Why do we tolerate ppl like Techy2468?

I received this presentation from an email group. I was amazed reading several of the facts, nonetheless it does make you proud to be an Indian.
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Tricky situation :: L1A to F1 and then again fromF1 to H1B??


what will be the answer for the below situation:

1) Person A works in US on L1A visa for 7 years.
2) He never applies for green card during this time.
3) He then takes admission to MBA and changes his visa status to F1 for full time study.
4) Once MBA is completed, he wants to apply for a fresh H1B.

Question: What will be the possibility of getting the H1B approved and also resetting ur clock to ZERO so that he can work on that H1 for six years.
Please refrain from using this forum as a place to vent your frustration

techy2468 said:
gc_aug_05 ....let me surprise you by this comment of mine...

there will be nobody more happy than me if india progresses as per your faith......all my family and friends are in india.....and if india does well.....that gives me a solid backup that i wont have to put up with this dont-care-for-aliens usa system...

but unlike you i dont have much hope....and hence i am not counting on it much.....but i wish that your faith turns out true....
I have seen a lot of your posts and you are using this forum as a venting ground.There is a lot of information about GC,H1 etc here and people come here to get such information.I'm sure there are other forums where you can discuss politicians in India, compare india and us etc etc etc.

I'm a person like you waiting for gc but took a job at financial firm (NY) recently.I have to start GC proess from stratch again. My wife is starting advanced placement dental program to practice in US (Loans run upto 100k+ and there is no scholarships in dental school). I just want to let you know that there are people who have taken bigger risks and are in worse situation than you. If we start complaining and venting our frustration in online forums we will have time only for that.

This forum has been very helpful for me and other people i know to get valuable information .Please do not use this place to vent your frustrations.Hopefully you will have a nice summer in Alabama.
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gc_aug_05 said:
I received this presentation from an email group. I was amazed reading several of the facts, nonetheless it does make you proud to be an Indian.

I loved that presentation..especially the 'future'....saved it and will use it on future techy's. Thanks :)
hey guys,

I have read this thread and I find it interesting how on the one hand many of you seem desperate to stay in the US yet at the slightest criticism of your home country you go apesh*t on poor Techy. I never get this mentality from immigrants. Kinda like getting a divorce, remarrying and then constantly telling your second wife how much better wife #1 was.

I'm Canadian and have lived in the US for the past 8 years, pretty much my entire post-college working life. Will I always have some deep seated feelings for Canada? Sure and if Canada plays the US in a sprting event I will most likely cheer for Canada. But at the same time I also recognize that the country has a lot of faults and is by no means perfect, anything from it AND the US is a better country overall. It is highly hyporcritical to pledge undying loyalty to country A and then turn right around and leave for country B.

Can't have it both ways folks.
eddie_d said:
hey guys,

I have read this thread and I find it interesting how on the one hand many of you seem desperate to stay in the US yet at the slightest criticism of your home country you go apesh*t on poor Techy. I never get this mentality from immigrants. Kinda like getting a divorce, remarrying and then constantly telling your second wife how much better wife #1 was.

I'm Canadian and have lived in the US for the past 8 years, pretty much my entire post-college working life. Will I always have some deep seated feelings for Canada? Sure and if Canada plays the US in a sprting event I will most likely cheer for Canada. But at the same time I also recognize that the country has a lot of faults and is by no means perfect, anything from it AND the US is a better country overall. It is highly hyporcritical to pledge undying loyalty to country A and then turn right around and leave for country B.

Can't have it both ways folks.
The question is not jumping on Techy. I was actually more concerned about the place for debate. This exactly the kind of situation I was trying to avoid. Other country men trying to understand what india is and what indians feelings are towards their home country. In my opinion, Techy was also less diplomatic at times fuming a huge debate.
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eddie_d said:
hey guys,

I have read this thread and I find it interesting how on the one hand many of you seem desperate to stay in the US yet at the slightest criticism of your home country you go apesh*t on poor Techy. I never get this mentality from immigrants. Kinda like getting a divorce, remarrying and then constantly telling your second wife how much better wife #1 was.

