Why do we tolerate ppl like Techy2468?

mr. pheno_Menon ...i wanted this thread to die.....because it makes no sense.....it is as though it is a debate between the left and the right......we dont make sense to each other....

btw....pointing out negatives is not done by your enemies....they are your friends....

and as i have said again and again.........if you just cant bear to hear negatives......i dont know how you can even plan to fix them......

anyways......this debate makes no sense.........as the biggest reason for all indians being on this forum is to get their GC...........and as of now there is not hope for almost 50% of us.....including me.......and i wish india was as good as you guys had stated...i would have taken the next flight instead of being pushed around by USA immigration....(and the hundred headaches that are springing up now....being in the temp status.....Transit visa even for being in airport.....yearly H1 renewal, six months in advance......home loan is becoming difficult.....Drivers license renewal is a nightmare in Alabama(it took six hours this time).....and of course being bonded to the same employer....same work...same pay.....and as time goes by taken for granted by almost everyone....since we do get timid since we dont want to jeopardise our status).

all said....i feel painful when some one says great things about india.....and the great opportunities and fun i am missing.....instead i am choosing to be treated like a unwanted shit over here.......

dont you guys get it yet........USA immigrations gives you a clear and simple message........there is too much supply......they dont care........if you care go back and live a dignified life........

but well....our motherland is great.....but we prefer to get screwed by USA immigration system.....
Definition of Hypocrite

For everyone's benefit here is the definition of 'Hypocrite' straight from dictionary. I am seeing a lot of people on this forum who are simply confused. They cant seem to make up their mind about what they stand for and what they are doing in their life.


a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he does not practice or hold

a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

one who puts on a mask and feigns himself to be what he is not

We all migrate for our reasons. Some like techy are vocal about it and some are not.
dudewheres ... I hear ya.
Yes, I have seen 'this attitude' in a lot of people. There are some people in this forum who are genuine and write articles because of personal experiences and there are some people who just want to preach what they do not follow. This is a public forum and we do see many faces. There are times when I have vented frustrations and times where I have comforted others. I get a lot of information and knowledge from this forum and also share my information and experiences so that it may help others.
It is neither techy's or any individual fault. It is just that we are all unfortunate to get stuck in this retro.
So lets help and support each other and see what best can be done.
Hey techy, I have already mentioned it's nothing personal.

From your recent and past hardships in getting trivial things done due to current status I understand you are frustrated. I am Sept 2002 PD and went through pretty much the same emotions. What eventually forced me to join the forum today, esp this thread is that people with little or no real Indian ties or experience were posting their views.

I also look at forums involving immigrants from other nationalities and they all come here for the same common reason, but don't see them degrade their motherland as badly as this (talk about beggars, standard of living and so on). That doesn't mean they have none of these issues.

I will not continue this debate any further but just for everyone that only has a bad impression so far about India, please check out www.goodnewsindia.com and understand why we still feel proud of our motherland.

All said and done, as on date, life and opportunities are definitely better in the US but lets just move on with healthy topics.
Pheno_Menon said:
Hey techy, I have already mentioned it's nothing personal.

I will not continue this debate any further but just for everyone that only has a bad impression so far about India, please check out www.goodnewsindia.com and understand why we still feel proud of our motherland.

All said and done, as on date, life and opportunities are definitely better in the US but lets just move on with healthy topics.

What kinda bull is this? Where did Techy say he was not proud of his heritage. All he said was that for practical reasons it is good for him to say here in the USA. Why are you putting words into his mouth and further flame this thread by using sensitive pharases like
why we still feel proud of our motherland
The tone of the argument is changed when you jump in without reading the whole sequence. Please let this thread die and do not add fuel to fire.
thank you spulla........i want to say few more words......but its better we stop this discussion.....and let this thread die..
Pheno_Menon said:
eddie_d, no wonder you don't know where to begin, because you were clueless to start with. If all you know is Canada and USA, I can understand why you cannot fathom the depth of issues that were compared in this discussion.

