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  1. Z

    Can We settle on These Bases?

    Re: Re: Sound reasonable... I wish this was a fools day joke. :( :( :(
  2. Z

    PERM processing

    PERM regulations are more stringent than regular LC or RIR. if PERM is passed and you want to transfer your case to PERM you will have to redo the whole application process (posting ads. ...). it is still a mystery on when it will be passed. the biggest problem is the government's...
  3. Z

    Encouraging activity, don't you think?

    I really hope they could start working on NIW whose processing date has been staggering at June of 2002 for more than a year. I can't understand CIS' unwillingness to work on NIW and OR. based on their current processing dates there will not be any advantage to apply for NIW or OR.
  4. Z

    EB2 I140 Approved

    mysunny007, If CIS employees can understand and implement such a complicated algorithm, they will probably find some better paid jobs such as programmers ...
  5. Z

    EB1- OR: please update your info.

    Congrats ea_ead! God bless NIW which is in the same boat as EB1.
  6. Z

    EB2 I140 Approved

    Congratulations! Hope EB2-NIW will catch up.
  7. Z

    Settlement Memorandum Sent

    Re: Re: The govt said - no I think CIS believes if we do not suffer then americans will suffer since most of americans believe that we are competing jobs with them even though that is not true. so cis chooses to suffer us of course. if you often watch news you will see there is a very...
  8. Z

    One Year after moving out and surrendering NJ DL, asked to show proof of status!!!...

    Re: Something similar happened to me... New jersey DMV really sucks! I had a very bad experience with them too.
  9. Z

    Settlement Memorandum Sent

    My question Category: I-140 petition Why is the processing of I-140 petition under national interest waiver (NIW) so slow in VSC (the processing date for NIW is about 1 year behind EB3)?
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    My question

    Category: I-140 processing Why is the I-140 processing under national interest waiver in VSC so slow (the processing date for NIW is about 1 year behind the EB3 category)?
  11. Z

    140 Approved

    Wow, your case is approved before submitted!
  12. Z

    Shouldn't CIS have posted processing time yesterday?

    They said they will start PROCESSING H1B from April 1st.
  13. Z

    Shouldn't CIS have posted processing time yesterday?

    Hang on, they will start accepting new H1B from April 1st.
  14. Z

    EB1- OR: please update your info.

    Even I applied for NIW I am happy to see they eventually start to touch OR. hopefully they will start processing NIW too. let's stay tuned and see what happens.
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    NIW > 485 days

    Re: Any news for NIW? Let's wait for the next processing dates report (should have been posted last week).
  16. Z

    EB2 ND 25/06/2003 I140 approved

    Congrats! sounds like approvals for EB2 are taking off
  17. Z

    why second finger-printing ??

    besides finger print you may also need 2nd, 3rd physical exams ... because CIS is really concerned about our health under such a stressful situation :D :D :D
  18. Z

    why second finger-printing ??

    Because they need to delay the processing. if they only need one finger print then the processing will not be delayed.
  19. Z

    NIW and OR processing dates in VSC

    Let's bet what is going to happen to processing dates for NIW and OR in Vermont center which have been staggering at June of 2002 for almost a year. My guess: they will stay at June, 2002 for another 6 months, and then progress 15 days, and then stop again ...
  20. Z

    Settlement Memorandum Sent

    Re: Re: Let's face the truth CIS is obviously slowing down the immigration process on purpose due to the political and public pressure (If you watch CNN news you will find surprisingly that major medias are attacking immigrants from 360 different angles). Officially the CIS can not say...