On Company PayRoll During Grace Period


Registered Users (C)
Hello all,

Is there a law that says I can't be on my company's payroll while I am waiting for my H1B approval? I worked for them during my OPT, which just ended.

Currently on an extended vacation break. :) my three digit nos. **-200-*****.


Thanks for your reply.

Yes I know that it's illegal to work during the grace period. I am not working right now as I am waiting for H1B. However, I am still on my company's payroll. Is there a law that says I can't?
Is your current payroll for your work you have done during you were on valid status (I mean it that because their payment is a few months delayed or so ?) ?
If so, that should be fine.
Hi GotPR?,

OPT Period 7/14/05 to 7/14/06 - Worked for a company and on their payroll.
OPT ended since and currently waiting for my H1B. However still on company payroll although not working for them.

Thanks for your time.