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Why do you love america

I feel it's necessary i say something about these unhealthy disagreement and posts.please let not insult,abuse or denegrate one another.
Some of pitbull's post makes a lot of senses while some does not.We should commend the ones that makes senses and correct or disagree with the ones that doesn't make senses and argue on it without creating unhealthy atmosphere.

Mijoro,Britsimon,Vladek,Pitbull,Franko etc,all of you guys are well respected on this forum as result of your contributions,suggestion,post and advise of which have been of tremendious help to thousands of people on this forum, in which i will not want you to jeopadise by engaging inexchange of words with each other.

If you guys notice,the purpose of this thread has been defeated as a result of the fourth world war we created all because of someone post we felt is not good enough or does not bring a valuable fact..I know we can get along very well without fighting one another.No man on earth is an island of knowledge,so we can share from other people by taking out the senses out of the nonsense the person posted.

I am not against or in support of anybody here,i just felt it is not ideal to ignore the rivalry in this forum because we are all one people.One love my people.

This is my humble opinion.

I completely agree with what you said. If you don't agree with something that I say, then respond to that directly, don't go into personal attacks. I'm here, as well as many others to help each other. We're all valuable members of this board and need to support each other, not engage in divisive personal attacks. I want to get past what happened before, but every time I post anything, there is an avalanche of hateful messages by about 10-15 members that attack me personally. This was an excellent topic and I posted my well-thought out response. What did I get for it? Multiple hateful personal attacks engaged by the same members as always.

They all act like bullies who don't want a new member into their group for whatever reason. You are not children anymore. This is not a kindergarten, you need to get over the past and move on. They are all waiting that I apologize to them for calling, getting and posting the numbers a couple months ago. As I said previously: I will never apologize for helping others. Never! Now let's get along and move on...
I completely agree with what you said. If you don't agree with something that I say, then respond to that directly, don't go into personal attacks. I'm here, as well as many others to help each other. We're all valuable members of this board and need to support each other, not engage in divisive personal attacks. I want to get past what happened before, but every time I post anything, there is an avalanche of hateful messages by about 10-15 members that attack me personally. This was an excellent topic and I posted my well-thought out response. What did I get for it? Multiple hateful personal attacks engaged by the same members as always.

They all act like bullies who don't want a new member into their group for whatever reason. You are not children anymore. This is not a kindergarten, you need to get over the past and move on. They are all waiting that I apologize to them for calling, getting and posting the numbers a couple months ago. As I said previously: I will never apologize for helping others. Never! Now let's get along and move on...

The ways we respond to comment differs,but the bottomline line here is making a truce.I quite agree with you' there shouldn't be any personal attack on any member but we should also do things with maturity, not on this thread alone but on the forum as a whole.

I hold you as well on high esteem,if it expected of you to apologise to the forum for getting the VB for a particular region some month back and not for the whole region,then you need to apologise in other to get along with other people.Apologising, to my understanding will not pull a hair out of head nor will it make you a lesser-man,rather it will shows that you are more matured and considerate .Mind you,it is not everyone that apologises that is always guilty of something,people do apologised at times to make truce and peace.

I am saying this because i don't what happened on this thread to happen in another thread,reason because if it not ironed out,it will surely happen again.However,we have million of viewer,members and non member viewing our post everyday if you are aware.And this is what you dont know,you guys have lot of fans in this forum,Britsimon,c1984,Sm1smon,Vladek,Mijoro,Pitbull,Hexa,Raevsky,sussieQQQ,Emma,Onthego,Family2134 and the rest that i cannot mention now.I am not pulling anybody's legs but saying the fact as a result of excellent post,suggestion you guy has contributed.

So let's burry the hatchet and forget about the bone of contention.I hope this makes a lot of senses to you.Lol i think my preaching is getting too much.That is all i have to say.

You should not mind my grammatical error,i am not that good in english.
I completely agree with what you said. If you don't agree with something that I say, then respond to that directly, don't go into personal attacks. I'm here, as well as many others to help each other. We're all valuable members of this board and need to support each other, not engage in divisive personal attacks. I want to get past what happened before, but every time I post anything, there is an avalanche of hateful messages by about 10-15 members that attack me personally. This was an excellent topic and I posted my well-thought out response. What did I get for it? Multiple hateful personal attacks engaged by the same members as always.

They all act like bullies who don't want a new member into their group for whatever reason. You are not children anymore. This is not a kindergarten, you need to get over the past and move on. They are all waiting that I apologize to them for calling, getting and posting the numbers a couple months ago. As I said previously: I will never apologize for helping others. Never! Now let's get along and move on...

