Zero Tolerance Memo withdrawn


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I don't know how true it is..please check

"In a move hailed by immigration attorneys and immigrant rights advocates, the USCIS (legacy INS) has withdrawn the chilling "Zero Tolerance Memo" issued by former INS Commissioner James Zigler. This memo created a working environment of fear among unquestionably dedicated and competent INS officers, resulting in the development of a culture of "no". Officers have been afraid to exercise favorable discretion in the environment of fear engendered by this memo. Now that the memo has laudably been withdrawn, we are optimistic that the thousands of dedicated and competent legacy INS officials will be able to adjudicate applications on their merits without fear of reprisal."

Looks like, there could be some improvements in the approval procedures going forward. Again the time can only answer these guesses.

WOW! This is NEWS indeed! I wonder how true this is, based upon the security threats. The biggest question of all, "WHO IS THE PERSON WITH THE BALLS TO WRITE THAT MEMO?"

Wow, I vote for whoever that soul is, for Governor of CA! He/she would definitely be better than Arnold! :)

Damn this is good news if true! But after scanning a few other lawyers websites, they don't seem to have it up, so still sceptical!
certainly a positive news. should help increase the processing speed a little. The positive impact will come in a couple of months or so. it takes time for people to unlearn some such fircely enforced habits and get over their fears.
Can someone explain why does this recall of the memo make the environment favorable .. ???

If tue, does this mean that we wont see so many RFEs now ??

I am too skeptical about this news..why it is not available on other immigration sites. Just came across this while searching web and thought of sharing.

This is awesome news. But if it is true, then I'm sure there will be postings in this and other law firm sites. Let's wait.

Any idea who originated this memo
Originally posted by eventually
Can someone explain why does this recall of the memo make the environment favorable .. ???
If tue, does this mean that we wont see so many RFEs now ??
Actually zero tolerance has less to do with RFE's and more to do with the IIO's state of mind to give approvals.

When the memo was in effect. The IIO had to be DAMN certain that the person he was approving was not a terrorist or with terrorist links or that the person's immigration record was CLEAN. Now with the memo being withdrawn, they don't need to be in mortal fear of punishment or termination in case they are wrong.

But as kuldeepc said, it is going to take some time (if true), for the IIO's to change their mindset.

Here is hoping for a good 2004! FI485 thanks for the backup link. I looked over most of the common law firms in the bay area, din't find anything. So good to get some confirmation!
I find it hard to believe this because Ashcroft is pushing for the patriotic act so hard....I don't think he will repeal the zero tolerance policy so easily and so soon.I sincerely hope i am wrong.
Originally posted by 140_takes_4ever
Actually zero tolerance has less to do with RFE's and more to do with the IIO's state of mind to give approvals.

When the memo was in effect. The IIO had to be DAMN certain that the person he was approving was not a terrorist or with terrorist links or that the person's immigration record was CLEAN. Now with the memo being withdrawn, they don't need to be in mortal fear of punishment or termination in case they are wrong.

But as kuldeepc said, it is going to take some time (if true), for the IIO's to change their mindset.

Here is hoping for a good 2004! FI485 thanks for the backup link. I looked over most of the common law firms in the bay area, din't find anything. So good to get some confirmation!

First learn to know that there is much more world outside than
that little STINKY bay-pond :D:D

IDIOT.. grow up...
Approvals up

Since September 25, approval rates have increased quite dramatically according to longwait's analysis.

06/17 to 06/30 - 136
06/30 to 07/27 - 146
07/27 to 08/25 - 207
08/25 to 09/25 - 221
09/25 to 09/29 - 063

Considering Sept. 27 and 28 were weekend days, this is pretty good.

So is this...

a. The final rush of religious workers coming to save my soul
b. The officers being reassigned after the sunset
c. The effect of the zero tolerance removal

Only time will tell...
Originally posted by 1amShantanuB
First learn to know that there is much more world outside than
that little STINKY bay-pond :D:D

IDIOT.. grow up...

"What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.":D :D :D :D