi. Since you did it and was a winner. it should be okay then.

Thanks to all.