Ohh I see. Not only is India superior to the USA it is also superior to Canada too. Got it. We here in North America are incapable of understanding patriotism? I see. I'm still perplexed as to why you (and everyoe else here) would want anything to do with this awful, wretched place. Why do you spend year after year working for a chance to live here? No reply needed, it's a rhetorical question.
eddie_d said:
Ohh I see. Not only is India superior to the USA it is also superior to Canada too. Got it. We here in North America are incapable of understanding patriotism? I see. I'm still perplexed as to why you (and everyoe else here) would want anything to do with this awful, wretched place. Why do you spend year after year working for a chance to live here? No reply needed, it's a rhetorical question.


Please stop supporting techy and others. You should understand that this an immigration forum, usually the guys who are on H1 and are on GC queue for many years are more inclined towards India as the growth in the job and finances is limited during this time. The ones who are having an easy way towards GC are more supportive of US. Techy is trying his GC through EB1 that would take max 1 year(he is exited about it), spulla some how got his work permit (EAD) when his PD is only Feb 2004 when people with 2003 PD are still waiting. We cannot find the real reason why one loves one particular country from these forums that too when one is trying hard to get a GC.

You cannot understand this living in Canada next door to US. No negative sense, but 90% of Indians cannot follow the example you gave in your first post about first wife, second wife and divorce. Just a culture gap.

May we will follow you when we can live next door country and have a GC. But I would not visit this forum then.
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Not a place for comparing Nations

eddie_d said:
Ohh I see. Not only is India superior to the USA it is also superior to Canada too. Got it. We here in North America are incapable of understanding patriotism? I see. I'm still perplexed as to why you (and everyoe else here) would want anything to do with this awful, wretched place. Why do you spend year after year working for a chance to live here? No reply needed, it's a rhetorical question.
I did not want to post here again but wanted to give you some back ground information. Techy has been posting in a lot of threads and most of what he says did not have any relevance to immigration. I don't think you or anyone here come in this forum to hear about roads in india or power failure in techys village or patriotosm lectures.A lot of people like me come here to get valuable info on immigration.
Question about US being a bad place does not even rise or i do not think anyone made that argument.If one just takes a look at any US consulate in any part of the world and people queing in front to get a visa, one would not make such sweeping statements.As techy said let the thread die.
indian_gc_ocean said:
The ones who are having an easy way towards GC are more supportive of US. Techy is trying his GC through EB1 that would take max 1 year(he is exited about it),spulla some how got his work permit (EAD) when his PD is only Feb 2004 when people with 2003 PD are still waiting. We cannot find the real reason why one loves one particular country from these forums that too when one is trying hard to get a GC.

You don't know a jack about me, so stop this hate speech. This is my 11th year in US and I came here the hard way. This is my second GC processes begining with the newspaper advertisement(Both times). I am towards the end of my 8th year from the first H1. Do you want a copy of my passport? Don't assume things.

This is exactly what is wrong with Indians like you. Selfish, self-righetous, complacent and malicious. People like you are a good reason why India is still lagging. Shame on you.
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If Canadians just stay out of this highly polarized thread and buzz/post around on only those that pertain to them, THIS THREAD WOULD DIE.

Here's my punch line to all the folks that have not understood my previous posts - 'INDIA is my motherland, USA is my homeland'.

India has given me character, confidence and values. US has given me the opportunities and recognition. Both have their +ves and -ves. Today I am glad to be in the US, where talents lead to opportunities and recognition. I feel proud of both and would never sit quiet when either gets degraded.

eddie_d, just back-off and go post on threads comparing Canada and US, if you can't find one let's for a change make this more subjective to your case and let us know atleast 10 reasons why you found US to be better than Canada (avoid nanny tales like winter blizzards, snow, taxes).

spulla, the first thread on this post by 'gctome' was based on some excerpt from another shameful posting by Techy degrading India. You better catch up on the collective effort before making any bull...Techy's earlier thread saying why he would not go to India and citing an Indian origin BBC journalists opinion on female infanticide was so ridiculous... So ridiculous that in the US, there are so many babies killed by abortions everyday. US documented abortions kills more babies each day than the total number of US military deaths in Iraq so far (This is just a numerical reference and I do not want to discuss on this any further).

