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  1. F

    99 Case with RFE no approved...

    No Title It only took 8 days to get my approval after AVM acknowledged the receipt of my RFE response. Contact your senator\'s office and see if they can help you
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    Well... At last it is my day in the sun.

    No Title Country India, EB3 case, at NSC
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    Well... At last it is my day in the sun.

    Guys, I just heard that my case is approved. I got addicted to these sites so much lately that I have to figure out an alternate to this addiction. This has been a very useful supporting group. Keep it up. Details, PD 9/97 I-485 RD 9/99       ND 10/99...
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    Finally GC Saga is Over

    No Title Did the AVM directly change to "Approved" or you ever get to hear the ack. for receipt of RFE response ?
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    RFE sent but AVM not updated

    No Title well, I got lucky with my RFE response. It finally got updated in their system just when I thought it got losted. I sent my response on July 19th. INS received it on July 20th and system update on Aug 15th. Now wait must continue....
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    RFE sent but AVM not updated

    No Title Yes, it does....
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    RFE sent but AVM not updated

    No Title I am in the same boat. I sent my wife\'s medical RFE response on July 18th and no AVM update yet!!!!
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    Me too... atlast

    No Title How do you find and contact senators ? I live in Minnesota. What should I do to find our senator. BTW, did your AVM ever changed to ack. that they received your RFE rsponse..
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    Sent RFE reply a month and half back - AVM not updated

    No Title Thanks and congrats. Hopefully my good days are also nearer...
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    Sent RFE reply a month and half back - AVM not updated

    No Title Can you please tell me when did you get approval...
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    Sent RFE reply a month and half back - AVM not updated

    No Title Guys, Any new updates to this discussion in the recent past. I am still waiting for the INS to open my RFE response which I sent on July 18th
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    Sent RFE reply a month and half back - AVM not updated

    Likewise.. I send my wife\'s RFE (Medical) response on july 18th and the AVM still "On June 7th we sent blah blah....". Seems to me that we all are in the same boat. Let us update as and when we have some development on this issue...
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    Finally the Approval!!

    No Title Did the AVM change on 7/11 itself or it took little longet to get updated...
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    485 Approved !!!

    No Title Did the AVM change on 7/11 or it took little longer to get updated...
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    RFE received frm NSC

    No Title Hi My story is exactly same. They sent RFE for my wife\'s Medical and we sent the response just last week. My case is also hanging in there...
  16. F

    MyLadoor (help) - Please respond (anybody)

    No Title RFE was issued for my wife on June 7th. I am the primary applicant but my case is still on Hold. Seems to me that they will shelf both applications if RFE is issued for any one.
  17. F

    Does the wife\'s 485 get processed saperately from the husbands?

    No Title I am also in the same situation. My wife\'s RFE was issued on June 7th on medical forms I-693 and my case is still hanging in there. My understanding is that they will approve both husdand and wife\'s case at the same time.
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    INS doing great job

    No Title Do you know what is that RFE is for ?
  19. F

    INS doing great job

    No Title Does INS approve husband\'s case while issuing RFE for the wife ? I heard INS issued RFE for my wife on 7th June. Not sure about my case.
  20. F

    Help !!! RFE issued for Wife\'s Birth certificate..

    No Title Well, I haven\'t received it yet. But from other discussions I gathered that it is going to be on Birth Certificate being issues in the recent past. I am wondering if any one can tell me from their experiences what kind of documents are valid in this regard.