would like to postpone interview - any risk?

I have to get up at 5 am to make it to my 7 am class and then go to work and after 9 hours in the office head back to school til midnight.

Wow Leana, what a GREAT work ethic. You will do well in America and that's the type of Citizen this country always needs more of. I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said,

"Success is all luck, just ask someone who quit because it was too hard."

I wish you every success. You have brightened my day. Thanks.
We have had to ask for a re-schedule of interview, having just received the interview letter last week. As luck would have it, we were assigned an interview day over the one unmoveable event of the summer (nonrefund. plane tickets purchased to attend out of state family wedding, just a non negotiable for us). DO is Detroit which is moving slowly anyway, bummer. Original interview was supposed to be Aug 27 and I will repost with the rescheduled date whenever we get it.