I'm Canadian and have lived in the US for the past 8 years, pretty much my entire post-college working life. Will I always have some deep seated feelings for Canada? Sure and if Canada plays the US in a sprting event I will most likely cheer for Canada. But at the same time I also recognize that the country has a lot of faults and is by no means perfect, anything from it AND the US is a better country overall. It is highly hyporcritical to pledge undying loyalty to country A and then turn right around and leave for country B.

Can't have it both ways folks.

People emigrate from their countries for various reasons. - Better standard of living and oppurtunity are one of them. There may be others - But that doesn't give you any license to make ugly remarks about people and the country itself from where you belong. Most of the remarks made by techny are absurd. I think hes really either coming from one of those slums or he should get reality check about the country itself. OR perhaps may be its not worth - I don't think theres any indianess in him FOA.

BTW, what did you mean by loyalty? . IF by loyalty, you mean Italians emigrated to US shouldnot have celebrated the world cup victory by opening champgne bottles on street and blocking the complete traffic, then I am sorry, your statement carries no sense.

India is not Pakistan and it has made significant progress since independence. We are just as proud as any other emigrated community in this country. This is not proving loyalty or turning our back. There are thousands of NRIs helping grow india.
Techy shouldn't be saying anything like this especially in this forum. If he really want to make a change then do something about it...and stop wasting your time posting such a thing. Every country has good and bad. You take the best and live with the rest. I lived and worked in 5 countries.

unitednations said:
My fellow Canuck, I have refrained from posting here as it is a highly charged topic.

I couldn't agree with you more. When I first moved to USA back in early '90's, I had undying loyalty to Canada; health care was better; people were more friendly; no ghettos; little poverty; education system was better, etc. My thinking and protection of Canada was very similar to what people are posting towards their motherland here. I would get into debates with my fellow colleagues. As I lived here, matured; became more worldly; travelled throughout usa and around the world; everything became blurred. Every country has tall buildings, nice restaurants, pretty girls; ugly girls, rich/poor.

I am not an economic migrant. I can live anywhere; have permanent residency or citizenship in 5 countries and working on sixth.

I would prefer USA to any place. I would never debate with anyone about USA versus another country.

By the way I haven't heard "apesh*t" in a long time. Must be Canadian saying.
Pakistan? World Cup? What in the world are you talking about? You like India? Great. You think it is a modern country? Fantastic!! But my point is that by you being here (US) you are obviously voting with your feet, the US is a better country in which to live. If that weren't the case, this message board would not exist.

gctome said:
People emigrate from their countries for various reasons. - Better standard of living and oppurtunity are one of them. There may be others - But that doesn't give you any license to make ugly remarks about people and the country itself from where you belong. Most of the remarks made by techny are absurd. I think hes really either coming from one of those slums or he should get reality check about the country itself. OR perhaps may be its not worth - I don't think theres any indianess in him FOA.

BTW, what did you mean by loyalty? . IF by loyalty, you mean Italians emigrated to US shouldnot have celebrated the world cup victory by opening champgne bottles on street and blocking the complete traffic, then I am sorry, your statement carries no sense.

India is not Pakistan and it has made significant progress since independence. We are just as proud as any other emigrated community in this country. This is not proving loyalty or turning our back. There are thousands of NRIs helping grow india.
eddie_d said:
Pakistan? World Cup? What in the world are you talking about? You like India? Great. You think it is a modern country? Fantastic!! But my point is that by you being here (US) you are obviously voting with your feet, the US is a better country in which to live. If that weren't the case, this message board would not exist.


Were we debating India vs USA in this thread?