I'm going to give it a try and share a few things with you. Once I tried to reason with another "estranged" member, but sadly enough it didn't work because he thought I was trying to "mold him into something I like"; believe me, I couldn't care less about what he, a random person to me, would "mold" into.

Back to the topic at hand. I'm not sure if you noticed my choice of words:

I beg to differ. :)

I think the fact that he is so bluntly oblivious to how ridiculous his comments are makes it even funnier :)

Even after your ridiculous post, I made sure to say your "comment" was ridiculous and didn't make any remarks about you personally. I might be an immigrant and an ESL speaker, still I try to choose my words cautiously enough not to offend people. I'm going to invite you, a proud American, to choose your words more wisely too.

What kind of a comment is this?

My top 10 best things about America had more substance, importance and use than the rest of the posts in this whole forum combined.

What I'm observing is that it is you that gets defensive all of a sudden and carries on quarrels that in the past have ended up in not so much shining moments.

I'm going to invite you that when you see a less than desirable attitude towards your comments, just to laugh it off instead of getting all defensive and taking the argument to a personal level. If somebody is making a comment about your post, they don't necessarily mean that you as a person are unworthy. You seem to be taking it that way and react accordingly at a personal level.

Just my $0.02.
I'm going to give it a try and share a few things with you. Once I tried to reason with another "estranged" member, but sadly enough it didn't work because he thought I was trying to "mold him into something I like"; believe me, I couldn't care less about what he, a random person to me, would "mold" into.

Back to the topic at hand. I'm not sure if you noticed my choice of words:

Even after your ridiculous post, I made sure to say your "comment" was ridiculous and didn't make any remarks about you personally. I might be an immigrant and an ESL speaker, still I try to choose my words cautiously enough not to offend people. I'm going to invite you, a proud American, to choose your words more wisely too.

What kind of a comment is this?

What I'm observing is that it is you that gets defensive all of a sudden and carries on quarrels that in the past have ended up in not so much shining moments.

I'm going to invite you that when you see a less than desirable attitude towards your comments, just to laugh it off instead of getting all defensive and taking the argument to a personal level. If somebody is making a comment about your post, they don't necessarily mean that you as a person are unworthy. You seem to be taking it that way and react accordingly at a personal level.

Just my $0.02.

Interesting take.

What will it take to have this young person not have so many posts against him. Well OK, let's see. He should do the following.

Stop posting insulting and aggressive comments to others (there are many examples in his posts).
Apologize and take responsibility like any adult would for the things that he has said (he has so far refused to do that, like a spolied child)
Stop posting outright lies that are clearly designed to cause upset (like the 20,000 BS).
Stop posting commentaries (which so far have been frankly childish and misiniformed, to put it kindly) without using common sense (like the silly post in this thread and other examples).
ONLY post factually accurate and helpful information (I'm not holding my breath).

If this person cannot do that then frankly he should not bother posting at all. He is not a DV candidate, has shown little to no understanding of the process and despite his protestations to the contrary he has posted very little of any use or help at all. This forum would be a better place without the type of input he has given so far and without the responses he has illicited through his own demeanor. IF he seriously wants to help then he needs to take a big step up and exercise a heck of lot more humility and self control. If not, we really will not have lost very much at all.
Interesting take.

What will it take to have this young person not have so many posts against him. Well OK, let's see. He should do the following.

Stop posting insulting and aggressive comments to others (there are many examples in his posts).
Apologize and take responsibility like any adult would for the things that he has said (he has so far refused to do that, like a spolied child)
Stop posting outright lies that are clearly designed to cause upset (like the 20,000 BS).
Stop posting commentaries (which so far have been frankly childish and misiniformed, to put it kindly) without using common sense (like the silly post in this thread and other examples).
ONLY post factually accurate and helpful information (I'm not holding my breath).

If this person cannot do that then frankly he should not bother posting at all. He is not a DV candidate, has shown little to no understanding of the process and despite his protestations to the contrary he has posted very little of any use or help at all. This forum would be a better place without the type of input he has given so far and without the responses he has illicited through his own demeanor. IF he seriously wants to help then he needs to take a big step up and exercise a heck of lot more humility and self control. If not, we really will not have lost very much at all.

I for one have learned a lot from you both DV-wise and non-DV-wise. I hope others take the opportunity as well. :)
Can we get back on track please? I find this topic very interesting and would like to see more people sharing with us what they like about America.

I am just seriously tired with all the bitching people :)
What I love about America.