I am in this forum in the first place not because I could not tolerate Techy or similar Indian borns speaking out whatever, but because I could not tolerate strangers entering this thread and supporting them. If you still support Techy just let this thread die in his favor before more of us join and rip him up.
spulla said:
This is exactly what is wrong with Indians like you. Selfish, self-righetous, complacent and malicious. People like you are a good reason why India is still lagging. Shame on you.

For god sake, pls. stop rants about India, Indians and in general about -
-- why don't people supportive of India go back to home and make room for me. ;)

Everyone is fed up here - one way or other. But don't let this frustration bring out the worse in you. Remarks made by certain group of people here regarding India are totally absurd and uncalled for - atleast in this forum.

As I Said, I come here to keep myself updated about GC/USCIS happenings and not about how many beggars (100s - 1000s) are on indian streets - OR what is the GDP standing of India or why India is lagging. If you are not doing anything about it just shut up! or find your place elsewhere.
eddie_d said:
Ohh I see. Not only is India superior to the USA it is also superior to Canada too. Got it. We here in North America are incapable of understanding patriotism? I see. I'm still perplexed as to why you (and everyoe else here) would want anything to do with this awful, wretched place. Why do you spend year after year working for a chance to live here? No reply needed, it's a rhetorical question.

No one said america was wretched and awful. i think people were supporting India,you are turning this discussion into something else, if you want start your own thread , stop hijacking this thread.

OK Mr Einstein here is what you said, let me break it down for you.

Originally Posted by eddie_d
hey guys,

I have read this thread and I find it interesting how on the one hand many of you seem desperate to stay in the US yet at the slightest criticism of your home country you go apesh*t on poor Techy. I never get this mentality from immigrants. Kinda like getting a divorce, remarrying and then constantly telling your second wife how much better wife #1 was.

---- How do you know who is desperate and who is not? do you have some psychic powers or what? don't assume things. that is why i said about reading the other post to understand what is the argument all about. I have nothing against Techy, he has his own opinions, but this thread was started by someone as a response to another thread ridiculing India. so i think if you had not read it (even if you read you won't understand s*** cause its about India). so you need to take a deep breadth before you jump into middle of a thread that you don't know the context of the discussion. actually the marriage analogy does not apply to everyone, if your divorce is for petty reasons, i think you will say how your wife #1 was better than wife #2. not all of us are here because they want to get away from problems. certainly we are not refugees or asylum seekers here.

I'm Canadian and have lived in the US for the past 8 years, pretty much my entire post-college working life. Will I always have some deep seated feelings for Canada? Sure and if Canada plays the US in a sprting event I will most likely cheer for Canada. But at the same time I also recognize that the country has a lot of faults and is by no means perfect, anything from it AND the US is a better country overall.

--- well that is exactly what others have been saying, on the other thread, India has as lot of issues and USA also has its share of issues. so there is an agreement there.

It is highly hyporcritical to pledge undying loyalty to country A and then turn right around and leave for country B.

--- Not sure what does that mean. that is what i asked in my initial response, what do you consider as hypocrisy. Instead of arguing on the points, you are telling the meaning of hypocrisy. even if i don't know the meaning of hypocrisy, the intent of the question was is it right or wrong?? to criticize where you came from. you never answered it and conveniently side stepped that question with some mumbo jumbo of your own.

and lastly don't make this into an argument about Canada. Frankly why do you care about India, this does not concern you, and most us don't have anything to do with Canda. so stop hijacking this thread into some India-USA-Canada thing.
Its funny how you preach me about the virutes of reading your post "Read it again - slowly this time - and maybe you'll understand
what I am saying"
yet who go off on Menon when he said something about you not understanding issues relating to India (frankly you know squat about it) maybe you should practice what you preach man.

Are you waiting to start a fight here or what? i see you jumping into this discussion with no idea of what the discussion was all about.
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You are so correct and this forum is definitely not for comparing Nations. I wish eddie_d just backs-off and doesn't respond to my request for comparing US and Canada. That was not the intent anyway and I'm sure he would hesitate to that also. Eventually that is the patriotism that we all need to exhibit on a public forum and the context of my original message to Techy and his fans.