Go read the first post!

take care
Not a place for comparing Nations

This is not a place for venting one's frusturation or comparing nations. Most people come here to share immigration related information, not to discuss indian politics or indian roads or canadian health system or techys parents having power failures in their village.There are a lot of forums to do that.There are people who have taken greater risks and in far worse situation than techy but do not misuse this forum venting personal frusturation. I don't intend to post more on this subject.But i do hope we stick to immigration issues not problems in other countries.
Standard of living matters

Its true that India is 12th wealthiest nation in the world in terms of its buying power. but do India's poor mega millions really care if all this buying power cant afford them clean drinking water. United Nations ranks countries every year on the basis of standard of living. The indicator is called Human development index and is a comparative measure of poverty, literacy, education, life expectancy, childbirth, etc for countries worldwide.



For 2005 India ranks 127th out of 177 countries. Now numbers dont lie. Do they? India has to go a loooooooong way before calling itself a developed country. Patriotism is beautiful emotion but first one has to acknowledge problems in order to fix them. Cheers
Places to settle


I have worked in India for long years and in Singapore the nearest foreign country and have friends working in Canada, Europe, New Zealand and Australia but US is the ultimate place.


eddie_d said:
I was doing neither. I was showing the hypocrisy displayed here.

Right on. Hypocrisy. It is ironical that they are doing this on a immigration message board. You lost the argument as soon as you say India is better when you yourself are seeking an immigration. Shouldn't be comparing Nation's but I don't understand why are they ripping Techy.
nothing against America , its a great country, guess what, when the retrogression hits the fan, you would be standing in the queue in mumbai/delhi breathing the same polluted air..... waiting to get back in.
i would start ripping India, when i atleast have my GC.
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eddie_d said:
hey guys,

I have read this thread and I find it interesting how on the one hand many of you seem desperate to stay in the US yet at the slightest criticism of your home country you go apesh*t on poor Techy. I never get this mentality from immigrants. Kinda like getting a divorce, remarrying and then constantly telling your second wife how much better wife #1 was.

I'm Canadian and have lived in the US for the past 8 years, pretty much my entire post-college working life. Will I always have some deep seated feelings for Canada? Sure and if Canada plays the US in a sprting event I will most likely cheer for Canada. But at the same time I also recognize that the country has a lot of faults and is by no means perfect, anything from it AND the US is a better country overall. It is highly hyporcritical to pledge undying loyalty to country A and then turn right around and leave for country B.

Can't have it both ways folks.

eddie you need to read other post, maybe you are on a path to citizenship, but most of here posting are not. quite frankly USA does not owe us apes**t and we don't owe apesh** either. its a business, this country allows immigrants cause businesses here want them. am i thankful for that? sure i am thankful for that to america.
but am i expected to kiss ass because america let me in, hell no.

so we have not pledged anything to america, all of us still "ALIENS" here anyways. when my ass get thrown out by USA, guess where will i end up in the same old country of my birth. if anything, actually these Indian citizens have a pledge for their homeland, the day when these guys who rip India, get another country's passport, they can rip India for all i care.

Again you have your reasons for staying here, i have my own. I am not sure what you mean by Hypocrisy? are you saying people should not saying about america because they are here, in that case what do you say about people who get their education and spend 25 yrs of their life in country A and come here and start ripping country A, when infact they are still citizens of country A? wouldn't that be hypocrisy (for lack of a better description) in your book or not?
unitednations said:
My fellow Canuck, I have refrained from posting here as it is a highly charged topic.

I couldn't agree with you more. When I first moved to USA back in early '90's, I had undying loyalty to Canada; health care was better; people were more friendly; no ghettos; little poverty; education system was better, etc. My thinking and protection of Canada was very similar to what people are posting towards their motherland here. I would get into debates with my fellow colleagues. As I lived here, matured; became more worldly; travelled throughout usa and around the world; everything became blurred. Every country has tall buildings, nice restaurants, pretty girls; ugly girls, rich/poor.

I am not an economic migrant. I can live anywhere; have permanent residency or citizenship in 5 countries and working on sixth.

I would prefer USA to any place. I would never debate with anyone about USA versus another country.

By the way I haven't heard "apesh*t" in a long time. Must be Canadian saying.

just curious, you have your own reasons, i am not debating America being "The place" but if you believe it why would you be working on that sixth country?? or is the sixth country America??
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I don't even know where to begin.

