* * * Why Do we need GC ??

SS/medicare does get returned

..to citizens of some countries if they are retruning to their home countries. India does not have a treaty with U.S on this yet. All the western countries have this dealing with the U.S.

Indian lobbies have been trying hard for this for abt an year now ..lets see what comes out of that! But i can tell you one thingm that surely is a lot of money and will prompt many people to go back if the U.S govt were to release that money to H-1 folks who want to go back.+
1amShantanuB and all others:
I agree that H1 is temporary. But if you are eligible, you sure can apply for a GC and hence we are going through the whole process here. You are provided with an option and you are chosing it. It is up to the law-makers whether to give you that option or not.
Well, if you want to say whether the so called gc processing(labor, 140 and 485) makes any sense, that is totally a different story. It changes with the time. The purpose of having all this steps for getting gc is good. But in this dynamic world, the situations are changing so fast, and this process is not making any sense. If the whole gc process finishes with in 6months(unfulfilled dream), then this process makes some sense. . .
Your thoughts are always welcome . . .
Hi 1amShantanuB,

I am not missing the point. H1 or GC are both employer sponsored.

The answer to why do we need GC is that the employer thinks it is worthwhile. As without GC they have to let go of the H1 guy.

Far as personally why we need a GC that is because the way things are. If you dont have GC you are booted out of the country after 6 years.
Let us get to basics....

Do we need it?....... Nah

But do we all want it ? .. Oh yeah........
Here is why..

1. This is a land of opportunities.

2. Here I can live and earn descent money for my family and slip well in night knowing that I haven't cheated anyone to earn my living.

3. By living here and earning well 'smartly', I could support my family back in India.

4. Not only that, I could actually start my own business back home, got my family involved in it and now it is supporting a team of 35 people each of which having a salary of not less that Rs. 10K and not more than Rs. 40K.

5. Now as the business is growing, I intend to recruit more and more in India, give them advantage of knowledge access and get jobs done for our US clients.

6. I am still on H1, waiting for AOS.. but doesn't really matter now as I can happily go back and have a brisk business to settle in and can come back to US to meet the clients whenever I want.

7. So make the best of the situation you are in.. and grab the first opportunity you can....
I think by now everyone understood that everyone has their own reason to apply for gc and stay back. It all depends on how you feel. If you feel really comfortable by staying here, you should otherwise atleast at somepoint of time you should get back where you like. Otherwise you are losing all your rest of life.
Ask your heart what you feel and decide accordingly . . .
Good topic

It is really a good topic that NRI's should be discussed.

•why we came here: To earn money and live rich (Forget about environment, medical, lux. cars etc)

•Why did we apply for GC: Because we might get more opportunities to earn money.

•Why are we thinking about to back to India: We raised there, kids are being raised in American way, parents and relatives are there, the saved money may not be enough when there is no job here and our folks getting good salaries in India too.

•What I am thinking to do: At certain point I will go back India (When my kids are at about the age 10 or if have problem before that) to give priority to raise the kids, to spend more time with parents, to take care of parents health and to not to loose the Indian life.

•What I am loosing: Money and other minor things like environment, Lux. Cars, going Hawaii etc. (Even money wise it may not that much if are employed for another 20 years, because salaries are not that bad in India, doing business is a different story because we can do business in India too).

Please ignore me if I say some thing wrong. It is just my opinion I can think off and talk. Every body has their own preferences and again staying here is not bad as we have got good jobs and earned money and no discrimination or hate from American citizens.We have got lot employment problem in India especially for beginners (Except the students from IIT and other universities which has placements). I know we can make it better if we think better.

Yours Truly Indian.
That was a wonderful post. You have put the stuff in the most correct perspective. My thinking is exactly on the same lines and i am sure that many people agree with us.
It's nice to have people like you here who can think straight and
who can express their views correctly.