I love that the country has a long and rich history.
I love the contrast between where I live and where I am planning on living.
I love that there are endless opportunities to improve my career in my chosen field.
I love that I can jump on a plane and visit so many different places for a relatively small fare ( in comparison to Australia where everything is so spread out and far from everywhere)
I love the people, the good, the bad, the ugly.
I love how diverse cultures are embraced openly in some states.
I am going to love being able to go to movie festivals, concerts, comic con etc ( I live in regional Australia and we never get any big acts here)
I am going to love being the girl with the accent.
I am going to love learning to drive on the wrong side of the road.
I am going to love the super fast internet speeds in my appartment block/ condo/ house.
I am going to love being American.
Nice! :) Except for:

What I love about America.

I love that the country has a long and rich history.
I love the contrast between where I live and where I am planning on living.
I love that there are endless opportunities to improve my career in my chosen field.
I love that I can jump on a plane and visit so many different places for a relatively small fare ( in comparison to Australia where everything is so spread out and far from everywhere)
I love the people, the good, the bad, the ugly.
I love how diverse cultures are embraced openly in some states.
I am going to love being able to go to movie festivals, concerts, comic con etc ( I live in regional Australia and we never get any big acts here)
I am going to love being the girl with the accent.
I am going to love learning to drive on the wrong side of the road.
I am going to love the super fast internet speeds in my appartment block/ condo/ house.
I am going to love being American.

The right side of the road! Both literally and figuratively :) There! I just saved your life.
What I love about America.

I love that the country has a long and rich history.
I love the contrast between where I live and where I am planning on living.
I love that there are endless opportunities to improve my career in my chosen field.
I love that I can jump on a plane and visit so many different places for a relatively small fare ( in comparison to Australia where everything is so spread out and far from everywhere)
I love the people, the good, the bad, the ugly.
I love how diverse cultures are embraced openly in some states.
I am going to love being able to go to movie festivals, concerts, comic con etc ( I live in regional Australia and we never get any big acts here)
I am going to love being the girl with the accent.
I am going to love learning to drive on the wrong side of the road.
I am going to love the super fast internet speeds in my appartment block/ condo/ house.
I am going to love being American.

LOL those are pretty good. The girl with the accent certainly is a way to get noticed!
Nice! :) Except for:

The right side of the road! Both literally and figuratively :) There! I just saved your life.
Why thank you kind Sir !

LOL those are pretty good. The girl with the accent certainly is a way to get noticed!

Yes, I dont have much of an Australian accent though, when I am over there ( USA) they always say "You can't be Australian, we can understand what you are saying " I guess getting whacked for not enunciating my words clearly had some benefits.
Why thank you kind Sir !

Yes, I dont have much of an Australian accent though, when I am over there ( USA) they always say "You can't be Australian, we can understand what you are saying " I guess getting whacked for not enunciating my words clearly had some benefits.

The Aussie/Kiwi accents are awesome. My first crush was on my French teacher, Miss Mouffaridge who was a Kiwi. When she spoke French it was awesome and when she spoke English it was heaven. I was 11 so the relationship didn't blossom as I hoped. :eek:
What I love about America.

I love that the country has a long and rich history.
I love the contrast between where I live and where I am planning on living.
I love that there are endless opportunities to improve my career in my chosen field.
I love that I can jump on a plane and visit so many different places for a relatively small fare ( in comparison to Australia where everything is so spread out and far from everywhere)
I love the people, the good, the bad, the ugly.
I love how diverse cultures are embraced openly in some states.
I am going to love being able to go to movie festivals, concerts, comic con etc ( I live in regional Australia and we never get any big acts here)
I am going to love being the girl with the accent.
I am going to love learning to drive on the wrong side of the road.
I am going to love the super fast internet speeds in my appartment block/ condo/ house.
I am going to love being American.

Nice one mijoro !

I know quite few Brits who have emigrated/are in the middle of emigrating to Australia and some time ago when I got a job offer I was thinking about giving it a go but you just helped me realize that although Aus is a developed country it is still "down under" and "far, far away" :).

Hope you will get your chance to drive on "the wrong side of the road" :)
Yes, I dont have much of an Australian accent though, when I am over there ( USA) they always say "You can't be Australian, we can understand what you are saying " I guess getting whacked for not enunciating my words clearly had some benefits.

Same!! When I was in Boston & NYC everyone thought I was British. I was making a concerted effort to enunciate my words properly, but I really don't think I sound that 'Aussie' anyway. The use of certain words gave it away sometimes though- "lift" (elevator), "beetroot" (beets) "capsicum" (peppers)... hmm, there were many more but I can't think of them right now! :p

I was 11 so the relationship didn't blossom as I hoped. :eek:

haha love it.