1. You completely misundertood my post. It has nothing to do with you
owing America and most certainly not anything to do with you owing
apes**t. Read it again - slowly this time - and maybe you'll understand
what I am saying.

2. Look up the word hypocrisy in the dictionary, you obvisously don't know its

3. Take a deep breath and relax. Getting all up in arms over this will not make
your situation any better.

michael_holding said:
eddie you need to read other post, maybe you are on a path to citizenship, but most of here posting are not. quite frankly USA does not owe us apes**t and we don't owe apesh** either. its a business, this country allows immigrants cause businesses here want them. am i thankful for that? sure i am thankful for that to america.
but am i expected to kiss ass because america let me in, hell no.

so we have not pledged anything to america, all of us still "ALIENS" here anyways. when my ass get thrown out by USA, guess where will i end up in the same old country of my birth. if anything, actually these Indian citizens have a pledge for their homeland, the day when these guys who rip India, get another country's passport, they can rip India for all i care.

Again you have your reasons for staying here, i have my own. I am not sure what you mean by Hypocrisy? are you saying people should not saying about america because they are here, in that case what do you say about people who get their education and spend 25 yrs of their life in country A and come here and start ripping country A, when infact they are still citizens of country A? wouldn't that be hypocrisy (for lack of a better description) in your book or not?
Wow...This thread is real flamin' HOT, becoz even though in the past I was partially provoked to respond to some insane posts, this one will be the crown jewel.

Guys, this is my first post and recently gotten my GC after a typical waiting/watching/frustration period. I will be glad to share my experiences to fellow brethren as needed, but the point is I have been a silent spectator to this thread for a few years now.

eddie_d, no wonder you don't know where to begin, because you were clueless to start with. If all you know is Canada and USA, I can understand why you cannot fathom the depth of issues that were compared in this discussion.

My opinion comparing US (beautiful young girl) and India (wise old grandma). Perceived beauty has provoked imagination (fantasy, money, false pleasure) and heavily favors US. Wait till you get to lay your hands on this girl rightfully, then for sure we will individually realize if this girl is really for us. Right now this beautiful girl has not been abused (scr***d) by many and whatever she has been through, she still seems more beautiful than my motherland. Bharat Matha (India) on the other hand has lost her beauty and charm after being repeatedly abused for several centuries by greedy/hostile neighbors, post independance and recent past by filthy politicians. Currently she is recovering from her trauma and improving in health. It is because of her great care, values and upbringing (rich culture, peace loving and values of brotherhood) I managed to come to US in the first place. To me she is a model women sitting calm and handling several mighty issues in a calm and amazing manner.

Characters like techy (I have nothing personal against you) are those that find happiness in nothing. If we step back and profile his previous posts, he does not like his school, college, complains about his motherland, tries hard to convince people about all its negatives. I hope he is alteast happy about his parentage and his mom is not reading those posts, lest he gets disowned. Hope you atleast like your mother and mother tongue? (not meant to hurt you but just step back a moment and realize the impression created)

Now in defense of techy, I would understand if he did this out of frustration (GC wait, personal whatever) but there are better ways to vent this frustration. Have faith in your prayers (it worked for me). I always believe that GOD always fulfills our needs in a timely manner, as for desires he knows best when to fulfill them. Never degrade your
No.1 : MOM
2 : Motherland
3 : Mother tongue.
PLEASE...This will only hurt your credibility rather than make you proud.

Finally, great job Saras, UnitedNations. Keep up the good work.

Pheno_Menon has finally broken his silence...............and SPOKEN...

eddie_d said:
I don't even know where to begin.

1. You completely misundertood my post. It has nothing to do with you
owing America and most certainly not anything to do with you owing
apes**t. Read it again - slowly this time - and maybe you'll understand
what I am saying.

2. Look up the word hypocrisy in the dictionary, you obvisously don't know its

3. Take a deep breath and relax. Getting all up in arms over this will not make
your situation any better.