I apologize for digging this thread back again - but I am really curious

We had a long discussion of if GC is needed or not and also is India or US is a better place to live in different stages of life and that all has been extremely informative. I always have this debate with my friends and family members. My question is - how many of your friends have gone back to India WILINGLY ? Of those who have gone back - has anyone returned to US again? My perosnal experience is - I know only one of my class mates who has gone back to serve his country willfully and he thought hs has a better opportunity back in India - and he was in chemistry not in IT. Also - he was an exceptional student ( rank holder in IIT) and Post doc from K state - not a run of the mill guy like me.

Now - another interesting observation - as much as IT guys have struggled here in the recession era - I have seen very few guys who were actually forced to go back - ultimately the land of opportunity has provided everyone with some kind of job - may not be in the same salary range. Only exception to that are people who are tied up with bonds or respnsibilities in Desi body shopping companies like TCS or WIPRO or INFOSYS those guys had to go back( I dont think they sponsor GC anyway).

Again - I apologize to the people who are logging in for immigration only topics and also for extending the length of the thread - but I would really love to get some statistics. This will be a good reality check against our emotions.
Two of my best friends went back to India. Both were having terrific jobs here (USA) . Both of them were getting around 120K.
Both of them are project Leads / project Maagers. One of them left because he always wanted to go back. He spent 6 years here,
never applied for GC and went back to India to join Oracle corporation in Hyderabad. (salary 18 laks/yr) . The other guy left because he thought that future might be bleak for high paying ERP jobs in USA. He thought that this is the right time to get excellent job in India. He went back and joined HCL Computers in Delhi for 15 laks/yr . He was in USA for 3 years. Recently i met another person (a close friend of my cousin) who went back to India because he got an excellent position in Oracle corp in India.
At the time of leaving for India, he was working as a consultant, getting $60/hr. So there are definitely a lot of people who are looking for good opportunities in India. Both my friends (who went back) are very happy there. They will not be coming back.
I will be one of those guys who will be returning. Just have time for couple of years before kids start school. In these 2 years, I have a stable job making excellent money resulting in significant savings. As for my returning, could be peer pressure (j/k).

I know about 11 guys (with families) who returned in the past 2 years. Some left because they were laid off and others felt India had better career opportunities and better social life. In fact, one of my friends left just last week. All of them make Rs.12+ lakhs per year. Interestingly, the guys who returned to India because of layoff were planning to return to US when market improves. But now, none of them want to return as most are project/program managers and more satisified with money/job and do make global visits (US/Europe, etc) once in a while. Some have bought or in the process of buying houses in India.

I also have friends who have bought houses in US and will stay here and never return. Somehow when I compare both (US and Indian), I perceive that I will always call India home. Also, the success of my returned friends makes my decision easy.

p.s.: All my returned friends made US 90K+ and were employees with the Big 5 and Fortune 100 companies.
Originally posted by dsatish
Two of my best friends went back to India. Both were having terrific jobs here (USA) . Both of them were getting around 120K.
Both of them are project Leads / project Maagers. One of them left because he always wanted to go back. He spent 6 years here,
never applied for GC and went back to India to join Oracle corporation in Hyderabad. (salary 18 laks/yr) . The other guy left because he thought that future might be bleak for high paying ERP jobs in USA. He thought that this is the right time to get excellent job in India. He went back and joined HCL Computers in Delhi for 15 laks/yr . He was in USA for 3 years. Recently i met another person (a close friend of my cousin) who went back to India because he got an excellent position in Oracle corp in India.
At the time of leaving for India, he was working as a consultant, getting $60/hr. So there are definitely a lot of people who are looking for good opportunities in India. Both my friends (who went back) are very happy there. They will not be coming back.

What's the first guy's name? Is it Guru? (He is my friend, who went back to Hyd, even though he is well settled here)
It seems that the people who are going back are all from the top layer (having a sound job and a fat salary here). Is it not surprising ? Well, i think that they are all confident of shining anywhere (as we all know, it's not easy to find a job in India). These are the people who are confident of their market value.

Hi GC050102 ,
My friend's name is not 'Guru'.
Why do we need GC?

I need GC becuase I am seek of having a title of "Non-immigrants" or "Adjustment Status". In whole I need a peacefull life and have not to worry about immigration.

Good Luck to myself and everyone.