ETA- it is definitely the WRONG side of the road!!:D
Here are some of my reasons:

- Openly striving to be the best in any endeavour is quite accepted, and common. Here in Australia we have something called "tall poppy syndrome"- whereby anyone, for example, voicing their opinion in class or standing up to achieve something, is considered a 'show-off'. You are expected to show humility and not embarrass yourself. I love how there are so many determined, confident people standing up and doing whatever they need to do to succeed/get noticed. I love the sense of ambition, drive, and grandiosity. Most of all I love how it is separated from "ego"- you can be both passionate AND humble.

- I love that university/college learning and teaching is quite discursive. In Australia, we get talked at in lectures, not interacted with. And again, even if we were allowed, people are too shy to put their hands up/give input, for fear of being 'noticed'/wrong/considered egotistical. I love the university culture & system- i.e. most people living on campus at 18. Most people here commute to uni from their parents house, and it's just not the same. The lifestyle is completely different and can be quite isolating, depending on your situation. I love the graduate/professional school system whereby most people get a broad liberal arts or sciences undergraduate degree BEFORE they are allowed to specialise (in grad school). This makes far more sense then letting people start a full medical or law degree at the age of 17. You are just a baby at that age! I love the history of so many of the universities in the States. Our oldest university is about 140 years old (just a baby like those 17 year olds!). So many of the campuses/buildings at universities in the states are just divine, to study in places like that would just be magical :)

- I love that there is so much to do and see, particularly as far as arts/culture is concerned. Australia is a country of natural beauty, we have amazing beaches, great weather and some interesting flora and fauna. What we don't have is much by the way of history and art. Sure, we have a couple of fine companies (e.g. the Australian Ballet), but that's about it, and you're lucky to see a performance twice a year. When your main interests lie in the arts/literature/dance/galleries etc, Australia isn't the best place to be. I remember being absolutely overwhelmed when I was in the States at the plethora of culture I was able to devour on a daily basis. I love that there are so many people that love and work in the arts, and so many people willing to sacrifice stable living (financially, for example) to follow their passion for the arts.

- It's so much cheaper than where I live!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This may surprise you, but with the exception of housing, which is about on par, everything else is so cheap!!! Clothing, food, cabs, etc- I couldn't believe it when I was there. Sydney prices are absolutely ridiculous. (Of course, this isn't unique to America, just another thing that came to mind!) Having said that, I suppose the more important/expensive things are NOT cheaper- such as health insurance, college tuition etc.

- I love it how everything is BIG and grand. Everything is celebrated. This may be a generalisation, and I've only seen two states, but I was in NYC and Boston at Christmas time and it is just done so much better than we do it here!!!!! More lights, more paraphernalia, more people out and about. People go 'all out'- for Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, 4th July etc. To me it just reeks of enthusiasm, and I love that. Why not live big? Why not be enthusiastic?

- Architecture. Along the same lines as what I was saying about universities, I just love so much of the architecture in places I visited. That comes with history. We have a few nice buildings here, sure, but nothing like the USA or Europe, and not to the same scale.

- Like someone else said, the diversity of people. By race, interests, demographics, style, personality, lifestyle. I feel diversity, difference, eccentricity is celebrated in the USA. Again with the tall poppy thing here, people don't want to stand out. We are very much clones of each other. This stifles creativity and makes me feel slightly suffocated.
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It's quite funny for us Europeans to hear someone listing the ancient history of the USA as something special! We have Universities that have been going back 800 and 900 years - so yeah, your 140 year old university is just a baby....
It's quite funny for us Europeans to hear someone listing the ancient history of the USA as something special! We have Universities that have been going back 800 and 900 years - so yeah, your 140 year old university is just a baby....

Year 1364 my Uni was established :)

I definitely agree that higher eduction in America is good. Whatever your age, if you have the time and money you can expand your qualification an become an expert in your field !!!
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It's quite funny for us Europeans to hear someone listing the ancient history of the USA as something special! We have Universities that have been going back 800 and 900 years - so yeah, your 140 year old university is just a baby....

Okay good point:p Europe is much older, but the USA is still ancient compared to Australia! (Of course, I am referring to white settlement in Aus, and the establishment of institution/universities)- indigenous history here goes much further, needless to say!)
Oh, and I love the UK too, I would happily live there, for many of the same reasons I would love to live in the USA. Unfortunately however the UK doesn't have a diversity visa lottery
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