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  1. V

    Jony Lever\'s New Thread for 485 Approvals-AD

    I think u are right! I presume ur analysis is right ! They might have sent RFE\'s for which they require some documents and we may see approvals soon based on INS officers.
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    Jony Lever\'s New Thread for 485 Approvals-AD

    Sriman can u clarify? Is it the third RFE or were u saying that it was issued on Jan3rd??? can u clairfy??
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    Jony Lever\'s New Thread for 485 Approvals-AD

    Your hair is turnign grey but I am becoming bald!!! so take it easy and I have learnt to take one d  
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    Jony Lever\'s New Thread for 485 Approvals-AD

    why dont we call Jony Lever Juliani!!!!!! Just kidding Jony Lever!!!! INS is the most unkindest cut  
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    Why is this board so quiet?

    I think the INS has to warm up as it is the start of the week after a long week end hope we hear by  
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    Don\'t get upset if called IIO

    on Wednesday I called up in the morning and I got that lady and Again I called up in the afternoon a  
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    Conversation with IIO

    I presume this is one lady with a chinese accent who gave me the same answer. I told her that people with March 2001 RD are getting approval and how come you are saying January 2001!!!!! and she said in that case go ahead and fax the info and one of the most arrogant officers!!!!!! We need to...
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    485 APPROVED --June ND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Great the INS is showing some kindness on us!!! INS and God has to help us all .........  
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    Important !!! INS I485 Standard Operating Procedure Revealed !!!

    Thsi si where the document is found and some great guy named Vivek annamalai has posted last week an
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    Any approvals today??

    Hopefully INS has nto gone back to sleep!!!! They need to Use the Saying "ARISE AWAKE AND STOP Goal is Give all of us the Approval!!!!
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    Jony Lever is SF strict about the 90 day rule or can we go earlier or wait till 90 days for IEAD an  
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    Why Everyone not shares info during all stages?

    I agree with you but I think Bhagwan is just requesting those people to come and post so that it hel  
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    Flood of ND May/June approvals is expected from any time next week

    Annamalai u are the Nataraja of chidambaram temple!!! where the hell did u find the whole operating procedure of the INS!!! I read 100 pages then got exhausted and gave up!!!
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    Flood of ND May/June approvals is expected from any time next week

    Henry read Bongo\'s theory also... We wish your speculation comes true and we all go further.I think  
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    Jony Lever I think ur Chapad....!!!! theory will start from Monday !!!! I see a copuple of April cas

    Nothing like that just a wish and If I call the INS and get any info I will post it ASAP for the ben  
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    Jony Lever I think ur Chapad....!!!! theory will start from Monday !!!! I see a copuple of April cas

    Sorry I was talking of May and June cases and wrote April wrongly!!!!  
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    Is I-485 Approval Courtesy copy valid for PP Stamping at SJ

    congrats on ur approval and u can get stamping with Courtesy copy if u are going to SF and the date  