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Why do you love america

Substance: the quality of having a solid basis in reality or fact. FAIL
Importance:the state or fact of being of great significance or value. FAIL

You really think your ONE post has more value to say Joe Bloggs who has just found out he has been selected and has come to this forum to find out how to proceed to interview than a thread that explains how to submit forms, what immunizations are required and what type of passport photos to get done.

Perhaps we should just get your post pinned to the top of the forum so that everyone can drink from your vast and awesome well of knowledge.

Your post was also written by an idiot, still doesnt make it awesome.

I know that in the film Return of the Jedi, the name "Ewok" is never actually spoken, but it appears in both the script and the closing credits.

This is photo of an Ewok for those of you that dont know what one is.

Raevsky is an important part of the forum its true and contributes a wealth of information, he is not however the only important member here. We all play our parts, I mean even you act as comic relief every now and then.

I do belive I saw young Mr Raevsky posting in the other thread.

Why would anyone be reduced to public urination, I mean are you that unfortunate looking that your face would literally scare the pee out of someone. I am sure we can all chip in and get you some help. And prune like testicles are more likely to be the result of steroid abuse, which I am pretty sure none of us use let alone abuse.

To quote Whitney Houston "...learning to love yourself is the Greatest love of all"

I can see that he really pisses you off !!!! :)

But I have a theory. I do not believe that our "dawg" here is a real person. It has to be a troll. I know that America produces hi quality (if you can call it quality) idiots but it is hard to imagine anyone writing such bollocks ! It is unreal and I think there is someone out there laughing at us for getting outraged at that shit :)
I can see that he really pisses you off !!!! :)

But I have a theory. I do not believe that our "dawg" here is a real person. It has to be a troll. I know that America produces hi quality (if you can call it quality) idiots but it is hard to imagine anyone writing such bollocks ! It is unreal and I think there is someone out there laughing at us for getting outraged at that shit :)

He just sounds incredibly young and dumb to me. I think he actually believes his own posts - but to anyone over the age of 20 it just sounds ridiculous and stupid - but he thinks he sounds really smart. Either way, real or not real, he is best ignored - unless you enjoy laughing at his crap.
I wouldnt say he pisses me off, its more like pulling the wings off a butterfly... A really really stupid butterfly.
My top 10 best things about America had more substance, importance and use than the rest of the posts in this whole forum combined. This was written by a real American who has lived here all of his life. My post was criticized by a bunch of morons who know absolutely nothing about anything. Me and Raevsky are the only two valuable posters on there, the rest are just wasting electrons. Raevsky was bullied into leaving this forum, but this will not happen with me. These little castrates with shriveled up prunes would piss themselves if they saw me in real life and call for their mama. I will not leave no matter what vile crap comes out of you.

You are very funny, but not in a good way.
He just sounds incredibly young and dumb to me. I think he actually believes his own posts - but to anyone over the age of 20 it just sounds ridiculous and stupid - but he thinks he sounds really smart. Either way, real or not real, he is best ignored - unless you enjoy laughing at his crap.

He sounds like a person with inferiority complex. He overcompensates for his lack of self-esteem by being mean to others when there's an opportunity to do so. He is also thirsty for praises, he really needs people to tell him that he's a worthy guy, because he doesn't believe it himself.

Notice how he's so proud of being a 'citizen'. This is the kind of empty pride that he can only boasts to friggin furriners like us. Among Americans his citizenship doesn't mean diddly squat, so he is judged solely by the content of his character (and most people would find him wanting). He is on this forum because this is one of the few places he can feel superior to others.

Pitbull, you need professional help. Talk to a mental health counselor or a psychiatrist.
He sounds like a person with inferiority complex. He overcompensates for his lack of self-esteem by being mean to others when there's an opportunity to do so. He is also thirsty for praises, he really needs people to tell him that he's a worthy guy, because he doesn't believe it himself.

Notice how he's so proud of being a 'citizen'. This is the kind of empty pride that he can only boasts to friggin furriners like us. Among Americans his citizenship doesn't mean diddly squat, so he is judged solely by the content of his character (and most people would find him wanting). He is on this forum because this is one of the few places he can feel superior to others.

