Another freeze at NSC???


Registered Users (C)
What happened to the gush of approvals today at NSC. Not even a single approval for today at Rupnet (Only 1 from yesterday). Do these guys work 2 days then take 2 days off.

Or are they thinking - we gave too many approvals last couple of days - let's start another freeze. Am I the only one fretting or is anyone else worried? Guys cheer me up with some good news before I blow my top off.
Yeah!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

What happened to all the approvals that they suppose to clear out? What kind of work ethics is that?? Why are they putting everyone in misery?

Folks at NSC are probably getting ready for President's Day in mid-February.

What about the official processing times? How you guys noticed that they just released the new processing dates?
It is 08/01/01.

Amazing, isn't it? For the last 4 months they have NOT moved a single day!!!!

WHAT A NICE JOB!!! Very high performance!!!
dare i be optimistic?

going by the assumption that not everyone who has ever applied for I-485 AOS would have registered at rupnet, it is possible there might have been approvals even today, only none of those approved have their data on rupnet.

i guess after the long, seemingly hopeless freeze, i really want to believe in santa claus and the tooth fairy. :)
No freeze

I just saw an approval with todays date in it.
HamsabH1Hai RD08/22 aproved 01/30/2003

cheer up folks!!
Guys please refrain from spreading any "RUMOURS", we had had enough of this "FREEZE", "SLOWDOWN", ... Blah, Blah ...

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