Before You Complain About NSC

Good Point! Paul .. but ..

Look at VSC .. they are processing much faster than NSC!!

I personally feel INS has a dual service to render .. a service much more important than a corporate body. It has the onus of protecting US from Terrorists .. but at the same time also choose the skills in demand for the growth of the economy! (I am only talking about employment based GC here)

I can understand the slow down in process from Sep 11th. But What I do not understand is the lack of transperancy and frameless approach. No accountability what so ever!

You need to me in my shoes to realize what I am saying!
Good Point! Paul .. but ..

Look at VSC .. they are processing much faster than NSC!!

I personally feel INS has a dual service to render .. a service much more important than a corporate body. It has the onus of protecting US from Terrorists .. but at the same time also choose the skills in demand for the growth of the economy! (I am only talking about employment based GC here)

I can understand the slow down in process from Sep 11th. But What I do not understand is the lack of transperancy and frameless approach. No accountability what so ever!

You need to me in my shoes to realize what I am saying!


Have you seen Vermont?
They are approving OCTOBER cases with no RFEs whatsoever!
They are moving forward, not leaving anyone behind.

NSC is so incompetent that they are currently processing July, August, September, and everyone left behind at the same time.

So, NSC sucks!
NSC has been processing jul/aug 01 cases since as far as my memory can go back (since jun/jul 01 ??). Can they get over and done with jul/aug/sep 01 cases ???

Talking about speed - "a snail's pace" would be a great compliment for them. Can anyone think of anything that can move any slower than NSC??
Can anyone think of anything that can move any slower than NSC??

YES....TSC, almost a year behind NSC and no approvals in sight. So quit crying.

Please don't set the bar lower than it already is.

The fact that TSC sucks more than NSC does not mean that NSC doesn't suck.

I wasn't setting the bar lower. The question (although rhetorical) asked what was worse. I merely was pointing out what the original post was talking about.

But you are right, they both suck and living like this also sucks.

When we hold VSC up as the standard to live up to, then we know things are bad.....

As always.....