Pitbull, you need professional help. Talk to a mental health counselor or a psychiatrist.

Nailed him.
Perhaps we should just get your post pinned to the top of the forum so that everyone can drink from your vast and awesome well of knowledge.

If you actually cared about others, then you wouldn't waste another moment and did just that.
I feel it's necessary i say something about these unhealthy disagreement and posts.please let not insult,abuse or denegrate one another.
Some of pitbull's post makes a lot of senses while some does not.We should commend the ones that makes senses and correct or disagree with the ones that doesn't make senses and argue on it without creating unhealthy atmosphere.

Mijoro,Britsimon,Vladek,Pitbull,Franko etc,all of you guys are well respected on this forum as result of your contributions,suggestion,post and advise of which have been of tremendious help to thousands of people on this forum, in which i will not want you to jeopadise by engaging inexchange of words with each other.

If you guys notice,the purpose of this thread has been defeated as a result of the fourth world war we created all because of someone post we felt is not good enough or does not bring a valuable fact..I know we can get along very well without fighting one another.No man on earth is an island of knowledge,so we can share from other people by taking out the senses out of the nonsense the person posted.

I am not against or in support of anybody here,i just felt it is not ideal to ignore the rivalry in this forum because we are all one people.One love my people.

This is my humble opinion.
To get back on topic, what I love about America (in no particular order):

  • Relatively low density of people. In my home country there are just so many people that it feels crowded everywhere, I had to go really far into the countryside to see wide open land, and even then it's no guarantee.
  • Rule of law. I know this is not a uniquely American thing, but it's something in short quantity in my country. It's ironic that I feel more legally protected here as a foreigner than at home as a citizen. The system is not perfect, but in most cases your rights are honored and protected.
  • Friendliness of the people. While Americans are not known to be the most polite and hospitable people, they make up for it with genuine friendliness. Many times I would strike a conversation with a total stranger and half an hour later I would be treated like a lifelong friend. That kind of thing just doesn't happen at home. Of course this doesn't apply to every Americans, but you know what I mean.
  • Steaks. People are obsessed with them, and the quality of the steaks here reflects that.
  • Diversity of food. Since there are people from every country of the world, there's food from every corner of the world as well.
  • Availability of cheap, quality goods. Everybody exports to USA, pretty much. Due to the generous return policy of most stores, companies shy away from selling the absolute lowest quality stuff to avoid too many people returning them. If you buy a lemon in my country, for most cases you're SOL.
I'll update the list as new things come to mind.
But I have a theory. I do not believe that our "dawg" here is a real person. It has to be a troll. I know that America produces hi quality (if you can call it quality) idiots but it is hard to imagine anyone writing such bollocks ! It is unreal and I think there is someone out there laughing at us for getting outraged at that shit :)

I was thinking this last night! I find it so hard to take it seriously, I'm definitely starting to think it's just someone who is very bored and likes to have a laugh!

I feel it's necessary i say something about these unhealthy disagreement and posts.please let not insult,abuse or denegrate one another.
Some of pitbull's post makes a lot of senses while some does not.We should commend the ones that makes senses and correct or disagree with the ones that doesn't make senses and argue on it without creating unhealthy atmosphere.

Mijoro,Britsimon,Vladek,Pitbull,Franko etc,all of you guys are well respected on this forum as result of your contributions,suggestion,post and advise of which have been of tremendious help to thousands of people on this forum, in which i will not want you to jeopadise by engaging inexchange of words with each other.

If you guys notice,the purpose of this thread has been defeated as a result of the fourth world war we created all because of someone post we felt is not good enough or does not bring a valuable fact..I know we can get along very well without fighting one another.No man on earth is an island of knowledge,so we can share from other people by taking out the senses out of the nonsense the person posted.

I am not against or in support of anybody here,i just felt it is not ideal to ignore the rivalry in this forum because we are all one people.One love my people.

This is my humble opinion.

