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    Before You Complain About NSC

    KennyGH, Please don't set the bar lower than it already is. The fact that TSC sucks more than NSC does not mean that NSC doesn't suck. NSC SUCKS BIG TIME AND SO DOES TSC!
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    Before You Complain About NSC

    NSC SUCKS!!! NSC SUCKS!!! Have you seen Vermont? They are approving OCTOBER cases with no RFEs whatsoever! They are moving forward, not leaving anyone behind. NSC is so incompetent that they are currently processing July, August, September, and everyone left behind at the same time...
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    Recvd FP notice

    dimbaka, If your question is not a joke, here's the answer... Once you do your fingerprints your application goes to a drawer in the INS where it sits there for about 12-15 months. Then when someone decides to work, normally more 1 year later, you might get some news. The way it is...
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    What else do I need in life?!

    adjustee, Calling IIO has no implication whatsoever in getting RFE/transfer. Has anyone heard otherwise?
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    Oct 05 ca1se approved

    green111, Congratulations!!! It is great to know that NSC has finally started approving October RDs. Even nicer that you did not get any RFE!!! Let's all hope that they finish it quick so they can move to November and December cases. suresh
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    Another freeze at NSC???

    Folks at NSC are probably getting ready for President's Day in mid-February. What about the official processing times? How you guys noticed that they just released the new processing dates? It is 08/01/01. Amazing, isn't it? For the last 4 months they have NOT moved a single day...
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    Where are the OCTOBER RD approvals?

    Yeah, I heard the same BS from IIO - We are currently approving August 1st cases and it will take another 3 to 4 months for October cases to be adjudicated. BS!!! We know for a fact that there are lots of RFEs being issued for October RDs so approvals are just around the corner. That's...
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    Where are the OCTOBER RD approvals?

    Has anyone seen any approvals for Oct/2001 RDs? What is NSC doing? Are they moving forward or backwards? Please post your details here.
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    Case Approved September 2001- RD

    SSRaj, You listed your ND and RD as follows: 9/15/01 - ND 10/18/01 - RD Did you mistakenly switch the order? RD is usually prior ro ND... Anyway, congratulations!
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    Would "approved" people today please stand up?

    gcwait555, Could you please double check with your friend his LIN? LIN-01-16X does not seem right for someone with RD 07/31/01. It should rather be something between LIN-01-260 and LIN-01-263. Thanks!
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    Would "approved" people today please stand up?

    Would the people that were "approved" today please stand up and participate here in this forum? We would like to ask you some questions. I am particularly talking about the following users: "PS" whose LIN is LIN-XX-XXX-XXXXX "K " whose LIN is LIN-XX-XXX-XXXXX "neni" whose LIN...
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    New Approvals

    don't get so excited guys, don't get so excited about these "approvals". First, one doesn't know what category they are. They are most likely NOT employment-based. Second, they could be aged out cases. The only way to be sure that the freeze has been lifted is one someone from the...
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    Expect Flood Of Approvals By End Of This Week

    another reason to believe that user "PS" who posted a RD Sept/2001 approval is fake! would user "PS" please come to this forum and share his details with us?
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    Approvals seem fake

    Haraputta, I lost your email, can you please email me?
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    Approvals seem fake

    What's up with the people posting approvals? Why don't they provide more details? Why just LIN-XX-XXX-XXXXX ? What about users "K" and "PS" ?!! Who are they? Can they come to this forum and share with us their details? I do hope that people are not playing with us. But it's hard to...
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    Expect Flood Of Approvals By End Of This Week

    No proof yet I don't know about you guys, but I will be convinced that NSC has lift the freeze ONLY when I see approvals for LIN-02's I want to see approvals for RDs September and October/2001, preferably without RFEs. This is the only way we can make sure the approvals are the way they...
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    Tons of approvals in Vermont - Whats up NSC?

    What's wrong with the NSC people? Are they on vacation? Why do they have to be different from Vermont? This is very frustrating. I'm signing off until we see some hope...
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    IIO confirmed that NSC is not approving

    karmayogi9, Your gut feeling is wrong, buddy. I have no reason to lie on this discussion board (the dialogue I posted was exactly what my conversation with IIO was). Now, if you tell me that the IIO was lying or that the IIO did not know what she was talking about then it's a totally...
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    IIO confirmed that NSC is not approving

    haraputta! hey, dude, I lost your email. can you please email me?
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    IIO confirmed that NSC is not approving

    I called the IIO just for fun (since they don’t know jack). I don’t know how reliable this is but let me share it with you. IIO: Immigration. Me: I have a question. When will Nebraska resume approvals of adjustment of status? IIO: We are still doing it, but very slowly. Me: You are...