Thanks for being balanced, 2 wrongs don't make a right. That's another reason I like Saras who just did not get provoked into this discussion. I personllay do not get provoked easily but this was just getting too much. GC or no GC I would still be the same. Hurting my motherland is like hurting my mom.

I'm boarding off this thread with this post, maybe I'll start one or post on something else. ADIOS

prank said:
I did not want to post here again but wanted to give you some back ground information. Techy has been posting in a lot of threads and most of what he says did not have any relevance to immigration. I don't think you or anyone here come in this forum to hear about roads in india or power failure in techys village or patriotosm lectures.A lot of people like me come here to get valuable info on immigration.
Question about US being a bad place does not even rise or i do not think anyone made that argument.If one just takes a look at any US consulate in any part of the world and people queing in front to get a visa, one would not make such sweeping statements.As techy said let the thread die.
spulla said:
You don't know a jack about me, so stop this hate speech. This is my 11th year in US and I came here the hard way. This is my second GC processes begining with the newspaper advertisement(Both times). I am towards the end of my 8th year from the first H1. Do you want a copy of my passport? Don't assume things.

This is exactly what is wrong with Indians like you. Selfish, self-righetous, complacent and malicious. People like you are a good reason why India is still lagging. Shame on you.

Oh, Thankyou. Sorry about it spulla(srinivas pulla ?). Thats the problem with us, we get emotional so much leaving the issue. This no hate speech, may be you are just wrong example then. I would stand corrected, still I would stick to every other word rest my post.
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gctome said:
For god sake, pls. stop rants about India, Indians and in general about -

Correction. I was specific and made sure that I did not generalize:). I said ppl like him/her. You did not read what indian_gc_ocean wrote? Had to vent dude. Could not stop givin it to him/her. But hey I forgive you for the overlook.

gctome said:
why don't people supportive of India go back to home and make room for me. ;)
Wouldn't that be nice? Everybody gets their wish. :D
Maybe i am in Minority here,
Is it wrong not to forget where you came from and trying to do something to help the country of birth(atleast in positive thoughts, if not financially). the least i think one could do is hope for things to get better or atleast stop criticizing from here.

WOuldn't it be a Arm chair QB thing, for people to sit here and pontificate about how things are bad in their motherland and how it should be done. I wonder how these people do in the corporate world, that is certainly not TEAM, its more I.

And why can't someone be supportive of where they came from, just because i am waiting for GC, am i supposed to rip on India?? or i am supposed to shut up and not say a word when someone rips my motherland.

And what gives another immigrant a right to tell me to go back to where i came from (i can understand if a US citizen tells me that) when your sorry ass itself is waiting in queue. supporting your motherland is not criticizing USA.

IF i support India from here, then its called "misplaced nationalism", i wonder what would you call the folks who get touchy when no direct reference or criticism is made about USA and yet they come here and say oh how can say that about USA, why don't you go back...etc etc. these guys don't even have a PR, that is what funny about all this. Atleast get touchy when you get your PR or citizenship, i understand.

I am all for this discussion, without going into personal attacks. this is a free country so lets hear about the opinions.
indian_gc_ocean said:
Oh, Thankyou. Sorry about it spulla(srinivas pulla ?). Thats the problem with us, we get emotional so much leaving the issue. This no hate speech, may be you are just wrong example then. I would stand corrected, still I would stick to every other word rest my post.

Apology accepted. Lot of people asked me If I was Srinivas Pulla. Must be a distant relative of mine :) Seems to be more famous than I am :D This thread is digressing in many directions. There should be a way to put an end to this. Moderators any one? Can you lock the thread or something?
gctome said:
well said michael

and this completes my 11th post in this forum :D

guys ..have a nice weekend! I am on a business trip in India and loving every bit of rainy season here :D not to forget those hot-hot roadside phuchkas with jhakkas flavor of traffic pollutants.