Jony Lever\'s New Thread for 485 Approvals-AD

Today AVM says my case has RFE WAC#218

Hey Gurus,

        I checked AVM and says "Jan\'3rd they mailed Request for evidence and letter has all details on it". I got laid off 12/31/2001.
What should I do next? Wait for RFE mail. Throw your expert comments.

RD - 4/23
ND - 6/22
FP - 10/30(11/16 pending review and 12/29 fp results received and 3rd RFE)

Thanks in advance,
No Title

This shows that our cases are most likey assigned to officers and they will either issue RFE or approve the case.

Sriman...ur situation is slightly tricky..what is ur RFE about.
If it is employement etc. and since six months have passed after you filed 485 , you probably need to do intense job hunt and get
job in similar category and get employement letter from them. I am not aware of any other avenue.
sriman - rfe

I read 3rd rfe - i thought ins would not issue more than 1 rfe

please clarify
I think u are right!

I presume ur analysis is right ! They might have sent RFE\'s for which they require some documents and we may see approvals soon based on INS officers.
Sriman received RFE on January 3rd

I bet it is his 1st RFE. With those dates for RD and ND, it his highly unlikely that he would have received a 3rd RFE on his case.
Thanks Jony Lever

New employment strict to California or
East Coast is enough. Is that Okey to get a new employment in consulting company?

newton approved

WAC-01-130-5**** Approved as per AVM

Newton - 10:46am Jan 4, 2002 EST

PD 05/99
EB2/Regular INDIA
RD 02/16/2001
ND 03/14/2001
FD 11/03/2001
AD 01/02/2002

I want to thank Ciba from my heart. He is doing a great work.

Ciba my handle is NTR(Newton) and thank you one more time.

Approx how long it will take to get the approval notice. Thank You.
Congratulations newton!

I request people to also post their geographic area or processing center, so that we can get an idea based on location. Thanks.
Spoke to IIO today about status of my fingerprints

RD = May 20
ND = July 20
FP done on Dec 4 (scheduled Dec 27) in San Jose

IIO said \'Yes, Fingerprints received on Dec6 no-indent\'. What does that mean (\'No indent\')? Does anyone here know what that means? -- Does it mean that the FP looks okay and a redo will not be needed? He said \'they seem okay as of now, on the computer\'. Quite vague I must say.

I asked him approx. when it would be assigned to an officer. He said he could not say since they are handling cases from Jan 2000 (!)
Jan 2000? Does that surprise anyone?

He could not comment on my wife\'s case -- said she needs to call on her own.
No Title

No indents probably means that there were no ridge breaks in your fingerprint scan, which is a good thing. Otherwise, they can reschedule you for another FP.
Chopra, the IIO probably meant NOIDENT. Read on for other possible FBI responses...

The possible responses FBI could send you are as follows :
1) NOIDENT - This means that they could not find you in their database. You have passed the initial screening.
2) IDENT - This means that you were found in the database based on your FP\'s. These cases usually get transferred for an interview
3) REJECT - This means that you got a more than acceptable number of ridge breaks. You will be scheduled for a FP re-do.
4) PENDING - This probably means that there was no conclusive result from their screening. They will do further extensive checks.

Having said that, I think NOIDENT is the most common response back from the FBI.