God please approve my application first and then rest of people waiting here.
It is not only the salary. When you see our Indian counter parts, they are working like bulls. It may be because of competetion or pressure from superiors etc etc. But I don't want to do that. Life is there to live nicely, but not to work like bulls. I heard lot of wipro, infosys wives complaining about Indian working environment, I will quote them here "It is lot better here(US), My husband is only working 12hours per day, back in India he is gone for 16hrs a day. And the most important thing is Kids are not seeing their fathers in weekdays. Before fathers come home, the kids will already be in bed. etc etc." This may not be true at all times and in all projects, but most of the times it is true. But because of fierce competetion the companies are quoting less to get projects and not allocating enough resources. I pity those guys. They don't know what they are losing and even if they know probably are in a helpless situation.
And again here we are leaving to stay back in India, but most of the firms will send us outside so that they can pay good salaries. They can't maintain us if we do offshore job.
So one should give a thought before joining Indian companies, what he really wants when he returns to India. . .
It is absolutely TRUE gcgc

But those "people" are like to live to save ONLY money :D:D
They do not like to lead life at the same time

Even if they are here, their life style remains in very pitiable condition.

- Drive a long way to buy onions at 5c cheapter
- Share and watch a worn out VHS - on weekend
- Will not have long distance connection - but use tel cards
- buy only the *mart shirts
Since I have first hand experience about my friends living, let me explain.

Yes, workload is higher in India. 10-12 hrs is the norm not 16 hrs as you said. For some offshore projects, if they have conf. calls, they do stay late but come late to the office. (The 16 hrs put in are mostly single guys who are entry level developers as they want to learn, etc.)

But if you worked for a Big 5 consulting, etc., in US the travel eats a lot into a person's time and the hrs are comparable or sometimes worse to what they are doing in India.

As for global travel, most are off 2-3 weeks at a time possibly once every3-6 months which they dont feel bad about. Also, when they joined the company was made aware that they would not undertake overseas assignments (which in fact makes the co. a lot happy because these guys want jump ship when the chance arises).

As for daily life, they have servants, drivers, etc. Dont compare an educated well to do rich IT guy with the average Indian. Paying bills, etc., etc. are all delegated to a servant. Also, one is employing others (though household work) and helping their living. Though there are some posts here stating it as slavery, etc., the truth of the matter is most of us cannot afford one in US. If we can, we will certainly do. Who really enjoys doing household work, grocery shopping, running errands, etc. which takes a lot of time in US. There are Indian families here who use nannies if both spouses work because they dont have an alternative.

The other thing is most Indians in US do not live a lifestyle according to their incomes and are big penny pinchers. Compare the lifestyle of an Indian and American making $100K in US. It is very different. But in India, the guys making Rs. 1L /month do live a far more luxurious life compared to the $100K making Indian in US.

But then every one has a different opinion and perspective. The reality is India is having an upswing and US is having a downswing, economy and society wise.
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I just can't let go of this thread - sorry again

Another interesting observation from the postings( which I have believed for quite sometimes). You guys can share your opinions on this.

For someone who is really brilliant ( IT or non IT) - it is easy to shine whether he is in US or India. For mediocre people ( I am sorry to say but most of us are in this category with me included) - as bad the economy is over here - chances of making a decent living is better here. The competetion in India is really tough - and it will always get harder - think of all those thousands of new engineering graduates coming out every year who will put more time at much less money and will do all the hard work.

Here is another issue to ponder for IT guys. Granted today India is world's back-end for BPO. India is eyeing European markets apart from US. But US or Europe has no special love for India - they send the work there because they can get the same /similar quality ( this is debatable) at a much cheaper price( no debate here). Tommorow - some one else ( China ?) might offer them better rates and I am sure every one will close their office in india. Don't you guys think in the long term - it is a safer bet to stay in US near to the epicentre - though presently you might have to struggle a lot. Please keep in mind my earlier logic that if/when things get bad in India it won't be easy to move to US/Europe while the reverse is much easy.

I have really enjoyed most of the postings of this thread - I will be happy if you guys share your opinions once again.
