would like to postpone interview - any risk?


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I have interview (ID) scheduled for July 15. I need to attend that day an important family event out of state. Does anyone here has experience with asking to POSTPONE interview:

a. when will my re-scheduled interview will likely be (one? two month?)
b. could the fact that I delayed work against me in the interview itself? or could my request throw my application out of the normal track?

thanks .
A(a): Could even be more than a month, one never knows
A(b): It should not work against you :)

a. when will my re-scheduled interview will likely be (one? two month?)
b. could the fact that I delayed work against me in the interview itself? or could my request throw my application out of the normal track?
The basic thing with all the INS appointments (interview, oath etc) is that the last thing you want to do is to purposly put yourself back into the system (like re-shedualing) unless it's an emergency and you just have to do it.

Getting back into the system people have found themselves lost in it and delayed for a lot longer time they they were thinking they would.

It's definatly never wise to reschedual with the INS if you can help it. But if you do, just be prepared for not knowing when you might get your interview. Days, weeks, months and even years have been common...
The basic thing with all the INS appointments (interview, oath etc) is that the last thing you want to do is to purposly put yourself back into the system (like re-shedualing) unless it's an emergency and you just have to do it.

Getting back into the system people have found themselves lost in it and delayed for a lot longer time they they were thinking they would.

It's definatly never wise to reschedual with the INS if you can help it. But if you do, just be prepared for not knowing when you might get your interview. Days, weeks, months and even years have been common...

thats why I was hoping to hear about people's real experience. I haven't heard about reschedule interview taking years....
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thats why I was hoping to hear about people's real experience.

It depends on what is important to you.

Here's what I have posted to htis question before...

I would be reluctant to reschedule. I have read about a thousand posts here over the past month and rescheduled ones are often asking how much longer they should wait before inquiring where they are at in the system.

So, if I were you, I would postpone the trip until after the Oath date or postpone the filing until after the trip.

The USCIS is a huge system and big wheels turn slowly. Stepping outside their schedule system may cause more delays.

I am guessing, but when it is your turn for say the FP appointment, your name just goes on the bottom of that list. When you reschedule, someone has to find a rescheduled open slot to slide you in for the date you requested.

Also there may be a bunch of people that have asked to reschedule and you may in the middle of that list somewhere. Get the drift? You are likely to compound the delays but ultimately up to you.

My suggestion is to go with the flow.

As anire-take suggests, figure out what is important. I have to allow 6 hours to drive each way and if I get an appointment before 10:00am I have to stay in a motel the night before which I can ill-afford. BUT NOTHING is more important to me than becoming a Citizen.
I would think that citizenship interview is more important than some family function.

I appreciate people who respond and try to help. However - I was looking for FACTS of applicants who actually asked for re schedule or personally know people who did.
I did not ask for lectures on how important is the interview. I know it is.
I appreciate people who respond and try to help. However - I was looking for FACTS of applicants who actually asked for re schedule or personally know people who did.
I did not ask for lectures on how important is the interview. I know it is.

I rescheduled mine, I was working out of state at the time.
I wrote a letter and explained my situation and also what would be a good time for me, the rescheduled date was exaxtly in line with what I asked for YMMV.
thats why I was hoping to hear about people's real experience. I haven't heard about reschedule interview taking years....

There were a couple in this forum awhile back that said they had gotten lost in the system again. One person was still waiting well over a year and another was just hitting 9 months and waiting. I don't believe they contacted their congressman at all, as I've heard this can speed things up if after a certain time. Can't remember.

Either way it has happened and people do get lost in the shuffle or delayed further depending on the overload of newer applications...
My parents did their re-scheduling twice without any issues at Dallas DO. The officer rescheduled it with the time where they can be there. Having a citizenship is a process, nothing more than that. Family is always number one priority. They cant be re-scheduled without a cost that cant be paid.
I had requested for a reschedule of my N-400 interview last year. USCIS accepted my request and re-scheduled it after a 5-6 weeks.

Good Luck.
Personally I don't like to trust the USCIS to not lose track of things. It's not true that the interview outweighs familial obligations, but the scheduling and delays the USCIS supplies are so onerous you should think long and hard if you want to hope for the best. I guess it matters more depending on if you can handle a delay or possible confusion.

Like my old band director said, "The only excuse for an absence is a death in the family - YOURS!". ;)
Personally I don't like to trust the USCIS to not lose track of things. It's not true that the interview outweighs familial obligations, but the scheduling and delays the USCIS supplies are so onerous you should think long and hard if you want to hope for the best. I guess it matters more depending on if you can handle a delay or possible confusion.

I guess the only people who can understand how hard the citizenship process is are those in the process so that the family memebers will not understand why you place so much prioority on yoru own citizenship. They simply think
you file your application and then get the citizenship. This is actually even true if you finally get it and look back at the process. But if you are still in the process, you can not take for granted that your citizenship will come
I am surprised to see how hostile most answers are. Until very recently i was laughing myself at those who wanted to reschedule their interviews for naturalization because for the last 4 years it was all i really cared. However, today i got my interview letter and it fell into the period of time when i'm not in the US, but staging at Tokyo Stock Exchange in Japan.
Naturalization is important but i worked really hard to succeed in my MBA program too.
My question is whether i should send the letter back in order to reschedule (as it's said in the letter) or via appointment with an Immigration Officer in the local office.
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staging at Tokyo Stock Exchange in Japan.

Hi Leana,

Not sure what "staging" is but is it something you could reschedule? I am with you on the "most important" issue is Citizenship. I have to make a 6 hour each way trip to the local (??) DO and that means getting up at 4:00am for an early appointment or going to Phx the day before and staying in a cheap motel. I would not even think about rescheduling.

Congrats for getting this far, and good luck with your decision, my decisions are easy. :)
. However - I was looking for FACTS of applicants who actually asked for re schedule or personally know people who did.

My interview was initially scheduled for September 2008 at the Los Angeles office. My first letter to them requested to be rescheduled after 1st January 2009 "went astray", and I received a "please explain" letter after I did not attend the interview appointment. I wrote to them again explaining the situation (this time I had a Room Number to include on the address) and again requesting my interview be rescheduled after 1st January. My interview was rescheduled for 6th January. At the actual appointment the rescheduling was never mentioned, and my application was approved.

My personal advice to you, unless you have an urgent need to obtain citizenship (like waiting to petition for a family member etc) would be to request your interview be rescheduled. Accepting that your delay may be days, weeks, or potentially, in a bad case, even months, and giving priority to family event is a personal choice, and one that I personally don't think you should be critised for.

If you do choose to reschedule, please post the result - ie, how long the delay was. This information will be helpful for others in the future ina similar situation.
Hi Leana,

Not sure what "staging" is but is it something you could reschedule? I am with you on the "most important" issue is Citizenship. I have to make a 6 hour each way trip to the local (??) DO and that means getting up at 4:00am for an early appointment or going to Phx the day before and staying in a cheap motel. I would not even think about rescheduling.

Congrats for getting this far, and good luck with your decision, my decisions are easy. :)

I understand, i have to get up at 5 am to make it to my 7 am class and then go to work and after 9 hours in the office head back to school til midnight. Every day for 2 years. So my internship at TSE is VERY important to me and i cannot fly from Tokyo to New York for one day and then come back.
I have set an appointment with the local office. We will see what they have to say. For me it really doesn't matter whether they postpone my interview for 2 weeks or 2 months. I have been waiting for 4 years so 6 more months won't make a difference.