I completely agree with you, but I'd just like to point out that the reaction here is not based on a singular post of pitbull's- there's certainly history there & he's been insulting people across the boards as long as I've been a member. Generally threads have been derailed by him- same thing happened with last months visa bulletin thread. So understandably people get annoyed- we'd all rather be talking about why we love America too! (Speaking of which I'm going to come back later and add my reasons:) )
I feel it's necessary i say something about these unhealthy disagreement and posts.please let not insult,abuse or denegrate one another.
Some of pitbull's post makes a lot of senses while some does not.We should commend the ones that makes senses and correct or disagree with the ones that doesn't make senses and argue on it without creating unhealthy atmosphere.

Mijoro,Britsimon,Vladek,Pitbull,Franko etc,all of you guys are well respected on this forum as result of your contributions,suggestion,post and advise of which have been of tremendious help to thousands of people on this forum, in which i will not want you to jeopadise by engaging inexchange of words with each other.

If you guys notice,the purpose of this thread has been defeated as a result of the fourth world war we created all because of someone post we felt is not good enough or does not bring a valuable fact..I know we can get along very well without fighting one another.No man on earth is an island of knowledge,so we can share from other people by taking out the senses out of the nonsense the person posted.

I am not against or in support of anybody here,i just felt it is not ideal to ignore the rivalry in this forum because we are all one people.One love my people.

This is my humble opinion.

my sincere apology for going out the topic on your thread please dont feel offended , but i have to say, that he has caused so much drama and hurting people feelings (inclunding mine)on the forum, and that is unforgivable ! that man has really the knowledge of tackling the beast out of a person !
sorry again mate
my sincere apology for going out the topic on your thread please dont feel offended , but i have to say, that he has caused so much drama and hurting people feelings (inclunding mine)on the forum, and that is unforgivable ! that man has really the knowledge of tackling the beast out of a person !
sorry again mate

No problem brother,you dont owe me any apology,just doing the right thing.Thanks.
I feel it's necessary i say something about these unhealthy disagreement and posts.please let not insult,abuse or denegrate one another.
Some of pitbull's post makes a lot of senses while some does not.We should commend the ones that makes senses and correct or disagree with the ones that doesn't make senses and argue on it without creating unhealthy atmosphere.

Mijoro,Britsimon,Vladek,Pitbull,Franko etc,all of you guys are well respected on this forum as result of your contributions,suggestion,post and advise of which have been of tremendious help to thousands of people on this forum, in which i will not want you to jeopadise by engaging inexchange of words with each other.

If you guys notice,the purpose of this thread has been defeated as a result of the fourth world war we created all because of someone post we felt is not good enough or does not bring a valuable fact..I know we can get along very well without fighting one another.No man on earth is an island of knowledge,so we can share from other people by taking out the senses out of the nonsense the person posted.

I am not against or in support of anybody here,i just felt it is not ideal to ignore the rivalry in this forum because we are all one people.One love my people.

This is my humble opinion.

Like Emma, I would normally agree with you in a heartbeat. However, in this case he deserves it.... so whilst I won't waste my time on him I won't waste any tears if he continues getting treated like the bad mutt he is.
And in the spirit of what the thread should be... there have been some excellent points made already. The USA is indeed a land of opportunity. I like how business works there - in the UK and Europe most business is win-lose, for one side to win, the other has to lose. In the USA Win-Win is the norm and is perfectly possible. I like that!

I love the patriotism, I love the sports culture, I love the family oriented culture and even though I am not religious myself I appreciate the spirituality there.

I love that you can spend your spare time in so many fun ways, and I love that no matter what you need there is someone willing to provide the service to make life a little easier.
Great post Simon!

I would like to add one thing. Although I love it here in the UK an people and the country has been very welcoming and I have never experienced unpleasant treatment it is seamless to be accepted as an American in the US. Here I will always be an immigrant with the citizenship. In America on the other hand my best friend has been called American right after his ceremony! That's what I like about the US. No mater where you come from, what is your English level and what you do. All they require of you is to love their country and you can be a part of it. That is what America is all about :)
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