Would you give up your GC (1.5 years away from being citizen)?


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Would you give up your GC when you are 1.5 years away from being citizen?

I had a pretty good job when I got my GC. Unfortunately, I lost it. I went to a worse job for 3.5 years. Now, I am at a worser job. No room for advancement and little raise no matter how hard you work. To top it off, a tyrant for a boss (he's a compatriot to make matters worse).

With the econ the way it is, it's hard to find another job. I've been looking for another job for 7 months now...nothing better than where I am now.

I recently returned to the place of my birth....didn't like it...pollution, crowd, etc. I found out that a univ. there is hiring. I could be a professor. Doesn't pay very much....I'll get a lower standard of living here. But, I don't know if I can stand working this job for 1.5 years more.

Like many of you, we worked hard to get our GC. I don't want to give it up with citizenship so close to the end of the tunnel. On the other hand, the job is killing me (mentally and spiritually). I know, I know, I should be grateful that I have a job.
since you have fulfill the physical requirement, you can come back every 5.5 months until you re ready to file. make sure days outside usa is below 900 days in a 5 year period.
Working outside the US for the 1.5 last years will raise a serious concern with the N-400 adjudicator!!!

since you have fulfill the physical requirement, you can come back every 5.5 months until you re ready to file. make sure days outside usa is below 900 days in a 5 year period.
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Look at it this way: The opportunity for US citizenship will not present itself again. You will not be able to build up another 5 years in the States to file your N400. How much is it worth to you?

I also think that the economic downturn is as much a problem around the world as it is in the US, so since you actually have a job, maybe it's worthwhile staying put where you are; as the recovery progresses, the US does offer ample new opportunities. How about the other country?
Triple citizen "Working outside the US for the 1.5 last years will raise a serious concern with the N-400 adjudicator!!!"

Yes may be it will raise a concern like you said serious , but he can still get approved.

So do not give up my friend.
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Thanks for your opinion, guys.....I am not planning to cheat the system. I am going to turn my GC in if I leave. Plus, then I don't have to pay taxes.

The problem is, the longer I wait, the harder it is to leave (at least until after citizenship). I was so close to leaving last year but I hanged for a superb job but did not get it.

It would have made sense to leave before GC or just right after.

If I go back to my country (won't say in case my boss is reading this who happened to come from there), I'll have a stable job but no so good standard of living. They are eager to get a professor who is educated in the US. The trouble is, the place being so small, I'll not have job mobility. I heard that the profs had pay freeze or cuts.
Darth dude,

Just hang in there and keep looking for another job. The grass always looks greener on the other side. The other job with lower life standard might look attractive now but who's to say it might not end up being worse. I am sure lot of us who have gone through employment based sponsorship can share our horror stories of use and abuse. I myself can go on and on for days venting the frustration I went through before getting my GC and now that I have it, the economy had to dive. Everything has a purpose in life and this is just a tough phase you are going through. Have some faith and do not give up, good things come to those who wait.

Take care.

I'll have a stable job but no so good standard of living. They are eager to get a professor who is educated in the US. The trouble is, the place being so small, I'll not have job mobility. I heard that the profs had pay freeze or cuts.

A famous American once said that those who trade liberty for a little temporary security deserve neither. I think that applies to your situation.
Do not look at the next 1.5 years. Look at the next 15 years. Will that work?

1.5 years in a bad job is bad. However, do you really need to work in your area of expertise? Can you manage in half as much as you are earning now? Can you live in a different state with lower expenses? How much cash reserves do you have that maybe you do not work for 6 months? If you want to retain your GC/citizenship chances, there might be many options for doing this, besides starting your own company as Jack mentioned above. You might also be able to go to your country for 6-8 months (not all of 1.5 years) and manage this process.

You need to look your decision in a longer term perspective. Sometimes under pressure, long term decisions are also suspect, but give it a thought.
Do not look at the next 1.5 years. Look at the next 15 years. Will that work?

You need to look your decision in a longer term perspective. Sometimes under pressure, long term decisions are also suspect, but give it a thought.

Members, thanks for your advice and encouragement....I think I'll stick it out. Starting a biz, lowering standard of living are all good ideas. I think getting a GC the legal way will be harder and harder...the wait longer and longer.

I wonder what will happen if the amnesty bill gets through. There will be 30-50 million applications. Will that affect GC and citizenship applications for legals? I hope I can apply before the deluge of applications happen.
I wonder what will happen if the amnesty bill gets through. There will be 30-50 million applications. Will that affect GC and citizenship applications for legals? I hope I can apply before the deluge of applications happen.

I wouldn't worry too much. I don't see CIR happening before 2011 at the earliest.
Plus, make sure that you have completed your 40 credits for SS and Medicare before thinking of relocating. Might come in handy later on. :)